Hollywood News: WGA Battle - The Hollywood Fight That’s Tearing Apart Writers & Agents UPDATE: 2023 Strike OVER but SAG still at it!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I don't think that's gonna happen because ultimately that would fuck up their long term bag. Folks start canceling their shit and realize they can live without Max, Netflix, Paramount+ AND Peacock they may never resubscribe once shit is settled.
I have Walmart+. I found out I have Paramount+ through Walmart+ so I count as subscriber, don't even watch the shit, and couldn't cancel if I wanted to. :lol:

Now that goes along with me getting MAX through AT&T and Prime Video through Amazon, can't cancel those either. Man these subsciber numbers so fudged I see why investors are suing. Shareholders/investors now catching on, I wonder if writers even realize the fuckery that is going on.

I wonder how many 'subscribers' like myself can't cancel and don't even use the services.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I have Walmart+. I found out I have Paramount+ through Walmart+ so I count as subscriber, don't even watch the shit, and couldn't cancel if I wanted to. :lol:

Now that goes along with me getting MAX through AT&T and Prime Video through Amazon, can't cancel those either. Man these subsciber numbers so fudged I see why investors are suing. Shareholders/investors now catching on, I wonder if writers even realize the fuckery that is going on.

I wonder how many 'subscribers' like myself can't cancel and don't even use the services.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

As you would say, Kaboom. :lol:

First guy said Netflix/Amazon were problems holding things up. Second guy mentioned Apple/Amazon making big bucks elsehwere(point I brought up last week).

So yeah, the union between those studios is fucking outdated and I do think it would behoove the WGA AND the studios who have a main interest here to bypass Netflix, Amazon, and Apple who ideally should be starving writers out.

So not only does the WGA have to wake up and update, so do the studios who don't got the benfits of other businesses floating them. It's insane to me that Amazon/Apple are in with Paramount and them. If I was in charge of a company that JUST made movies, I wouldn't want them in the discussions. Fuck them. They have NOTHING to lose here. Strike could go on for a year and they will be doing just great.

I always talk about blowing shit up to start over with the changing way we consume content. Individual deals might save these fools. Damn. As Jim Ross used to say, business is about to pick up.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
As you would say, Kaboom. :lol:

First guy said Netflix/Amazon were problems holding things up. Second guy mentioned Apple/Amazon making big bucks elsehwere(point I brought up last week).

So yeah, the union between those studios is fucking outdated and I do think it would behoove the WGA AND the studios who have a main interest here to bypass Netflix, Amazon, and Apple who ideally should be starving writers out.

So not only does the WGA have to wake up and update, so do the studios who don't got the benfits of other businesses floating them. It's insane to me that Amazon/Apple are in with Paramount and them. If I was in charge of a company that JUST made movies, I wouldn't want them in the discussions. Fuck them. They have NOTHING to lose here. Strike could go on for a year and they will be doing just great.

I always talk about blowing shit up to start over with the changing way we consume content. Individual deals might save these fools. Damn. As Jim Ross used to say, business is about to pick up.



Transnational Member
I just saw my content on some major show, with desperate black women providing racial cover; I have other content that will never see the light of day. This desperate surveillance and detainment needs to stop because it is shutting down. Some of the writers are geting evicted and depleting their savings. The actors are losing big paydays.

Now you want management to respect your AI rights and other nonsense. Management or you as a writer told you to put that content in your movie or TV show and you complied willingingly. Than you character attacked to coverup what you did.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Saw Bill Maher trending with "scab"-- Going on his show will be more controversial than it already is. I've seen speculation that they already have trouble getting guests, which rings true when you look at his line-ups for the past year or so.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Drew better be good at improvisation..
Gonna be interesting to see what kinda of panelists agree to go on Maher's show since they'd knowingly be crossing the picket line.

I don't know what to say here.

My writer side my union side feels this is wrong period

Because she SAG

So she is ACTING on her show

If she is WGA? Someone WRITING the intros and questions and any skits etc.

So you strike

But I feel the answer is that ALL of her peers fellow talk show are ALSO STRIKING Fallon, Kimmel, etc etc

But I also UNDERSTAND talk show is a weird thing. Especially with writers. Letterman and Conan had insane writers

But I don't know how DAYTIME talk works

The View is still on.

So how an I going to attack Drew?

And all the support crews are getting hurt too. So TRUST I get it.

And we could also discuss ALL THE WAIVERS the unions have been giving out too.

Maher to me is a clearer cut case of scab