Hollywood News: WGA Battle - The Hollywood Fight That’s Tearing Apart Writers & Agents UPDATE: 2023 Strike OVER but SAG still at it!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Holy hell....

There has to be so much more going on here. And by that I mean MONEY.

to be fair the industry has to take a lot of blame here

Trying to abandon physical media, hiding streaming numbers, not fixing all these rules after covid, syndication rights, AI, etc etc

There is another level we not seeing.

There has to be a whole other big money play they are desperately trying to lock the writers and actors out of.

And I'm still curious on how and why the directors folded so quick.

The DGA was short-sighted and may have gotten hustled...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see why people think that AI is going to be able to replace writers and actors. All it does is rearrange what is already there, which means that it can only give a rehashed product, which is already what fans are tired of. AI can't create a new idea. That's the real issue. Us customers are the ones that the studios truly are disrespecting. They think that we will literally buy anything no matter how crap it is. You would think that this year's numbers would have convinced them otherwise. But.... the studios did what every other big business does when they lose money. They cut labor first and then try to sell a shitty product to the consumer.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I don't see why people think that AI is going to be able to replace writers and actors. All it does is rearrange what is already there, which means that it can only give a rehashed product, which is already what fans are tired of. AI can't create a new idea. That's the real issue. Us customers are the ones that the studios truly are disrespecting. They think that we will literally buy anything no matter how crap it is. You would think that this year's numbers would have convinced them otherwise. But.... the studios did what every other big business does when they lose money. They cut labor first and then try to sell a shitty product to the consumer.
True but look at all of these remakes and shows and movies that basically piggyback off of a successful show. They're already recreating properties that already exist. And based on all the shitty Michael Bay movies for example that routinely come out they already assume that consumers will spend money on bullshit.
They don't respect or care about the consumer anymore than they do the talent. All they give 2 fucks about is their profit and whatever they can do to maximize profits is what priority #1 will be


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see why people think that AI is going to be able to replace writers and actors. All it does is rearrange what is already there, which means that it can only give a rehashed product, which is already what fans are tired of. AI can't create a new idea. That's the real issue. Us customers are the ones that the studios truly are disrespecting. They think that we will literally buy anything no matter how crap it is. You would think that this year's numbers would have convinced them otherwise. But.... the studios did what every other big business does when they lose money. They cut labor first and then try to sell a shitty product to the consumer.

That tech is growing like crazy from all the data scraping. It's why Sarah Silverman is suing OpenAI and Meta. If you ask ChatGPT or Copy.ai to write a screenplay today, it's gonna be ASS. But AMPTP knows it won't always be this way or they'd just agree not to use those trash ass scripts going forward. They know the tech will get better since it's really only in its infancy stage. That's why they wouldn't even consider having the convo with the WGA. AMPTP wouldn't need AI to come up with new ideas. In fact, if you look at the mandate right now, the industry is pressing forward with tons of existing IP, reimagining characters and worlds (Velma, Wednesday, etc) and hella sequels from popular movies back in the day (Avatar after 14 years, Gladiator after 24 years). If the trend continues you wouldn't need AI to come up with anything fresh, just build out from existing IP.

I've talked to three people in the industry recently (a producer on the scripted side who just had an Oscar-nominated movie in 2020, an Emmy award-winning showrunner on the unscripted side, and a talent manager for a major LA/UK based company) and they all said the production companies know they're gonna have to pony up. It's just a matter of how much. But they're hell-bent on not buckling with the AI thing because they know it could make them and save them major money in decades to come. WGA & SAG are trying to kill this shit in the crib, as they should.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't see why people think that AI is going to be able to replace writers and actors. All it does is rearrange what is already there, which means that it can only give a rehashed product, which is already what fans are tired of. AI can't create a new idea. That's the real issue. Us customers are the ones that the studios truly are disrespecting. They think that we will literally buy anything no matter how crap it is. You would think that this year's numbers would have convinced them otherwise. But.... the studios did what every other big business does when they lose money. They cut labor first and then try to sell a shitty product to the consumer.

Also, of note...

What's wild is, Black Mirror just did an episode on this. "JOAN IS AWFUL"