That's why I said everyone getting different numbers.
Listen man. I was one of those who were wrong about streaming. I own it. I thought the plague would have had more people using their theater setups.
But hey, I also thought the plague was worse than it was. So I was wrong on both things and apparentely so were some people in charge. But the main factor was GREED.
Greed is why they stayed changing the price of a brick for netflix. Greed is what got them to say

"fuck selling them the work, we about to do it ourselves". Remember when all the marvel shit was on Netflix? Now picture had the rat kept up that model. They would be in major profit, netflix eating, and everyone wins. But now they out billions.
Egos man. Where cats like us can swallow pride and admit we are wrong, some can't. They double down and keep doubling. End up on that Slim Charles shit. We fight on that lie.
Money always comes out on top though.