Episodes 1 and 2
I watched these the other day.
The series is starting off well. The first thing I noticed is they did a better job of getting you to recognize the names to the faces in the first episode. In “Game of Thrones” it took me the whole damn season to figure out who the Fuck was who.
Character introduction/development was done quick and you got what you needed to know, to keep you into the series, being these all completely new characters.
A couple of characters have immediately caught my attention and the first is Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.
This broad is obviously the “Sersi” of the series. When she got passed over for the Crown and told Princess Rhaenyra that a woman will never sit on the throne…..that right there made it clear there is gonna be a long body count thru-out this series with her scheming against mofos and killing them. Won’t be surprised if she takes out her husband.
The second is Lord Lionel Strong. This cat is on the Small Council and keeps a low profile for now. I got my eye on him for sure. The quiet ones are usually the most dangerous.
All the rest of the characters are up to the usual high jinks of backstabbing and double crossing each other. Hard to say right now who is gonna get whacked by season end.
Gonna let a couple of episodes stack up again before catching up.
I’m enjoying the series, anybody in here nitpicking over small stuff, just watch the series for entertainment. It’s not a damn documentary. None of the shit is real.
The series is 3 episodes in, if it’s already aggravating you, quit watching. There’s plenty of other worthless shit on TV like “The Masked Singer” and “The Bachelor” that might interest you.