Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Y’all niggas real life retarded lmfao

Dany been on a leash for 7.3 seasons and y’all surprised what happens when she’s not
Tyrion been a sucker for women wit a trick mentality
Jamie head been buried in Cersei pussy
John been keepin it real and it always goes wrong
Varys was promised what he got
The mountain burned his baby brother face and made him look like a monster and y’all askin why he hates him
Cersei been short sighted

What the fuck show have been watchin


International Member

Y’all niggas real life retarded lmfao

Dany been on a leash for 7.3 seasons and y’all surprised what happens when she’s not
Tyrion been a sucker for women wit a trick mentality
Jamie head been buried in Cersei pussy
John been keepin it real and it always goes wrong
Varys was promised what he got
The mountain burned his baby brother face and made him look like a monster and y’all askin why he hates him
Cersei been short sighted

What the fuck show have been watchin

They forgot they were watching game of thrones to be honest...think about it. Ned got his head chopped off so long ago. People forget what it was like to feel so bad about getting things wrong. They thought that GoT was back to being like other fantasy shows...people clearly have forgotten the red wedding.

They have been swept up in “getting it right” because of how Jon came back and revenge on Frey via Arya. It’s been years since people had an outcome that crushed their hopes and dreams for a happy ending for characters they rooted for...till now.

It’s only in hindsight we see that characters show us exactly who they are and what mistakes they made before getting killed or acting a certain way.

So we have people who refuse to believe because they are in shock basically with no chance of redemption for their characters because it’s the final season. This complaining would not have been happening if we had more seasons coming.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
hahahahahah lols, that makes sense to you frfr?
So if Jon Snow raped Sansa next episode, that would be cool because people are allowed to change? .

That would be completely out of character for Jon.

Dany burning down King's Landing is not out of character. Literally, Tyrion and Varys repeatedly talked her out of it for seasons. She's always wanted to completely burn it down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor




AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
man watching this again the funniest shit in the world is when after the mountain kills Qyburn .. Cersei walks by like .... yeah let me mind my damn business .. these niggas crazy.

And who was the cat out there trying to rape a bitch while all that shit was going on, fuck all that! i'm trying to get the hell out of there and survive, i'll worry about some pussy when the coast is clear at least...shit! :giggle:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They forgot they were watching game of thrones to be honest...think about it. Ned got his head chopped off so long ago. People forget what it was like to feel so bad about getting things wrong. They thought that GoT was back to being like other fantasy shows...people clearly have forgotten the red wedding.

They have been swept up in “getting it right” because of how Jon came back and revenge on Frey via Arya. It’s been years since people had an outcome that crushed their hopes and dreams for a happy ending for characters they rooted for...till now.

It’s only in hindsight we see that characters show us exactly who they are and what mistakes they made before getting killed or acting a certain way.

So we have people who refuse to believe because they are in shock basically with no chance of redemption for their characters because it’s the final season. This complaining would not have been happening if we had more seasons coming.


But my thing is this , people complain about the writing, character arcs, character regression. These characters have been on these paths and these people are surprised that the characters have came full circle or reverted back to their true selves


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
The Unsullied and Dothraki are only loyal to Daenerys so if she dies next week what will stop them from going buck wild?


Rising Star
King's Landing has always been in need of being rebuilt. It started off as a little fort on a hill for Aegon. People started building little hovels and hastily built gates and walls around it and it quickly became a city with thousands and thousands of people without the infrastructure or planning to handle the sudden growth. Because the central city planning involved with the construction of the city (or the lack thereof) was so poor, the city eventually became the ugly, inefficient city that it is now, with crooked cobbled streets that are too narrow, wooden shacks built on top of each other, and a huge sanitation problem. It's the youngest major city but has the worst sewage, so bad that Olenna always comments that you can smell **** from miles away. The pipes carry **** from the Red Keep to the river, but the pipes overflow during rains and the **** literally floods flea bottom. Cities like Old Town and the cities in Essos put King's Landing to shame in terms of architecture, wide paved roads/streets, sanitation, sewage systems, clean drinking water, market squares, and overall management of their population, etc which is pretty bad for the capital of the seven kingdoms.

Now, whoever that takes the Iron Throne can rebuild from scratch.

Sounds like Atlanta


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, she has been merciful with the dragons up till that bell tolled. She could have destroyed Kings Landing first and then headed north. Cersei took that kindness for weakness...

Cersei had two chances to kill Dany. When they brought the whight in season 7 when they all met, and when Dany came to the gates. I know it would of ended the books/show but a smart person would of ended her ass right then and there. Fuck your army bitch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one answered the question.

What happened between the end of the last episode and the beginning of this one???!!!!!

Cersei had them! She could have had her archers hit them up!!!! What happened?

She just let them go back to camp?


International Member
No one answered the question.

What happened between the end of the last episode and the beginning of this one???!!!!!

Cersei had them! She could have had her archers hit them up!!!! What happened?

She just let them go back to camp?

Overconfidence. Denial of what can come. Never forget Tywin told all of us about Cersei. She thinks she is smarter than everyone else. She thinks she is safe with the Golden company and scorpions. She thinks her men will fight for her no matter what. Etc. Cersei isn’t you. She isn’t me. She doesn’t have to do exactly what we would do.