Hollywood News: WGA Battle - The Hollywood Fight That’s Tearing Apart Writers & Agents UPDATE: 2023 Strike OVER but SAG still at it!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That tech is growing like crazy from all the data scraping. It's why Sarah Silverman is suing OpenAI and Meta. If you ask ChatGPT or Copy.ai to write a screenplay today, it's gonna be ASS. But AMPTP knows it won't always be this way or they'd just agree not to use those trash ass scripts going forward. They know the tech will get better since it's really only in its infancy stage. That's why they wouldn't even consider having the convo with the WGA. AMPTP wouldn't need AI to come up with new ideas. In fact, if you look at the mandate right now, the industry is pressing forward with tons of existing IP, reimagining characters and worlds (Velma, Wednesday, etc) and hella sequels from popular movies back in the day (Avatar after 14 years, Gladiator after 24 years). If the trend continues you wouldn't need AI to come up with anything fresh, just build out from existing IP.

I've talked to three people in the industry recently (a producer on the scripted side who just had an Oscar-nominated movie in 2020, an Emmy award-winning showrunner on the unscripted side, and a talent manager for a major LA/UK based company) and they all said the production companies know they're gonna have to pony up. It's just a matter of how much. But they're hell-bent on not buckling with the AI thing because they know it could make them and save them major money in decades to come. WGA & SAG are trying to kill this shit in the crib, as they should.

If I were in SAG-AFTRA, I would be agreeable to AI as long as they cannot automatically own my likeness. That's the bullshit, and they have to know it's bullshit. If want to AI me, we can negotiate a deal each time and they can pay me each time. That's how likeness deals work now. These studios is wildin trying to own a person's likeness. They should know that shit ain't gon fly. I would make them pay extra just for insulting me like that.

Like Liam Neeson said in "Taken", "Your arrogance offends me, and for that the rate just went up."

Wait till they learn how to AI a director, LOL


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


International Member
they need to strike cause they are shit writers
that only do remixes


International Member
The studios only WANT remixes fam.

There is a difference
but the product is still shit
u can write it and let it be good
prequel of the thing was good writing

also fuk hollywood for only working with the same writers
i have no sym for any of them


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
but the product is still shit
u can write it and let it be good
prequel of the thing was good writing

also fuk hollywood for only working with the same writers
i have no sym for any of them

I don't know what to tell you

If the plug says this is the only weight he selling at this number

Take or leave it.

Wtf you supposed to do?

Buy sonewhere else? Sell it yourself? Ok

But the same folks claiming they FIENDS for your product?

Only follow the plug no matter what the price.

So what then?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Justine Bateman nailed it. The money is the money. That's gotta be and gonna be sorted. But this AI shit has the potential to make artists, and those adjacent (IATSE + Teamsters, etc), obsolete.



Transnational Member

I have had my content stolen for years and put in scripts. I have lost count of how many TV shows and movies. They will use people like me and others to slow walk you, normalize not compensating you. You will eventually become the victim.

I might go in a store, and steal a small item like soda. The next time I am running out of the store with 98" OLED screen. This work stoppage reminds me street dealers refusing to sell fentanyl due to poor pay. This is great, they can't sell their poison that will kill people. Here it is white supremacist propaganda.

The Union should have did work stoppages at the large studios, they will use this strike to get rid of the smaller competitors, force them out of business.


Rising Star
There are obviously two sides to every argument. We’re hearing how artists aren’t getting paid properly. Fair enough.

What we’re not hearing about is how all of the companies that have been paying them, whether it be Netflix, Amazon, etc have been running in the red for the past 5 years.

The fact of the matter is there isn’t the money for what the actors are asking for. For the past few years we’ve been in a bubble economy, where companies could lose money and have high stock prices.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are obviously two sides to every argument. We’re hearing how artists aren’t getting paid properly. Fair enough.

What we’re not hearing about is how all of the companies that have been paying them, whether it be Netflix, Amazon, etc have been running in the red for the past 5 years.

The fact of the matter is there isn’t the money for what the actors are asking for. For the past few years we’ve been in a bubble economy, where companies could lose money and have high stock prices.



Transnational Member
They need to accept the contract that the producers give them, giving up their image and likeness to AI. There are plenty of homeless shelters in Los Angeles.

Nobody wants to watch their racist filth they put out or content theft of my work.

Bill Russell comes out and wins eleven championships, the next thing you know, Spiderman gets released, a half insect/man with super human abilities. It is a racist mockery of us that WS have been code signaling.



Seeing your great white hope getting smashed up on the court by Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain must have been horrifying back in the day. There is also other nonsense they will put out, it is a reflection of their beliefs that they depict on film.
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