Has anyone seen the movie 'Moonlight'?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can agree with this. He was the most integral part of his life and the only father figure he had. I'm OK with not updating it but I can agree he could have and easily should have deserved an update.

The guy who was punking Chiron said the dude got killed. You guys never read a book where stuff was implied shortly not to waste the story line?


BGOL Legend
It was a gay movie. If more gay shit occurred it would be gay porn.

What was the movie about? Please tell me.

The main character wasn't even a sissy gay dude with a lisp or excessive swishy hand movements, which I can understand making people uncomfortable, but he was an introvert as a youth, then a roided up drug dealer later. If you saw him on the street, his image doesn't scream "gay"...and if someone were to wonder if he was gay...well...yeah you know what I mean.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I was laughing at your reply about how someone was defending the show Spartacus (which I've never seen but I've read enough history to know how some of those Romans were not only gay, but child molesters too) but has a problem with a "gay movie" that has one gay scene and you don't even see any sexual activity because the camera shows the back of two people sitting side by side facing the ocean.


BGOL Investor
I was laughing at your reply about how someone was defending the show Spartacus (which I've never seen but I've read enough history to know how some of those Romans were not only gay, but child molesters too) but has a problem with a "gay movie" that has one gay scene and you don't even see any sexual activity because the camera shows the back of two people sitting side by side facing the ocean.

So there is NO gay scene involved. 100%??


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
My thoughts on the film:

The only redeeming part of this film is the cinematography and only at times. Some shots are brilliant; some shots are kinda amateurish.

The story is flat, and one note. "Little's" segment stands out only because of "Cotton Mouth" not our protagonist.

You really could have told this same story and had the same effect and outcome without him being gay.

Him being gay almost felt out of place in the film like it was an add on :puzzled:.

I know quite a few people who grew up around here, (Miami) had mirroring experiences as Chirone and who are completely straight.

Two hours this film nearly is and it really did absolutely nothing.

I don't need two guesses why most white people are praising this film, but I cant understand why black people and other races who call themselves filmmakers are. :hmm:

And A24, a distribution company paid for this film to be made. This is the first and only film A24 has ever paid for to be made.

So for a second if you will, take all the "Gay agenda aside" , "The Emasculating of the black man" as well and could someone explain to me why this is such a great film?

Cause personally I would have to add 40 more pages to this script in order to make me feel anything for it.

"Moonlight" movie of the year :confused: I hate to give it to foreign cacs but "American Honey" was miles ahead of this film.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So there is NO gay scene involved. 100%??

Hypothetically speaking, if you were to show it to a kid and ask them what they saw, they wouldn't know something sexual happened. You don't see anything gay happening, but you know some touching is happening because of life experience.


Rising Star
OG Investor
In my own independent assessment the film was decent, it covered a vast subject base and did it in a non explicit way.
Personally i prefer various projects receive funding for publication and not the same comedy or gangster films that seems to permeate the market when it comes to black films.
again I am not a gay rights activist, and it truly is a discredit to even associate gay rights in the same conversation as civil rights.
and one more personal tadbit , my younger 1st cousin was murdered at 22 at the hands of Columbia sc police dept. (unarmed) so nahhhhh I'm never gonna consign police misconduct, been thru to much myself

Well my Brother the Gay aganda ain't the Black Mans Agenda and it never will be so promoting that shit is bullshit as far as I'm concerned! I'd prefer to see movies about Love between a Black Man and a Black Woman might sound like some boring shit to you but that's REVOLUTION son!


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
Hypothetically speaking, if you were to show it to a kid and ask them what they saw, they wouldn't know something sexual happened. You don't see anything gay happening, but you know some touching is happening because of life experience.
I saw two boys kissing, that's not gay?


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
I just didn't like the gay undertow in the movie.
I did try to be open minded but it was a bit too much.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
My thoughts on the film:

The only redeeming part of this film is the cinematography and only at times. Some shots are brilliant; some shots are kinda amateurish.

The story is flat, and one note. "Little's" segment stands out only because of "Cotton Mouth" not our protagonist.

You really could have told this same story and had the same effect and outcome without him being gay.

Him being gay almost felt out of place in the film like it was an add on :puzzled:.

I know quite a few people who grew up around here, (Miami) had mirroring experiences as Chirone and who are completely straight.

Two hours this film nearly is and it really did absolutely nothing.

I don't need two guesses why most white people are praising this film, but I cant understand why black people and other races who call themselves filmmakers are. :hmm:

And A24, a distribution company paid for this film to be made. This is the first and only film A24 has ever paid for to be made.

So for a second if you will, take all the "Gay agenda aside" , "The Emasculating of the black man" as well and could someone explain to me why this is such a great film?

Cause personally I would have to add 40 more pages to this script in order to make me feel anything for it.

"Moonlight" movie of the year :confused: I hate to give it to foreign cacs but "American Honey" was miles ahead of this film.

:lol: him being gay felt out of place? The movie is about the guy being gay and feeling out of place his whole life. Some of y'all are funny, independent films like this get made all the time but if the main character is black and gay it some how turns into some gay agenda.

I thought the movie was interesting and kinda reminded me of the movie boyhood, it definitely shows a contrast from growing poor white and poor black



Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
:lol: him being gay felt out of place? The movie is about the guy being gay and feeling out of place his whole life. Some of y'all are funny, independent films like this get made all the time but if the main character is black and gay it some how turns into some gay agenda.

I thought the movie was interesting and kinda reminded me of the movie boyhood, it definitely shows a contrast from growing poor white and poor black

If you a person that doesn't believe people are born gay, then yeah, it's a gay agenda.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
Thats it, you better be careful incase my faggorty is contagious and you catch it.
Bro, no I don't believe people are born gay. Yes, I think it's a choice. And as far as this movie goes, all I saw was a young man getting teased when he was young and confused. All of sudden he thinks he's gay? To me this movie is just telling young people that are confused that it's okay to just go ahead and be gay. And there's your gay agenda. I'm not homophobic, I don't give a shit about gay people. But that gay agenda thing I can't stand. Trying to make gay normal is not cool with me.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
I don't remember that. Was that near the end when they met up again?
Only watched this movie halfway through. I stopped at at the beach scene. They started to kiss on that part...this is when they were still young. The movie just wasn't good enough from the beginning to that point for me to continue watching gay shit. If it had been really good, I would have just continued watching it.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Bro, no I don't believe people are born gay. Yes, I think it's a choice. And as far as this movie goes, all I saw was a young man getting teased when he was young and confused. All of sudden he thinks he's gay? To me this movie is just telling young people that are confused that it's okay to just go ahead and be gay. And there's your gay agenda. I'm not homophobic, I don't give a shit about gay people. But that gay agenda thing I can't stand. Trying to make gay normal is not cool with me.

I don't get it, so you have two confused young men. Did these two young men need someone to tell them that being gay is wrong? Society was already doing a good job at telling them they should like pussy, and being gay is wrong which is why they had to hide their true feelings. So I don't get how they weren't gay from the start. The light skin dude was fucking pussy in high school, and later on even got a chic pregnant yet he still felt that being straight wasn't his calling. So I don't get how it was a choice for either one of them.


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
I don't get it, so you have two confused young men. Did these two young men need someone to tell them that being gay is wrong? Society was already doing a good job at telling them they should like pussy, and being gay is wrong which is why they had to hide their true feelings. So I don't get how they weren't gay from the start. The light skin dude was fucking pussy in high school, and later on even got a chic pregnant yet he still felt that being straight wasn't his calling. So I don't get how it was a choice for either one of them.
Whatever dude :dunno:


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
:lol: him being gay felt out of place? The movie is about the guy being gay and feeling out of place his whole life. Some of y'all are funny, independent films like this get made all the time but if the main character is black and gay it some how turns into some gay agenda.

I thought the movie was interesting and kinda reminded me of the movie boyhood, it definitely shows a contrast from growing poor white and poor black

Yes him being gay felt out of place because him being gay did nothing to propel the story forward.

Being poor and black was the theme of the movie, and he could have just been the weird kid, which he was and been bullied his whole life because of it until he got to the breaking point with the ice then chair scene.

Once again him being gay was pointless in the film and felt tacked on.

The movie needs 40 more pages because the story telling was disgraceful

And f.y.i anyone who grew up in Miami knows plenty of people who going through the same shit as chirone and are straight. And if you went to middle school here you definitely been sucker punched by someone you thought was your friend because a bigger nigga told him " either you split him or I'm gonna split you"
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't get it, so you have two confused young men. Did these two young men need someone to tell them that being gay is wrong? Society was already doing a good job at telling them they should like pussy, and being gay is wrong which is why they had to hide their true feelings. So I don't get how they weren't gay from the start. The light skin dude was fucking pussy in high school, and later on even got a chic pregnant yet he still felt that being straight wasn't his calling. So I don't get how it was a choice for either one of them.

Being gay is wrong? According to who? The law says you can't discriminate against them and gay marriage is legal. I need help understanding how some gay stranger negatively affects another persons well being. I still get paid on friday, i turn the knobs and my stove comes on, I got the Barrett chest piece in The Division...gay people haven't had any influence on my life. I want to know why some people are so emotionally invested in hating people they'll never meet or associate with.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
I was laughing at your reply about how someone was defending the show Spartacus (which I've never seen but I've read enough history to know how some of those Romans were not only gay, but child molesters too) but has a problem with a "gay movie" that has one gay scene and you don't even see any sexual activity because the camera shows the back of two people sitting side by side facing the ocean.

Being gay is wrong? According to who? The law says you can't discriminate against them and gay marriage is legal. I need help understanding how some gay stranger negatively affects another persons well being. I still get paid on friday, i turn the knobs and my stove comes on, I got the Barrett chest piece in The Division...gay people haven't had any influence on my life. I want to know why some people are so emotionally invested in hating people they'll never meet or associate with.

Spidey senses are going off like a muthafucka

So there is NO gay scene involved. 100%??

It's a gay fucking movie. Dudes keep talking about one gay scene. The whole thing is gay, because the premise is a faggot finding himself


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Spidey senses are going off like a muthafucka

SpiderMan are there bad guys around? I'm just questioning why people care so much? If it's a gay movie, don't watch it if it makes the viewer uncomfortable. It having gay characters doesn't automatically make it a bad movie, it just makes it a bad movie to the person that has a problem with gay shit. I have a problem with some of Tyler Perry's movies, but other people watch and enjoy them...I'm not going to take an emotional stance and claim that his movies are bad, it just isn't my type of movie.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
It's a gay fucking movie. Dudes keep talking about one gay scene. The whole thing is gay, because the premise is a faggot finding himself

You take out that one scene and he is just an odd ball weird kid. This movie was trash, just face it the gay angle was a later add in to try and save this crap of a film.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
SpiderMan are there bad guys around? I'm just questioning why people care so much? If it's a gay movie, don't watch it if it makes the viewer uncomfortable. It having gay characters doesn't automatically make it a bad movie, it just makes it a bad movie to the person that has a problem with gay shit. I have a problem with some of Tyler Perry's movies, but other people watch and enjoy them...I'm not going to take an emotional stance and claim that his movies are bad, it just isn't my type of movie.

because straight men don't want to see a gay movie.

I'm telling people, because it's too many people up here saying it's one scene, when it's not. It's like saying Dope wasn't about a black nerd trying to find himself and fit in. This was about a black gay kid finding himself and his experiences.

If I would have known what the premise was, I wouldn't have watched it. Hell at the end he found his true love.

You take out that one scene and he is just an odd ball weird kid. This movie was trash, just face it the gay angle was a later add in to try and save this crap of a film.

Dope was a whole hell of a lot better.

The gay angle is what's getting it attention.

It had some good performances, but the shit was average at best...and I'm being generous.

The most interesting parts, the influence of Remy aka Cottonmouth in his life and him developing in to a thug...they glossed over and fast forwarded.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
because straight men don't want to see a gay movie.

I'm telling people, because it's too many people up here saying it's one scene, when it's not. It's like saying Dope wasn't about a black nerd trying to find himself and fit in. This was about a black gay kid finding himself and his experiences.

If I would have known what the premise was, I wouldn't have watched it. Hell at the end he found his true love.

Dope was a whole hell of a lot better.

The gay angle is what's getting it attention.

It had some good performances, but the shit was average at best...and I'm being generous.

The most interesting parts, the influence of Remy aka Cottonmouth in his life and him developing in to a thug...they glossed over and fast forwarded.

Okay. We're just going in circles. Something gay happened in the movie with the only gay character, everyone else starring in it was straight, so you see it as a gay movie. I'll add some more cinema to the list of "gay movies"

Pulp Fiction
The Wire
American Pie 2
Harold and Kumar
Modern Family
American Beauty
Wedding Ringer
Set it Off
Boondock Saints
How I Met Your Mother
South Park


Rising Star
Wont see cause of the homosexual plot. Seems like black people can only have "an award winning" film a gay black male is involved......
On my life I just heard about this movie today. When I saw it was a black film with all this critical acclaim and nominations, I knew it was either one of two things;

1. A movie with a white saviour.


2. A gay plot line.

Why am I not surprised?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Spidey senses are going off like a muthafucka

It's a gay fucking movie. Dudes keep talking about one gay scene. The whole thing is gay, because the premise is a faggot finding himself

He never really finds himself. Dude is haunted.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Avoided this film intentionally after hearing about the premise; wifey watched it and claimed she enjoyed it... so I gave it a watch

My take: Depressing and dull, a few standout performances and some strong symbolism. An incomplete film, that fits the suffer-torture porn genre of black films that mainstream america always embraces. The third act was so poorly executed I had to fight sleep. The main character almost felt mentally disabled

The Good: Juan / cottonmouth/ mahershala ali... a black man showing compassion for a black child in need was the best part of the film. The beach representing freedom
The Bad: No context for the bullying of Chiron... he's a black kid in an impoverished neighborhood. Why are people picking on him constantly?
The Ugly: Every boyz n the hood stereotype character; drug dealer, crack addicts, bad mother, menacing black teen boys, etc


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Avoided this film intentionally after hearing about the premise; wifey watched it and claimed she enjoyed it... so I gave it a watch

My take: Depressing and dull, a few standout performances and some strong symbolism. An incomplete film, that fits the suffer-torture porn genre of black films that mainstream america always embraces. The third act was so poorly executed I had to fight sleep. The main character almost felt mentally disabled

The Good: Juan / cottonmouth/ mahershala ali... a black man showing compassion for a black child in need was the best part of the film. The beach representing freedom
The Bad: No context for the bullying of Chiron... he's a black kid in an impoverished neighborhood. Why are people picking on him constantly?
The Ugly: Every boyz n the hood stereotype character; drug dealer, crack addicts, bad mother, menacing black teen boys, etc

The symbolism of the beach was showing him how to stay afloat of all the shit going around him in life. Don't let it drown you.

The bad of him being picked on is because he was weird, speculated to be gay, and he was the weakling. In the wild the weakest always gets picked on. It's the way of the world.

The ugly pretty much spot on. Ol boy Moma was bad out there. Smoking crack and turning tricks smh.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
The bad of him being picked on is because he was weird, speculated to be gay, and he was the weakling. In the wild the weakest always gets picked on. It's the way of the world.

That whole aspect of the film was problematic for me. I grew up in some harsh environments and there were always weird "odd" kids.... rarely did we think of their sexual preference. That premise feels like propaganda against black communities, attempting to sell "homophobia" among black Americans while encouraging the gay agenda

We collectively as people usually are more compassionate towards people who are outcasts or pariahs, due to our tragic experience in the western world.

This wasn't a great film, the only reason I see it winning anything is that it makes whites feel superior due to black suffering