Has Donald Trump turned BGOL pro-white?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
You one of the few here that actually understand the psychologic warfare taking place by these politicians and these philanthropist exploiting the black mind, truth is most these niggas don't care regardless they just see Trump as a racist who has to go and they don't give a damn about no black man or woman beside themselves.

I don't mind Trump, IMO he's the best thing that happened to America in decades, he's shining the light of the nonsense we couldn't see before.

That and after Obama lost are two of the biggest wake-up calls to black America for decades.

I don't know what these dudes want, even if Biden wins they still gonna see bitching and complaining about TV as more entertainers and wealthy blacks see the disparagement between how they treat white vs black. Nothing will change, these niggas will just turn off the TV in a few years and be on BGOL calling everything fake news or broke niggas bitching or whatever. They gonna see gay stuff being pushed to blacks hard and someone will bitch and eventually they'll just shut that voice down... no real winners here.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nBGOL support of Ukraine confirms the answer to the thread title - “yes”

The pro-whites won’t even be able to tell you why.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nBGOL support of Ukraine confirms the answer to the thread title - “yes”

The pro-whites won’t even be able to tell you why.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

now that the pro-whites are advocating for the super-liberal, so-called white women, it is getting increasingly disappointing to see supposed grown men turn into white feminist apologists :eek2:

It's insane man. Start a reparations thread and you'll get all kinds of pushback; but start an abortion thread and so-called grown Black men start menstruating and hollering #metoo!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama 2 time election
White men mad, vote Trump mad
White women do what white men tell them and vote Trump
Trump does as he's told and stacks the Court
GOP Court destroys Roe (others coming soon)
White women that voted Trump mad.
Yep and instead of taking accountability (something they are allergic to) they are casting the so-called black man as the supreme authority when everybody knows we are at the bottom of the totem pole in this society.

anyone siding with them on abortion is fully exposed as nothing more than a modern day “house slave” obsessed with getting validation from the caucasian

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Obama 2 time election
White men mad, vote Trump mad
White women do what white men tell them and vote Trump
Trump does as he's told and stacks the Court
GOP Court destroys Roe (others coming soon)
White women that voted Trump mad.
These cac bitches gone crazy. Could have sworn all these cac hippies were talking about birthing persons, chest feeding, womxn, etc. Now that they hot, all that shit gone. N-word flying. Black man the scapegoat out of all the judges(You'd think ol' coon Clarance is now running with a turkey baster inseminating these cacs.). They totally off that trans bullshit. It's all about real women. They hot as fish grease. :eek:

And shit, Hispanics voted Trump even more so the second time. That white woman narrative is just a cop out because democrats don't have another Obama or Bill Clinton. Had voters who voted for Obama in 2012 for a second term and then Trump. How mad could they have been?

Are there really people who voted for trump or are republicans who are mad at Roe vs Wade? Is that a real thing in real numbers?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These cac bitches gone crazy. Could have sworn all these cac hippies were talking about birthing persons, chest feeding, womxn, etc. Now that they hot, all that shit gone. N-word flying. Black man the scapegoat out of all the judges(You'd think ol' coon Clarance is now running with a turkey baster inseminating these cacs.). They totally off that trans bullshit. It's all about real women. They hot as fish grease. :eek:

And shit, Hispanics voted Trump even more so the second time. That white woman narrative is just a cop out because democrats don't have another Obama or Bill Clinton. Had voters who voted for Obama in 2012 for a second term and then Trump. How mad could they have been?

Are there really people who voted for trump or are republicans who are mad at Roe vs Wade? Is that a real thing in real numbers?

“I am a Republican, but I still believe that it’s a woman’s right to choose,” Ms. Sloan said.

Ms. Sloan said she was not sure how she would ultimately vote in the fall, but abortion rights would be a factor.

“We still don’t know, after the draft, when it’s finished what it will say,” Ms. Sloan said. “But leaving it to just men — I’m sorry, no.”

It is voters like Ms. Sloan, in communities like Buckhead, who may represent the greatest challenge for Republicans in a renewed national debate over the rights of women to legally terminate a pregnancy.

State Senator Jen Jordan, a Democrat running for attorney general of Georgia, said she expected the abortion rights issue to eclipse other concerns as a top consideration for voters.

Previously, Ms. Jordan said she had been campaigning on issues related to the cost of living, vowing to crack down on price gouging. The leaked Supreme Court opinion “completely changed the conversation,” she said.

“I think fundamental rights is a little bit above the day-to-day economic issues that have been batted around,” Ms. Jordan said.

In closely divided states and congressional districts around the country, many moderate voters suddenly find themselves choosing between a Democratic Party that has disappointed them since taking power in 2021, and a Republican Party newly emboldened to enact a right-wing social agenda that makes many voters deeply uneasy.

That could create a major challenge for Republicans in their efforts to win back the centrist and center-right communities that shunned them during the Trump years and turned America’s suburbs — from areas near Atlanta and Philadelphia to Minneapolis and Salt Lake City — into at least a temporary political desert for the party. That exodus was particularly pronounced among centrist and even Republican-leaning white women, a constituency that tends to favor abortion rights with modest limitations.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
@lightbright has more TRUMP threads on the front page than Truth Social. :smh:

Says the coon making a Trump thread.... any and all Trump threads that I've made disparage your white savior and daddy

Has Donald Trump turned BGOL pro-white?

No.... it's brought the inner coon out of all the BGOL undercover coons as well as the obvious ones like you.... given them a spot to post a shit "coon bait" thread like this for them to circle their wagons in...... right xcactor, or should I call you by your coon name... Sebastian C. Coonsworth?



Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Funny. OP listens to a white man who "predicts" the death of black people by adding and multiplying numbers. But he's not "so-called pro white". :rolleyes2: