If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Nice collections of images from different regions of the world.

Eumetsat is responsible for the meridian region, which is Africa and Europe. Their satellite office is out of London. Himawari-8 is a Japanese satellite, which is responsible for the West Pacific and Asian region. Goes-16 (east) monitors the Atlantic and North America and Goes-17 (west) monitors the central and east pacific as well as the western US.

The images produced from those satellites are called true color images. They use a combination of three wavelength bands (red, green, and blue) to produce a natural color of earth. All three bands are dependent on the sunlight as the satellite captures different wavelengths of reflectance.

The highest resolution band is the red band which is 500 meters resolution. The helps capture micro processes produced from clouds that are impossible to see from infrared bands which are mainly used at night.


One day you gon be sorry :lol:


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I'm asking you for proof and sources for you claim that the overwhelming majority of the global populace believed the earth was a sphere for the last 1900 years. Just show me. Prove that to me.
We live on the same planet. The proof is all the fuck around you. Literally every school system teaches it as a fundamental of science. Why are you asking this clearly ridiculous question? Obfuscation.

You do this every time you can't answer a question.

I answered yours and asked you again to answer one you've been running from for weeks.

You're nothing if not consistent lol


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Bro, all your examples show you're trying too hard. And every one is pulling a magic trick on you. If this was about whether man stepped onto the moon, I would support your argument. Because all we have is what our eyes are telling us. And that could be a lie.

But round earth doesn't need observation. You can't argue flat earth with closed eye concepts. Seeing is believing. I don't rely on NASA to tell me anything. I need a basic concept of physics. You can't tell me where the middle of flat earth is. Where the edges are. Which direction gravity is pulling me. Why all trees don't grow slanted. Like you, I don't need to listen to any scientists, mechanics, etc.

Explain why we have a flat earth without using overblown science.

Again, ridicule rather than logic.

The middle of the flat earth is supposedly the north pole, where Polaris remains. It's theorized that the edges are what we know as Antarctica, even though lately I'm starting to question that. I've BEEN told yall that gravity is actually static electricity and that it actually determines up and down. Trees grow towards their life source, the sun, period.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
We live on the same planet. The proof is all the fuck around you. Literally every school system teaches it as a fundamental of science. Why are you asking this clearly ridiculous question? Obfuscation.

You do this every time you can't answer a question.

I answered yours and asked you again to answer one you've been running from for weeks.

You're nothing if not consistent lol

We live on the same plane.

Dude, WHEN was the public school system established in Amerikkka? Just answer me that first of all. And when did they start teaching about the solar system? Sure, now due to the American Empire's reach the globe model is taught all across the earth. You're acting like people have been walking around for the last 1900 years all with common knowledge that the earth was a ball. Columbus proved the Earth was round, which it is, but he didn't prove it was sphere, ya see?? You can travel in a circle on a flat plane and end back up where you started. If Columbus needed to prove the earth was round, why??? According to you, everybody knew already. No man. This ball earth thing is a relatively new concept that is saturated everywhere in society NOW, but as late as the late 1800's people were still arguing that the world was flat.

Again, show me your sources.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
We live on the same plane.

Dude, WHEN was the public school system established in Amerikkka? Just answer me that first of all. And when did they start teaching about the solar system? Sure, now due to the American Empire's reach the globe model is taught all across the earth. You're acting like people have been walking around for the last 1900 years all with common knowledge that the earth was a ball. Columbus proved the Earth was round, which it is, but he didn't prove it was sphere, ya see?? You can travel in a circle on a flat plane and end back up where you started. If Columbus needed to prove the earth was round, why??? According to you, everybody knew already. No man. This ball earth thing is a relatively new concept that is saturated everywhere in society NOW, but as late as the late 1800's people were still arguing that the world was flat.

Again, show me your sources.
How bout you answer my one weeks old question instead of asking your seventeenth ridiculous one?

What do you have against that even exchange?

king reckless

Rising Star
Again, ridicule rather than logic.

The middle of the flat earth is supposedly the north pole, where Polaris remains. It's theorized that the edges are what we know as Antarctica, even though lately I'm starting to question that. I've BEEN told yall that gravity is actually static electricity and that it actually determines up and down. Trees grow towards their life source, the sun, period.
Supposedly? Theorized? BEEN told? There's no confidence in these claims?

Is there anything you can prove without expounding on the internet? Gravity is static electricity, Bruh. Up and down? I thought you wrote you were a flat earther, what the fuck is up and down? The earth is a sphere, pulling things to the center, to a round earther, it appears to be up and down. Nah, you wrote the earth center is Polaris or the north pole. Your gravity pulls you there. I don't know your concept of static electricity is electromagnetism but hey. Where is Antarctica on flat earth? Is that South Pole? BTW, where I can buy my flat earth watch?

Anyways, you're actually thinking about it rather than spewing everything you've seen on a video. There are actually places to test out theories and such.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Y'all retarded it's ancient societies that knew the earth wasn't flat simply through observation. You don't have to be in space to know the earth isn't flat. Everything from civil engineering to seasons to timezone to astronomy to ships seeming to sink under the horizon etc should tell you this but y'all choose to be retarded. Can't stand you flat earth motherfuckers.
Didn’t them same people say the earth was the center and All the planet’s revolution are AROUND earth

that was like 25 centuries ago

we can’t find Out new shit in the next 2 centuries?

Gula Mons was just seen like 15 years ago

king reckless

Rising Star
Didn’t them same people say the earth was the center and All the planet’s revolution are AROUND earth

that was like 25 centuries ago

we can’t find Out new shit in the next 2 centuries?

Gula Mons was just seen like 15 years ago
Bruh, we had pseudo science back then. Astrology is a pseudo science. We disproved those myths centuries ago. Why would we say the earth is flat, wait it's round, to Hol up, it's flat again?

Mind you, as advance in science, we'll relearn new concepts. Shid, I wish the earth was flat, the pyramids would make sense. If gravity is static electricity lol a new breakthrough!!


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
OMFG :hithead: :hithead:

A bullet doesn't need to travel as fast a rocket because there is less friction embracing a bullet.

I know what the real problem is. The internet has given the youth an illusion to do the slightest critical thinking. 66 percent of millennials in America are wound up this way.

I swear to anything, I tried explaining to a kid why balloons can float. He said that's proof gravity isn't exist. I'm being dead ass here. Some flat earthers spent 20 racks on a gyroscope that disproved their theory.

And I'm using almost common sense DIY tactics to understand a grade school concept. Fuck NASA. Fuck CGI. Fuck a computer, come outside and test it out yourself.

When I was growing up, there were encyclopedias all over. If not, the public library had a few. They formatted their abstract to allure kids to read. I recall the Charlie Brown Fact Book. But you need a broad scope of education before the internet becomes convenient. The majority of these folks come down to two things: born after 1995. Never learned how to sort out concepts. I can study books telling me one plus one are two all day but if can't conceptualize it on a basic scale, that shit is a wonder also.

To reiterate NASA and CGI tells me that you can't make sense of it on a grassroots level. Nobody should have to convince you the earth is a sphere. You are arguing from observation, we are arguing from reasoning. At this point, you might as well write wind doesn't exist because you can't see it.

I guess Mars is flat too.
You seen mars?


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Bruh, we had pseudo science back then. Astrology is a pseudo science. We disproved those myths centuries ago. Why would we say the earth is flat, wait it's round, to Hol up, it's flat again?

Mind you, as advance in science, we'll relearn new concepts. Shid, I wish the earth was flat, the pyramids would make sense. If gravity is static electricity lol a new breakthrough!!
You believe the Vatican?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor

I think we've all been misled, so I'm not singling you out.

For instance, you can be led to believe certain information comes from certain places, like satellites orbiting the earth, when that data might actually be coming from a source closer to the ground. But as long a you're told it's coming from satellites, and you have no reason to question it and it doesn't affect your ability to predict the weather, it doesn't matter whether the data is actually coming from somewhere else.

Can you for instance provide footage of a satellite launch in real time? Or is everything just cuts of videos and computer simulations of a launch? I'd like to see footage that convinces me 100% that they launched a rocket and released a satellite and it started orbiting rather than falling back down to the ground. Does that footage exist? If so please post it.


@shaddyvillethug is absolutely correct about space. None of us have firsthand experience with it. We are all operating off the words/images somebody else told us and taking a leap of FAITH that what we've been told/shown is accurate. Same way Christians believe what they read in the bible.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Which people? How many people? The majority of people?

I believe the majority of indigenous populations of the world thought it was flat in the 1800's, including Europe.

Meanwhile, you're dodging AAAALLLLL of my questions. You haven't answered ONE yet! How bout that!!


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Supposedly? Theorized? BEEN told? There's no confidence in these claims?

Is there anything you can prove without expounding on the internet? Gravity is static electricity, Bruh. Up and down? I thought you wrote you were a flat earther, what the fuck is up and down? The earth is a sphere, pulling things to the center, to a round earther, it appears to be up and down. Nah, you wrote the earth center is Polaris or the north pole. Your gravity pulls you there. I don't know your concept of static electricity is electromagnetism but hey. Where is Antarctica on flat earth? Is that South Pole? BTW, where I can buy my flat earth watch?

Anyways, you're actually thinking about it rather than spewing everything you've seen on a video. There are actually places to test out theories and such.

.........okay (c) Hov

king reckless

Rising Star
You seen mars?
All shit is all paper mache. Learned that from George Lucas. ;)

That shit is all lies fam. If you're searching for scientific answers on a porn board...

I live an hour away from NASA. I could probably find answers from night security. It's all good. I have doubts about the Covid vaccine. I used simple science to sort out the 911 hoax. But at least I stand on my square on my convictions, not anothers beliefs. I don't know about the COVID shot, I've never studied enough on viruses to argue. 911 is part bullshit because common sense denounces that shit. I assume we have traveled to Mars but I can't prove it. I know the earth is round because I work on ships and flown around the globe. I already know the deck crew would rely on celestial navigation based on a round earth to maneuver a ship at sea.

It's one thing to argue a premise, it's another to act on a premise as a way of life. Flat earthers cannot apply flat earth concepts in the world.

I'd love to purchase a flat earth watch as a souvenir.

What careers are in effect using flat earth technology? Fuck, sell me a Ptolemy model of the universe poster. It's all good. What can you do with flat earth claims besides argue? Fuck arguing, put shit into use. Maybe in a dimension unknown to man, the universe is relatively flat.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
How bout you answer my one weeks old question instead of asking your seventeenth ridiculous one?

What do you have against that even exchange?

Your question is based off an assumption that I don't believe is true. I don't believe people thought the world was round for 1900 years. The only reason yall believe it's a sphere now is because of Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis, which was the early 1800's. But he's been proven wrong too, although that's kept quiet to maintain the globe model. Science didn't accept the ball earth theory until the mid 1800's when he came along, and his "evidence" was always on thin ice from the start. So nah, I can't answer a misinformed question.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I believe the majority of indigenous populations of the world thought it was flat in the 1800's, including Europe.

Meanwhile, you're dodging AAAALLLLL of my questions. You haven't answered ONE yet! How bout that!!
What question man? You have a communication problem. You choosing to reject and ignore every response to your claims does not negate that everything you claim has been responded to and knocked down.

You ask a question then stick your fingers in your ears and hum and when people's lips stop moving you declare victory on the grounds that no one will answer you. Do you not realize you're doing that? Or is it just a strategy you've chosen to stick with?