Has Donald Trump turned BGOL pro-white?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Oh we in here trying to save the thread of the coon that's the OP???

Well shit let me do my part....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
November 3 is approaching and the pro-whites of BGOL are in panic mode desperately trying to call on white Jesus to help push Biden over the top.

it won’t be a good look for them to continue to push for Biden, a racist white man, while calling so-called black men like Ice Cube coons.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
1 hour left before the polls close. With this record turnout, we should see what America thinks.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now the pro-whites of BGOL are pushing the COVID-19 vaccination as safe and defending politicians who were “attacked” Jan 6 while the people of the corporation are in dire straits because of the lack of action of same white politicians.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now the pro-whites of BGOL are pushing the COVID-19 vaccination as safe and defending politicians who were “attacked” Jan 6 while the people of the corporation are in dire straits because of the lack of action of same white politicians.
Your Russki overlords missed their opportunity to finish the US Capital coup d'état, so they sent their fluffer trolls back in to bump shit around here in an effort to change the convo. Money is obviously your god, rubbles more specifically. GTFO, you idiotic idolator.


Rising Star
Now the pro-whites of BGOL are pushing the COVID-19 vaccination as safe and defending politicians who were “attacked” Jan 6 while the people of the corporation are in dire straits because of the lack of action of same white politicians.


most people don’t want the vaccine they gonna have to drag people to the office to get it. America is done trump did something right by calling out the fake news they messed up, angry black peoples, angrier white people no one cares about the boot licks anymore.

news been making us self regulate for years with words now we waking up challenging the system. Probably more conservative minded black folks in real life than liberal minded folks the machine knows. It’s over, internet is more credible than the media.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
most people don’t want the vaccine they gonna have to drag people to the office to get it. America is done trump did something right by calling out the fake news they messed up, angry black peoples, angrier white people no one cares about the boot licks anymore.

news been making us self regulate for years with words now we waking up challenging the system. Probably more conservative minded black folks in real life than liberal minded folks the machine knows. It’s over, internet is more credible than the media.

they think by sayin the vaccine is hard to get, and right now so called black people, aka the REAL TRUE AMERICAN MOORS...INDIGENOUS TO THIS WHOLE FUCKIN UNIVERSE...

are way back in line to get it...

The wise amongst us are like.. oh yall dont have enough..

oh aiiight.. dont worry we will just wait..

meanwhile we like get the fuck outta here wit dat bullshit..

they are NOT getting the reaction they want. and its throwing off their whole plan..

They dont want to force it on us, because THEY RIGHTFULLY FEAR THE KARMIC REACTION,

they already see because of their past actions against the god race..

they are going extinct.. They know the karmic reaction of them forcing this upon us,

is going to speed up their extinction, hey look,

they already said 2020 was the fastest the earth has rotated in decades... the universe is like..


they just as shook daddy as the folks runnin to inject
god knows what into their body...


Rising Star
Trump (as he has done for the last 4 years) shits on the pro-whites one last time -


LOL, when alot of these "terrorist" get let go and put into "state sponsored help programs" these dudes will lose it.

Few of them will serve time, alot will get out...

And I think the coup attempt will have Biden afraid of doing certain laws and wanting to meet somewhere in the middle with the GOP base, he doesn't wanna fuel the fire.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
LOL, when alot of these "terrorist" get let go and put into "state sponsored help programs" these dudes will lose it.

Few of them will serve time, alot will get out...

And I think the coup attempt will have Biden afraid of doing certain laws and wanting to meet somewhere in the middle with the GOP base, he doesn't wanna fuel the fire.

I’ve already told people that Biden will be on a “with malice towards none and charity for all” tour this year. Talking about growing up working-class in Scranton and how we need to understand their frustrations. You won’t be hearing this kind of fire directed at the insurrectionists:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The funniest part about all of this is it was so predictable just based on observation. Many of us have made threads on this topic and we haven’t been wrong yet. The saddest part is so many of our people genuinely believe in their heart that the planet is a better place with the so-called white man leading us. Those people are the main posters on BGOL going around calling people coons or claiming they are pro-black.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
The funniest part about all of this is it was so predictable just based on observation. Many of us have made threads on this topic and we haven’t been wrong yet. The saddest part is so many of our people genuinely believe in their heart that the planet is a better place with the so-called white man leading us. Those people are the main posters on BGOL going around calling people coons or claiming they are pro-black.

Indeed! See the post above, and look at who "liked" it. :rolleyes2:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The shot pushers are so confused, they don’t even know that the COVID-19 vaccinations, via Operation Warp Speed, are the brainchild of Donald Trump’s administration.

Once again, the two demographics most infatuated with Donald Trump are the super liberal, hipster Neanderthals and their sidekick, which is the pro-white, so-called black person.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The shot pushers are so confused, they don’t even know that the COVID-19 vaccinations, via Operation Warp Speed, are the brainchild of Donald Trump’s administration.

Once again, the two demographics most infatuated with Donald Trump are the super liberal, hipster Neanderthals and their sidekick, which is the pro-white, so-called black person.
Yo, bruh, do really think that nobody was working on the vaccine to a worldwide pandemic before trump thought of it!?! C'mon, man! Doing everything that he could to fast track the vaccine was WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO! He was also supposed to encourage people to distance and wear masks. He didn't. He was also supposed to just assist states because they were US states with US citizens without them having to kiss his ass. He didn't. He was supposed to not have super spreader events. He didn't. Stop pretending that dude is just flawless. If you gone talk about it, talk about all of it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo, bruh, do really think that nobody was working on the vaccine to a worldwide pandemic before trump thought of it!?! C'mon, man! Doing everything that he could to fast track the vaccine was WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO! He was also supposed to encourage people to distance and wear masks. He didn't. He was also supposed to just assist states because they were US states with US citizens without them having to kiss his ass. He didn't. He was supposed to not have super spreader events. He didn't. Stop pretending that dude is just flawless. If you gone talk about it, talk about all of it.
You are correct on all points, so pay that blathering idiot of a troll no mind. He just runs around through all the non pussy threads and shits on everything that isn't totally pro tRump. You already know, its what he do. :yawn:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your Russki overlords missed their opportunity to finish the US Capital coup d'état, so they sent their fluffer trolls back in to bump shit around here in an effort to change the convo. Money is obviously your god, rubbles more specifically. GTFO, you idiotic idolator.
Why would they? Your god Martin Luther King, Jr. already put the Russians in positions of power here. Do I need to repost the thread on him so you will cry again? I’m pro-truth which you pro-whites are afraid of because you only take orders from your white masters.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo, bruh, do really think that nobody was working on the vaccine to a worldwide pandemic before trump thought of it!?! C'mon, man! Doing everything that he could to fast track the vaccine was WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO! He was also supposed to encourage people to distance and wear masks. He didn't. He was also supposed to just assist states because they were US states with US citizens without them having to kiss his ass. He didn't. He was supposed to not have super spreader events. He didn't. Stop pretending that dude is just flawless. If you gone talk about it, talk about all of it.
Of course they did. The vaccine technology was patented before COVID was even released (you can look this up). You watch too much tv and don’t read enough so that may shock you.

DEMOCRATS said they would not take the “Trump vaccine” but as soon as he is out and they are in, they go as far as to mandate the same ones they said they wouldn’t take.

:smh: I hope you are found because you are lost right now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course they did. The vaccine technology was patented before COVID was even released (you can look this up). You watch too much tv and don’t read enough so that may shock you.

DEMOCRATS said they would not take the “Trump vaccine” but as soon as he is out and they are in, they go as far as to mandate the same ones they said they wouldn’t take.

:smh: I hope you are found because you are lost right now.
I guess you can say I'm lost if that makes you feel better about whatever you need to feel good about. What I said above was all facts, patnah. Here's some more just for you. There were certain democratic candidates for offices that said that they would not take a vaccine that was developed by trump. That was during the time when trump was speaking of the vaccine like he was in the lab developing that shit with a lab coat on...himself. They all actually did research and talked to experts and doctors and changed their coarse and fucking got vaccinated....on tv in most cases. People were actually taking the vaccine before Biden was elected.
HEARD FUCKING IMMUNITY! Why people can't get that shit! We are the ONLY country with this much unfettered access to the vaccine that don't have heard immunity. It's like a 7'3" dude that wants to work HVAC. WTF! Everybody that has had the measles, tetanus or rubella shot needs to get the fucking shot. There is just no valid reason not to. Mandates are not fucking new. Try to send your kid to school without their shots. Your ass better learn some chemistry because you gone be teaching it. GFOH with that fake ass white rage bullshit.
Since you are so "found" answer me this question: Since you've admitted that The vaccine technology was patented before COVID was even released, why exactly is it that the vaccine roll out took so long and was so poorly executed? Let's just say that it wasn't available until December (I was available before that). Why was there not a plan for national distribution? Why were there states that didn't get any vaccines? Why were there so many vaccines that went to waste while other places people were standing in line for hours and not getting vaccinated at all?
Here's my thing: I don't go around making generalizations on that lame ass party shit because parties are stupid in concept and downright ridiculous in execution (not getting into it now). I just know trump was not good! Period! 300k people died on dudes watch! The damn rebel battle flag was walked through the halls of the capital on his watch! The confederate army couldn't pull that off! That was just in the space of 12 months! Not republican...that cat himself. The republican party just enabled him. BTW a bunch of those same republican cats hated his guts until he got the nomination then a gang of them got out the knee pads.
I'm seeking the truth, homie, and I give no breaks for party affiliation. You can do all that shit you want, but Imma be over here calling bullshit, especially if you bring it to me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would they? Your god Martin Luther King, Jr. already put the Russians in positions of power here. Do I need to repost the thread on him so you will cry again? I’m pro-truth which you pro-whites are afraid of because you only take orders from your white masters.
It only took you ten months to compile up with ridiculous comeback, but .... whatever.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Why would they? Your god Martin Luther King, Jr. already put the Russians in positions of power here. Do I need to repost the thread on him so you will cry again? I’m pro-truth which you pro-whites are afraid of because you only take orders from your white masters.

Bump that thread and tag me in it. I'm curious about what you're talking about here.