Grown Talk: Should Black Men show each other more respect/brotherhood?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I always give respect to other black men. Especially in front of my son. I get that some skin folk ain't kinfolk but if we don't look out for each other "coon" or not who will?


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I don't understand,why I never get notifications for this thread....Especially,when I subscribed to it along time ago..


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Absolutely. Many of us have their guard up. I don't see too many of us with a circle of guys that that do things together - especially as we get older. This is partly why we don't have as much respect and brotherhood as we have the potential to have.

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
When I'm out running errands, even before this COVID shit, If I make I contact with another brotha we usually head nod for acknowledgement or just say "What's good bruh, how you feel?" I have no problems getting brothas to just speak. The younger guys not so much but I understand. Maybe it's just this area but we speak.


Rising Star
When I'm out running errands, even before this COVID shit, If I make I contact with another brotha we usually head nod for acknowledgement or just say "What's good bruh, how you feel?" I have no problems getting brothas to just speak. The younger guys not so much but I understand. Maybe it's just this area but we speak.

Right on, write on bruh!!! I think every brotha should speak or atleast say hay or whats up!! Correct me if Im wrong, but I see every brotha as an ally!!!

plural noun: allies
  1. a state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose.
    "debate continued among NATO allies"

    3rd person present: allies
  1. combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
This topic reminds me of us bikers. No matter the color, if you see another biker going the other way, we always put that left hand down. Only bikers will understand this. When me (Army) and my wife (USMC) wear our military hoodies on the beltline, we get "The look" and a nod from other vets. These days, I'm seeing that more from other bruhs. Not just black men, but black people in general.