Problem with the Bronny discussion is you got a part of the fan base that with any other player they would be honest but Lebron is involved. So let’s so feelings get involved.I don't think anyone in here has an issue with a Black Father getting his son a job. Unfortunately it's not just a job though. It's a job that everyone sees how he's doing and if he can perform that job.
Throw in that most if not damn near everyone knows that he's not ready for the NBA. All the criticism isn't about a Black Father getting his son a job, it's about a Father getting his son a job that we all know that he's not qualified for and are cringing watching him fail.
That's just being honest. Now I do believe that Bronny works hard, has basketball skill and will get better. But we All know that he wasn't good enough to be drafted.
Regarding the internship for the person very, very close to you. None of us has an issue with that.
Except the patients when the new intern says "Yeah you do a heart transplant just like this"
All these ex players kids having to get out the mud. Scottie Pippen Jr has developed like crazy….