"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Breakfast Club where campaigns go to die.

Pretty much.


Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Call me when Biden takes out a full page add calling for the death of 5 black kids, when his father is arrested at a KKK rally or when he refuses to rent to black people.
Totally not a good look.
Fuck him for that.

But is that worse than the "Bidens law " 94 crime bill, strum Thurmond mentee, his segregationist ties, and him saying he'd be damned if he gotta pay reparations to Black people?

If you think so, that's on you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He kicked a hornet's nest by talking to Charlemagne. He didn't know he was gonna be asked hard questions? He then threw himself in a lion's cage with the comment.

Charlemagne had a come to Jesus when he interviewed Claude Anderson late last year. You can slowly see the light starting to flicker...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brotha - no light flickered.

Charlamagne works for the CIA and did that as a favor for another sell-out, Dr. Boyce Watkins.
Charlemagne had a come to Jesus when he interviewed Claude Anderson late last year. You can slowly see the light starting to flicker...


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Obama is David Geffens and Richard Bransons fag boy toy. I guess if you like to trust fags with your future then he's your fearless leader. Too bad he didn't give a fuck about black people when he had his shot. Now this never was black MF til he stiffed Michelle's pussy wanna play black leader.

Hawaii Fag-O will never be a black leader due to his blantant disrespect of people like Dr Jeremiah Wright. No Mr Obama, you lost that chance when you fucked over the black church to be Prez. His faggot as needs to sit down and retire in Hawaii with his real white friends.
you need to come out the closet bruh. sheesh

Rembrandt Brown

Is this a joke? He is better than Trump.

You all have lost your fucking minds.

We have a sitting president pushing a drug that will kill people just because of his EGO.

Now, if Trump wasn‘t increasing the death toll every day and delaying us getting back to some type of normalcy I wouldn’t vote for Biden. He has dementia. At least the democrats would navigate this crisis way better then the demon republicans.

I agree that Biden is better than Trump and I will vote for Biden for that reason.

My point was that being better than Trump cannot be and is not the beginning and end of every conversation.

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama is David Geffens and Richard Bransons fag boy toy. I guess if you like to trust fags with your future then he's your fearless leader. Too bad he didn't give a fuck about black people when he had his shot. Now this never was black MF til he stiffed Michelle's pussy wanna play black leader.

Hawaii Fag-O will never be a black leader due to his blantant disrespect of people like Dr Jeremiah Wright. No Mr Obama, you lost that chance when you fucked over the black church to be Prez. His faggot as needs to sit down and retire in Hawaii with his real white friends.
You're stupid af. Besides his appointments of scores of federal judges who will interpret the law in fair and non-racist ways--which will ultimately help Black people in more ways than your feeble mind can comprehend, he proved that a Black man can be a successful president.

That's what you cacs hate about Obama most. You're pissed because he paved the way for other Black people to become president. He was a good president, far better than trump, which sets the stage for other non-whites to become president which threatens your white supremacy and you can't stand it.

And take that bullshit about he didnt do shit for Black people somewhere else. Ending white supremacy is chess not checkers: had Obama overtly tried to enact legislation to directly help Black people faggot ass cacs like bitch McConnell (and you) would have been in an uproar. That legislation would never have passed and republicans and cacs would have used that as a cause to end Obama's presidency.

Lastly, besides his judicial appointments, Obama is responsible for low Black unemployment numbers, not trump. During his presidency, Obama lowered the unemployment rate, for all Americans, from 16% to 7%. So naturally Black unemployment rates fell under him. Then within months of that orange racist faggot taking office he claims he's responsible for lowering unemployment in the Black community? G.t.f.o.h. Anyone who took economics in college knows the economy does not work like that. It takes years, not months, for new economic policies to affect the economy overall. Trump said he likes uneducated people. The reason he said that is because he knows they're gullible and susceptible to his lies and bullshit.

You need to take your uneducated faggoty cac ass back to stormfront too.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Totally not a good look.
Fuck him for that.

But is that worse than the "Bidens law " 94 crime bill, strum Thurmond mentee, his segregationist ties, and him saying he'd be damned if he gotta pay reparations to Black people?

If you think so, that's on you.
If this were a rap battle, Biden could call Trump a studio gangsta. Biden got the fucking stripes. He is a general. A fucking OG of racist policy that sent my friends to the bing and was responsible for destroying many black households. :smh:

You could actually list the anti-black community accomplishments of both Trump and Biden and it wouldn't matter that Biden smokes trump.

I participated in this clown show for years and shit didn't change for the COMMUNITY. From Clinton to black jesus to Trump and now to Biden. Only changes we can make is for ourselves and that happens under any president. Community is fucked. Individually we can do great. Don't have to look much further than the pleas copped for Biden for more proof of that. Politically hopeless. Just tools who become less valuable as hispanic numbers increase. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Proof positive that anyone saying that Biden is more equipped to handle what is going on right now is naive and foolish. Biden can’t even out maneuver trump.

Voting for the democratic cabinet (that is not even selected) vs. trump is not alarming? Emotion and irrationality will be the final straw to break the camel’s back.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
If this were a rap battle, Biden could call Trump a studio gangsta. Biden got the fucking stripes. He is a general. A fucking OG of racist policy that sent my friends to the bing and was responsible for destroying many black households. :smh:

You could actually list the anti-black community accomplishments of both Trump and Biden and it wouldn't matter that Biden smokes trump.

I participated in this clown show for years and shit didn't change for the COMMUNITY. From Clinton to black jesus to Trump and now to Biden. Only changes we can make is for ourselves and that happens under any president. Community is fucked. Individually we can do great. Don't have to look much further than the pleas copped for Biden for more proof of that. Politically hopeless. Just tools who become less valuable as hispanic numbers increase. :smh:
but but
"tRumP tOOk aN aD ouT iN dA TiMEs iN thE 1990s, DatS wAY wORsE"

Rembrandt Brown

I think this is actually a good apology.

Former Vice President Joe Biden apologized on a Friday call with black business leaders for saying earlier in the day that voters who have a hard time choosing between him and President Donald Trump “ain’t black.”​
“I should not have been so cavalier,” Biden said on the call. “I’ve never, never, ever taken the African American community for granted … I shouldn’t have been a wise guy.”​



Rising Star
The big question is "Who is the Electoral College going to vote for"?

I'm willing to say the EC is going to stick with trump. The only reason they want trump is, Trump was selected because he's been incharge of billion dollar corporations that have gone bankrupt!! And since USA Inc is damn near the bankrupt/collapse stage, trump is doing what he was selected to do!!!

Opps!!! I forgot, those who are under deep conditioning and programming agenda believe these presidents are elected by the people of this colony!! Do the people really believe the 1% or money class are going to let someone they have no control over, get elected and get in office and fuck up everything they have set up since the beginning of this corporation???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm willing to say the EC is going to stick with trump. The only reason they want trump is, Trump was selected because he's been incharge of billion dollar corporations that have gone bankrupt!! And since USA Inc is damn near the bankrupt/collapse stage, trump is doing what he was selected to do!!!

Opps!!! I forgot, those who are under deep conditioning and programming agenda believe these presidents are elected by the people of this colony!! Do the people really believe the 1% or money class are going to let someone they have no control over, get elected and get in office and fuck up everything they have set up since the beginning of this corporation???

Brotha - posters will argue their life away thinking they have an impact on the selection of the President. Do they think the people who the President reports to is selected by the pawns? :lol: What corporation has ever allowed the employees to pick the CEO?

if the people had the power, the corporation would have been overthrown already but the masses are so deep in the trance, they can’t see it. This may have been the last chance before the society collapses.

5 star post!