Hollywood News: WGA Battle - The Hollywood Fight That’s Tearing Apart Writers & Agents UPDATE: 2023 Strike OVER but SAG still at it!


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

“To Our SAG-AFTRA Negotiating Committee:

Back in June, before we went on strike, a large group of members signed an open letter telling our leaders that we would rather go on strike than take a bad deal.

Now, more than 100 days into our strike, that is still true. As hard as this is, we would rather stay on strike than take a bad deal.

We have not come all this way to cave now. We have not gone without work, without pay, and walked picket lines for months just to give up on everything we’ve been fighting for. We cannot and will not accept a contract that fails to address the vital and existential problems that we all need fixed.

In any union, there will always be a minority who are not willing to make temporary sacrifices for the greater good. But we, the majority who voted overwhelmingly to authorize this strike, are still standing in solidarity, ready to strike as long as it takes and to endure whatever we must in order to win a deal that is worthy of our collective sacrifice. We know that our union leaders are doing everything in their power to achieve that goal as they negotiate in good faith with the companies to arrive at a new contract that will protect us and our fellow performers, now and for generations to come.

Everything we have as a union — every minimum payment, health and pension benefit, residual, royalty, and workplace protection — it has all been won with the power of our members; the power of our solidarity; the power of standing together as one to demand what is right, what is fair, and what we deserve. You have our trust, our support, and our power behind you now.

One day longer. One day stronger. For as long as it takes.“


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The writers pretty much got what they asked for though, right?
Depending on who you hear it from..a few of them are on their social media accounts saying they were sick of everything being dragged out so they just went ahead and took what was offered


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tough call here. You should be able to create an algorithmic person and not get sued by 10 people who say that looks kinda like “me.”

That said, I can see studios making a Frankenstein Humphrey Bogart / John Wayne clone for some AI generated noir crime drama. Or making Iron Man movies with Robert Downey Jrs face for the next 100 years. And trying not to pay…