Hollywood News: WGA Battle - The Hollywood Fight That’s Tearing Apart Writers & Agents UPDATE: 2023 Strike OVER but SAG still at it!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Is it really that simple with the math? Studios know what we talked about: Audience numbers are way down despite what the money says.

Do they want the ghouls at wallstreet to start snooping harder at those books and all the fugazi math? Writers seem to be getting some bad intel. It is obvious they are if they want them books opened. :eek:

Question really is how much are studios already losing and how well are they hiding it from shareholders/investors? How many lawsuits come about if those books get a closer look? We got some now just to get to the numbers.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Is it really that simple with the math? Studios know what we talked about: Audience numbers are way down despite what the money says.

Do they want the ghouls at wallstreet to start snooping harder at those books and all the fugazi math? Writers seem to be getting some bad intel. It is obvious they are if they want them books opened. :eek:

Question really is how much are studios already losing and how well are they hiding it from shareholders/investors? How many lawsuits come about if those books get a closer look? We got some now just to get to the numbers.


There are NUMEROUS reputable pieces written podcasts by finance and entertainment professionals BEEN done on this math.

Yeah its that miniscule

Might even be LESS.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

There are NUMEROUS reputable pieces written podcasts by finance and entertainment professionals BEEN done on this math.

Yeah its that miniscule

Might even be LESS.
It's just telling that the WGA wants access to the data AND that lawsuits from INVESTORS are going on at the same time. Meanwhile, it is a documented fact that attendance is down 25 percent and that streaming isn't bringing in the money like they forecasted.

I think you might be underestimating the disconnect between the wall street ghouls and the shady hollyweird accounting(which is crazier than crypto accounting) you always talk about. What do you think happens to valuation of these corps if some of the funny shit is shifted through?

I don't know man. Seems like the data always ends up on my side. Shit, I just seen all the professionals gloating about $4 billiion being passed while not mentioning ticket sales are way down. Meanwhile, theater reports to the SEC are talling a story that don't support the WGA or studios. You seen those filings? :lol:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's just telling that the WGA wants access to the data AND that lawsuits from INVESTORS are going on at the same time. Meanwhile, it is a documented fact that attendance is down 25 percent and that streaming isn't bringing in the money like they forecasted.

I think you might be underestimating the disconnect between the wall street ghouls and the shady hollyweird accounting(which is crazier than crypto accounting) you always talk about. What do you think happens to valuation of these corps if some of the funny shit is shifted through?

I don't know man. Seems like the data always ends up on my side. Shit, I just seen all the professionals gloating about $4 billiion being passed while not mentioning ticket sales are way down. Meanwhile, theater reports to the SEC are talling a story that don't support the WGA or studios. You seen those filings? :lol:

that's the thing.

we cant see the real numbers right?

so what we supposed to do?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
that's the thing.

we cant see the real numbers right?

so what we supposed to do?
That's why we have to compare. Like from 2019 to now. That's where we get the ticket sales drop. We can do the same for streaming. Even though they refuse to release data, we can compare data that we do have from releases(viewers) and see what is going on and it's not good for some of these players(see ahsoka as a recent example and One piece as an example of a success). We can look at the data from theaters. We can look at the earnings reports and the cuts that follow. We see rate increases that can't compete with not having advertisers. etc. Plenty of data points.

You always tell me when I go in on the rat that EVERYTHING is down. I always agree. So let me ask you. If everything is down, is this the time to ask for more money and job security? That don't seem off to you?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That's why we have to compare. Like from 2019 to now. That's where we get the ticket sales drop. We can do the same for streaming. Even though they refuse to release data, we can compare data that we do have from releases(viewers) and see what is going on and it's not good for some of these players(see ahsoka as a recent example and One piece as an example of a success). We can look at the data from theaters. We can look at the earnings reports and the cuts that follow. We see rate increases that can't compete with not having advertisers. etc. Plenty of data points.

You always tell me when I go in on the rat that EVERYTHING is down. I always agree. So let me ask you. If everything is down, is this the time to ask for more money and job security? That don't seem off to you?

This WHOLE thing on all sides seems off to me. And as usual your points are smart. But still...

How the hell the hell the studios gonna pay residual on streaming?

Why do the providers REFUSE to release the REAL REAL numbers?

I don't trust any metric because each provider created and used its own brand specific measurements.

But WE know these executives getting paid (the ones YOU rail against all the time for their bad decision-making) are getting paid an absurd amount.

We know definitely at the low end they can pay up without feeling any pain at all.

Also when exactly SHOULD they strike when their is an organized effort by the studios to get a bigger cut, and use AI to completely derail the industry.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Why do the providers REFUSE to release the REAL REAL numbers?

I don't trust any metric because each provider created and used its own brand specific measurements.

But WE know these executives getting paid (the ones YOU rail against all the time for their bad decision-making) are getting paid an absurd amount.


It's like Dan and Leslie say on the TV's Top 5 podcast ... they're tired of Netflix talking about how huge a success a show is and "total minutes watched" ... that shit doesn't mean anything to the common listener. Give us real, actual factual fucking numbers and data.

Unfortunately they don't want the subscribers, but more importantly the content creators, writers, stand-up comics, studios & such to know the real data.

Whereas in pro sports it's clear this data is very helpful to talent, and agencies / representation alike. People know their worth / value to a team, as evidenced by similar / identical contract structures ...



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

It's like Dan and Leslie say on the TV's Top 5 podcast ... they're tired of Netflix talking about how huge a success a show is and "total minutes watched" ... that shit doesn't mean anything to the common listener. Give us real, actual factual fucking numbers and data.

Unfortunately they don't want the subscribers, but more importantly the content creators, writers, stand-up comics, studios & such to know the real data.

Whereas in pro sports it's clear this data is very helpful to talent, and agencies / representation alike. People know their worth / value to a team, as evidenced by similar / identical contract structures ...



Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Man ... I'm glad to work for a company that is open with their books. End of the year ... expect them to send you the annual report .PDF in the first quarter of the following year. Breaks down all the numbers. Funds generated, money spent on staffing, total number of employees, future goals and plans, how resources are allocated with programs and services, etc.

When there was the pandemic wage adjustment in 2020, they kept us posted frequently by email saying they were frustrated with the delays too. Told us the amount of times they were making correspondence (with government, etc) and so on.

It makes a difference with employee confidence and the amount of people who stick around long-term.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
This WHOLE thing on all sides seems off to me. And as usual your points are smart. But still...

How the hell the hell the studios gonna pay residual on streaming?

Why do the providers REFUSE to release the REAL REAL numbers?

I don't trust any metric because each provider created and used its own brand specific measurements.

But WE know these executives getting paid (the ones YOU rail against all the time for their bad decision-making) are getting paid an absurd amount.

We know definitely at the low end they can pay up without feeling any pain at all.

Also when exactly SHOULD they strike when their is an organized effort by the studios to get a bigger cut, and use AI to completely derail the industry.
Well, I refer to third parties that track data. That's how we can compare streaming viewers and know when these studios are lying. Remember when you brought up review bombing? I said it's a lie because they never talk about the review bombing they do for bullsit positive results SOME of us called out as paid for? How did SOME of us know the positive reviews were faked? Third party data(viewers, ticket sales, drops, etc). Well, I came with receipts with the link I provide with this post.

I keep showing the lies, the manipulation, and that this ain't going how they acting like it is. So I stand by what I said about striking now. All this BS ties together to show that people are producing shit products that have the industry DOWN and are demanding more money/job security.

And yes, studio heads are overpaid. Kennedy should have been out years ago. That chick they got running Amazon is certified batshit. I could go on, but you are right about them. But hey, they the same people hiring shit writers.

Mabe this strike leads to the reset that saves hollywood. A purge is needed. Here's your 'review bombing'. This the tip of the iceberg . Fix is in on all this shit from the books to the reviewers.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

Interesting. A couple things he touched on that I wonder about.

He talked about the logic of WB/Discovery losing hundreds of millions instead of coughing up around 50 or so million. I laughed because what have you and I been saying about these bloated budgets? These companies been going against logic and taking Ls.

Another thing. He brought up how it is different this time because of Amazon, Apple, and tech companies being involved. Well, none of this is stopping their bread. He also says these companies HATE each other. So from a business standpoint, if I'm Apple or Amazon, I'll sit back and stall all this shit out.

As we discussed, Disney got park money to float them that's why they can take L after L and keep doing dumb shit. So are they pressed to end this ESPECIALLY given their media performance since 2019?

And Wb/Discovery 50 billion in the hole. What's another $350 million. :eek:

He seems confident. Don't know what Bill Maher did as far as this strike shit, but I can tell by the way they going at him it's more political than anything else.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Interesting. A couple things he touched on that I wonder about.

He talked about the logic of WB/Discovery losing hundreds of millions instead of coughing up around 50 or so million. I laughed because what have you and I been saying about these bloated budgets? These companies been going against logic and taking Ls.

Another thing. He brought up how it is different this time because of Amazon, Apple, and tech companies being involved. Well, none of this is stopping their bread. He also says these companies HATE each other. So from a business standpoint, if I'm Apple or Amazon, I'll sit back and stall all this shit out.

As we discussed, Disney got park money to float them that's why they can take L after L and keep doing dumb shit. So are they pressed to end this ESPECIALLY given their media performance since 2019?

And Wb/Discovery 50 billion in the hole. What's another $350 million. :eek:

He seems confident. Don't know what Bill Maher did as far as this strike shit, but I can tell by the way they going at him it's more political than anything else.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The media mogul, speaking on the podcast “On with Kara Swisher,” said the strikes would only strengthen streaming giant Netflix during a tumultuous time for legacy media.

“The strike does one thing, and one thing only, it strengthens Netflix and weakens the others,” said Diller, the chairman of IAC and Expedia, who once held top roles at Fox, Paramount and ABC Entertainment.

He also advised studios to cut Netflix and other streamers out of the negoations with the unions.

“They should certainly get out of the room with their deepest, fiercest and almost conclusive enemy, Netflix, and probably Apple and Amazon,” he said, noting their different business models. He said the legacy studios, actors and writers should be “natural allies” given their century of working together.
This is the shit Seth Rogan was talking about.
