Not really into sports as some of you cats. I have nothing against a persons sexual preference, however, His son didn't go the other way as some other ballers kids have done. If I were a pro baller and my son had the opportunity to actually one day
play a single game with me!
That's the mans kid. Regardless of how good or bad he is I'm happy for the young brother. Even if basketball is not in his future like his father, it's an incredible thing for two BLACK father and son to play on the same team.
Nepotism? Of course, it's L.B.J. But

White folks do it all the time. Some of yall may think I'm off a lil bit off but I know like Deon Cole said, I only have about 20 summers or so left so I'm trying to surround myself with good energy. 20 summers coming up fast.
I'm sending positive vibes to the Universe for both he and L.B.J. Because the are already surrounded by enough negative energy.