As you would say, Kaboom.
First guy said Netflix/Amazon were problems holding things up. Second guy mentioned Apple/Amazon making big bucks elsehwere(point I brought up last week).
So yeah, the union between those studios is fucking outdated and I do think it would behoove the WGA AND the studios who have a main interest here to bypass Netflix, Amazon, and Apple who ideally should be starving writers out.
So not only does the WGA have to wake up and update, so do the studios who don't got the benfits of other businesses floating them. It's insane to me that Amazon/Apple are in with Paramount and them. If I was in charge of a company that JUST made movies, I wouldn't want them in the discussions. Fuck them. They have NOTHING to lose here. Strike could go on for a year and they will be doing just great.
I always talk about blowing shit up to start over with the changing way we consume content. Individual deals might save these fools. Damn. As Jim Ross used to say, business is about to pick up.