HOUSE OF THE DRAGON: orgies, gore and family feuds in ‘Game of Thrones’ prequel


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This guy is taking L’s every episode


son ran away
One daughter dead
2 daughters got beat up
Lost a dragon


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Yes that’s what I was asking but Tim rock did not answer my question ,I hope they don’t past the books , that’s how we got the horrible last season of game of thrones

Nah, they are moving perfectly. This is just a lead up to the Dance of The Dragons which was long and epic. There’s still a shit ton of story left. We just scratching the surface.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
So this can go 8 seasons or more just following the books ?
The book this is based on goes through the history of the Targaryen family. This is just one story line. The stories are supposed to be based on the accounts of what the maesters saw.

power lord

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This can go maybe 3 seasons. The next two seasons will be all go. this season is just the set up.
There is only one book about this story its called fire and blood it is The telling of the targaryen dynasty It starts with aegon the conqueror and ends with one more story after the one they're showing so they tell more stories if they want to.


Rising Star
That's not what I was referring to.
I was trying to take the perspective of the children.
Look at the kids faces at what they are witnessing.


In that world it's not so weird to their people.especially in royal circles.I
Think it's the fact that some of their parents just died and the remaining ones getting married already.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Based on some of the responses in here, I think Daemon & Rhaenyra might be the most misunderstood characters on tv.
Daemon is a funny guy and he says and does cool things, but under no circumstance do I think he's supposed to be likable.
Dude is a asshole thru & thru. He's the cool asshole that you'd rather have on your side. But he's still an asshole and you can't let yourself forget that.

He seemingly married two down ass women (especially for the period) and he couldn't bring himself to show them any real love because he's been determined to marry his niece since she was like 8! The day Rhaenyra mounted her dragon, every other woman in the realm got bumped to placeholder status in Daemon's mind.

And Rhaenyra been lying her ass off since she was 15. Ever since she told that lie to Alicent in front of the heart tree, damn near every word out her mouth has been a lie or half-truth. I love that the show made House Velaryon black. In the books they all basically look just like Targaryens. So Rhaenyra's kid only stand out because of the brown hair. Visually seeing those two lily white boys sitting in the midst of a house fully of brothas with white dreads really makes the point! One of these things is CLEARLY not like the other. :lol:

I'm right there on Alicent's side. Every time she looks at the king with that, "I can't believe this bullshit" face, I feel her pain. The scene when the King was grilling Aegon, I was screaming at tv, "like, just look at em! Everybody knows .... your grace." They stick out like two lines of cocaine on a dark brown table.

The King might be the biggest unintentionally villain in Westero. Every time he walks out a room, there is a clear divide in the room .... like the battle lines of civil war being drew right in front of his face. Meanwhile the king keep pretending that if he doesn't acknowledge something, then it doesn't exist. King Viserys's reign may have been peaceful, but he really is a weak ass king. It look like Alicent & her dad have shifted into the waiting the game now. There doesn't seem to be much point arguing with this weak king. Just wait until he's dead. At the rate his body is falling apart and the show is progressing, he might be a down to a talking head in a jar before the finale.

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
This is moving too quick imo
Agree somewhat. Hard to see how they could stretch this beyond 3 seasons
Yes that’s what I was asking but Tim rock did not answer my question ,I hope they don’t past the books , that’s how we got the horrible last season of game of thrones
Not for nothing but this show could technically be called 'Stat Padding' if you're comparing it to the books.
All 3 versions of the story from the books are written like history books from a measter's perspectives. I think it was Fire & Blood at written by the Arch Measter for King Tommen as a name day gift. The point being that it doesn't cover ANY character development and growth. Most of the story told so far from the books is like two chapters and it only gets into the major points. With a few extra anecdotes from the measter who is writing the book that adds a few extra details. Much like a history textbook.

All the character development and in-depth looks into people motivations has been added for the show. In the books Alicent is just, 'the Queen' and that's all you really ever get to know about her life. The show made her character with stakes and drive. All of the characters has gotten much more time to shine. Even side /no name characters like Ser Karl is more fleshed out on the show.

No joke, in the book 'The Queen & the Princess' the version of the story doesn't even start yet. They tell you a few important events in-between Viserys become king and his death bed in a "previously on ...." style and then the REAL story begins. This whole season has basically been a stretched out "previously on" with them adding in a bunch of cool details for TV fans. The real story can't begin until the kiddos are all adults and they can stop the time skips. Three maybe four seasons easy. No need to do more than that.

And don't worry about them passing the books. They can't in this case. The books are fictional history books based on the past 300 years in Westero. The endgame is already written. Hell King Joffrey jokingly gave away the ending in season 4 and Cersie dropped a few huge spoilers along the way.
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