"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't think it'll change votes, but shit like this is what makes folk NOT vote. And that's part of what got Agent Orange elected last time was there was such a significantly lower Dem turnout compared to Obama's.
Respectfully disagree... i get what you're saying, but if a comment like this is enough to keep you at home knowing good and damn well what another term of presidency for trump means to you, people that look like you, the nation and our political standing in the world then you were looking for a reason NOT to vote in the first place.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
If that's all it took for you niggas to get pissed off you probably wasn't voting anyway. Hell Biden halfway wasn't even lying. y'all need to realize this shit ain't even about Biden. It's about getting Trump out off office. Trump supporters stay on point... they don't give a fly fuck. Dems to busy getting outraged about every single thing is the reason Trump is going to win in a landslide.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
Black People have survived every mutha fucka that held the office of the President no matter who was in the chair. What will be the conversation when this cocksucker Joe Biden gets in there and again says fuck you niggas? Black People are fucking sadistic when it comes to the AmeriKKKan political process, we keep getting raped by it and some of us are always talking about participating in something we never benefit from, we are always victimized by it all the mutha fuckin time!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If that all it took for you niggas to get pissed off you probably wasn't voting anyway. Hell Biden halfway wasn't even lying. y'all need to realize this shit ain't even about Biden. It's about getting Trump out off office. Trump supporters stay on point... they don't give a fly fuck. Dems to busy getting outraged about everything single thing is the reason Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Unfortunately that's all it takes. Biden can have this shit in the bag, he just needs to be careful.

I'm more concerned about the hardline Bernie supporters who are looking for a reason not to vote for this dude.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of people missed the point. What he meant and essentially said in the most inarticulate way possible is no self respecting black person would ever vote for a known racist like Donald Trump. Don't get it twisted, stay focused on the objective which is to get Trump and his minions the hell out of office. :hmm:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Didn't cLick the video. Just looking at the screen and seeing his sign all fucked up says it all about how much his "supporters" care about him, reminds me of this :hmm:
Fuck that MF still voting for Biden, ANYTHING gotta b better than this idiotic MF



BGOL Investor
If that all it took for you niggas to get pissed off you probably wasn't voting anyway. Hell Biden halfway wasn't even lying. y'all need to realize this shit ain't even about Biden. It's about getting Trump out off office. Trump supporters stay on point... they don't give a fly fuck. Dems to busy getting outraged about everything single thing is the reason Trump is going to win in a landslide.

And that's why they lose so much. I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting to get rid of Trump. Even if it's symbolic and don't do shit (the electoral college) I just want to see Trump gone.
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The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
You're stupid af. Besides his appointments of scores of federal judges who will interpret the law in fair and non-racist ways--which will ultimately help Black people in more ways than your feeble mind can comprehend, he proved that a Black man can be a successful president.

That's what you cacs hate about Obama most. You're pissed because he paved the way for other Black people to become president. He was a good president, far better than trump, which sets the stage for other non-whites to become president which threatens your white supremacy and you can't stand it.

And take that bullshit about he didnt do shit for Black people somewhere else. Ending white supremacy is chess not checkers: had Obama overtly tried to enact legislation to directly help Black people faggot ass cacs like bitch McConnell (and you) would have been in an uproar. That legislation would never have passed and republicans and cacs would have used that as a cause to end Obama's presidency.

Lastly, besides his judicial appointments, Obama is responsible for low Black unemployment numbers, not trump. During his presidency, Obama lowered the unemployment rate, for all Americans, from 16% to 7%. So naturally Black unemployment rates fell under him. Then within months of that orange racist faggot taking office he claims he's responsible for lowering unemployment in the Black community? G.t.f.o.h. Anyone who took economics in college knows the economy does not work like that. It takes years, not months, for new economic policies to affect the economy overall. Trump said he likes uneducated people. The reason he said that is because he knows they're gullible and susceptible to his lies and bullshit.

You need to take your uneducated faggoty cac ass back to stormfront too.

Sorry, I don't listen to low born fag loving scum. Obama fatal flaw was never reeling in or punishing any Bank CEOs after the financial crisis. He played ball like a good little sambo, effectively selling out Americans for generations to come.

Chaney and Trump have got/gotten their adgenda thru because of not giving a fuck about how the other side felt about change
Obama was a weak compromiser who ultimately lost respect from the opposition because they had no fear of the fag.

Imma need you and the retard immegrants to take that energy back to the country you came from. Please implement all the stupid democratic policies (like gay rights) and bring Biden, Kamal Harris, and Corey Booker as your leadership and see how fast they run those shitholes further into the ground.

If you are ADOS, then I suggest you move your sorry ass to one of these Carribean/African countries and experience just how wonderful their incompet leaders and policies are. You will find out their leaders are puppets to (insert euro country herr) or China and give a rats ass about you if you dont have their bribe money on deck.
You will experience why they run here so fast the first chance they win the immegrant lottery or a human trafficker offers a way out.

Dont tell me how to run shit. You stupidity and lack of courage to question and confront leaders is what got you there. Im not blinded by the fake white kindness of the Dems. The only thing your punk ass can do is ask for handouts while I demand respect and put folks in their proper place.

There's levels to this American shit son. An trust me when I tell you, that you will never be on my level until you stop being blind and realize they are not you leaders and you dont have to bend to their authority. Start your on parties and have your own adjendas.

I give a fuck about the Prez. Thats one spot that is nationally elected. This is what confirms you niggas are TOTALLY fucking cluesless when it comes to political shit. Anyone who thinks the power is with the Prez and not local is bum fucking dumb.

Yet yall niggas spent 98% of your time debating about a MF who will effect 5% of your life while ignoring the local MFer who controls 95% of the shit you do. But a lot of yall so called black liberals nerf your own local black power by living in all white districts and watering down your vote.

I highly dobut you live by ANY of the shit you think you stand for.

You probably live in a white neighborhood.

You shop at white stores.

You dont get politically involved except for typing shit on the internet.

You dont volunteer time for shit, in black communities.

You dont vote in off year elections.

Got Multi BMs with the drama to go with it

Trust me nigga. You are your own worst enemy. They have you in so many mental chains that Biden can say one retarded thing after another and your punk (paid) sell out ass gotta do what massa Biden say.

So in closing, beyond the ACA and making Eric Bender AG, what did he really accomplish. Unemployment was going to go down after the recession regardless. Trump will have the same benefits if a vaccine is found soon. His supporters will spout the same non sense you did while the assholes at the banks set up a new Ponzi scheme for the next financial collapse.

That punk ass vote dont matter anyways. The Energy sector, Banks and Millitsry run this bitch and will continue to do so as always. They control your punk ass leaders just like BP with Obama who took his sweat ass time disciplining them when their turn came during their big oil spill.

Yall can keep on crying like bitches. Pope Gooch will always have his Papal influence on your leadership. The Lord hath .......haths......halfss......oh fuck how do you say that shit. Fuck it.....theGooch hath spoken. May his Papal light shine down on your 3rd world ignorance.

Blessings n' all that shit to you my child.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This might be the worst election ever, we’ve got to old ass narcissistic uncouth cacs. I see Biden and Trump as one but opposite sides on the same coin.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
you need to come out the closet bruh. sheesh


Richy Rich testing out that gag reflex. LOL!! Gotta get that doner money somehow. Looks like Obama already has!!

Pope Gooch does not hate fags. He just wishes they would practice better hygiene.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If that's all it took for you niggas to get pissed off you probably wasn't voting anyway. Hell Biden halfway wasn't even lying. y'all need to realize this shit ain't even about Biden. It's about getting Trump out off office. Trump supporters stay on point... they don't give a fly fuck. Dems to busy getting outraged about every single thing is the reason Trump is going to win in a landslide.
A lot of the "outrage" folks are low-key trump supporters too


BGOL Investor
Things that I keep in mind are...... His handler tried to stop the interview way too early. It's not good that you avoided being on this show for so long and then when you come on you tried to make the interview very very short. That's a sign of cowardice.

Joe Biden is an old white man, I get it, he figures he's speaking to a younger black man so he's going to use a lot of slang or "street" speech because he's trying to relate to a younger generation but it comes off kind of corny LOL "Man".......And he doesn't have to yell so much....All he had to do was answer the questions rationally and honestly.
But at the end of the day he is a Democrat and black people love him especially older black people from the Obama coalition who never thought they would see a black president.

As far as the "gaffe"," If you can't decide between Biden and Trump, then you ain't Black." It's like this...

Trump is a racist and Biden called out the house niggas and Oreos that support Trump. It's a risky move for a White man. We can't have shit both ways....it's almost like we're saying that only we can call out Coons and Uncle Tom's but white people can't. It was kind of crazy in a John Brown way... And of course the people on Fox are going to fall on their fainting couches with "outrage' LOL!!!


waking people up
BGOL Investor

Richy Rich testing out that gag reflex. LOL!! Gotta get that doner money somehow. Looks like Obama already has!!

Pope Gooch does not hate fags. He just wishes they would practice better hygiene.
issues dude. you just need to accept who you are and get rid of this misplaced anger
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
say brotha - why you posting the REAL leader of the United States of America?

that will go over the heads of most of the brothas here.

Larry Sinclair exposed Obama a while ago but was dismissed and people don’t see how the mainstream media LOVED Obama.

Didn’t BGOL say that you should never trust a so-called black man that most of all the white people like?

the cult of the DNC is implementing Jonestown tactics on our community and most of us are too far gone at this point and we need a separation.

keep up the truth posting, brotha!

Sorry, I don't listen to low born fag loving scum. Obama fatal flaw was never reeling in or punishing any Bank CEOs after the financial crisis. He played ball like a good little sambo, effectively selling out Americans for generations to come.

Chaney and Trump have got/gotten their adgenda thru because of not giving a fuck about how the other side felt about change
Obama was a weak compromiser who ultimately lost respect from the opposition because they had no fear of the fag.

Imma need you and the retard immegrants to take that energy back to the country you came from. Please implement all the stupid democratic policies (like gay rights) and bring Biden, Kamal Harris, and Corey Booker as your leadership and see how fast they run those shitholes further into the ground.

If you are ADOS, then I suggest you move your sorry ass to one of these Carribean/African countries and experience just how wonderful their incompet leaders and policies are. You will find out their leaders are puppets to (insert euro country herr) or China and give a rats ass about you if you dont have their bribe money on deck.
You will experience why they run here so fast the first chance they win the immegrant lottery or a human trafficker offers a way out.

Dont tell me how to run shit. You stupidity and lack of courage to question and confront leaders is what got you there. Im not blinded by the fake white kindness of the Dems. The only thing your punk ass can do is ask for handouts while I demand respect and put folks in their proper place.

There's levels to this American shit son. An trust me when I tell you, that you will never be on my level until you stop being blind and realize they are not you leaders and you dont have to bend to their authority. Start your on parties and have your own adjendas.

I give a fuck about the Prez. Thats one spot that is nationally elected. This is what confirms you niggas are TOTALLY fucking cluesless when it comes to political shit. Anyone who thinks the power is with the Prez and not local is bum fucking dumb.

Yet yall niggas spent 98% of your time debating about a MF who will effect 5% of your life while ignoring the local MFer who controls 95% of the shit you do. But a lot of yall so called black liberals nerf your own local black power by living in all white districts and watering down your vote.

I highly dobut you live by ANY of the shit you think you stand for.

You probably live in a white neighborhood.

You shop at white stores.

You dont get politically involved except for typing shit on the internet.

You dont volunteer time for shit, in black communities.

You dont vote in off year elections.

Got Multi BMs with the drama to go with it

Trust me nigga. You are your own worst enemy. They have you in so many mental chains that Biden can say one retarded thing after another and your punk (paid) sell out ass gotta do what massa Biden say.

So in closing, beyond the ACA and making Eric Bender AG, what did he really accomplish. Unemployment was going to go down after the recession regardless. Trump will have the same benefits if a vaccine is found soon. His supporters will spout the same non sense you did while the assholes at the banks set up a new Ponzi scheme for the next financial collapse.

That punk ass vote dont matter anyways. The Energy sector, Banks and Millitsry run this bitch and will continue to do so as always. They control your punk ass leaders just like BP with Obama who took his sweat ass time disciplining them when their turn came during their big oil spill.

Yall can keep on crying like bitches. Pope Gooch will always have his Papal influence on your leadership. The Lord hath .......haths......halfss......oh fuck how do you say that shit. Fuck it.....theGooch hath spoken. May his Papal light shine down on your 3rd world ignorance.

Blessings n' all that shit to you my child.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Shit like this man! Say what ya'll want but there are gonna be people who will use shit like what Biden said as an excuse. We need everyone we can get to vote that Spray Tanned Cocksucker out of office. Biden ain't helping; His team needs to get his shit together. Whether you want to believe it or not, that idiot in office still has a strong support base.
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Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Shit like this man! Say what ya'll want but there are gonna be people who will use shit like what Biden said as an excuse. We need everyone we can get to vote that Spray Tanned Cocksucker out of office. Biden ain't helping; His team needs to get his shit together. Believe it or not that idiot in office still has a strong support base.

This. There are valid arguments to be heard, but the main objective is getting Trump up out the paint. We can continue to work on other shit during and after that goal. A bunch of outthink the room mofos are gonna gift wrap that orange bastard another 4 years just like 2016. And for as much as dude states the obvious... Does he really think repubs are gonna be better???


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Totally not a good look.
Fuck him for that.

But is that worse than the "Bidens law " 94 crime bill, strum Thurmond mentee, his segregationist ties, and him saying he'd be damned if he gotta pay reparations to Black people?

If you think so, that's on you.
How old were you in 94? I was a grown man then and crack was fucking shit up coast to coast. Many in our community were advocating for a smack down on drug traffickers and gang members.

In hindsight we were wrong but at the time many were sick of the constant break ins, driveby shootings and drugs everywhere.

Biden actually apologized for the shit and has changed his views on drugs. Partly because it's politically correct but most likely due to CAC's and opioids.

Has tRump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong on anything? This bitch drew a sharpie on a hurricane map for Zod's sakes mayne, who the fuck does this?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
rational thought like this is frowned upon on BGOL and it is sad.

people are exposing themselves as immigrants, LGBT and/or pro-white with their insistence that a racist like Biden get a pass.

these people are compromised and don’t have pride or really care they are so-called black (if they are) until they are being persecuted. It is really sad.

this is the time to be more proactive about progressing our demands but the sellouts only care about getting trump out because they will at least maintain their pro-white status (only black in the room status) which a lot of them get off on.

more brothas are doing well economically (like @Soul On Ice) while immigrants like @Drayonis who live off unearned benefits and inability to innovate/pivot struggle and that is why they want democrats in charge because of favoritism :lol:

Just another Democrat taking the Black vote for granted.
Still hasn't presented a Black agenda with TANGIBLES.
Unable to frame a policy without bringing Trump into the picture.
This just solidified my plan to stay my ass at home and not vote for ANYONE in this election.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Biden is mentally unfit to lead just like trump.

you don’t even know who his VP will be or cabinet.

you think trump is also calling the shots? :lol:

he is executing his bosses’ plans which are all by design. People not seeing this are just lost and will always ensure the so-called black race is at the bottom in a land we discovered and built up.
How old were you in 94? I was a grown man then and crack was fucking shit up coast to coast. Many in our community were advocating for a smack down on drug traffickers and gang members.

In hindsight we were wrong but at the time many were sick of the constant break ins, driveby shootings and drugs everywhere.

Biden actually apologized for the shit and has changed his views on drugs. Partly because it's politically correct but most likely due to CAC's and opioids.

Has tRump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong on anything? This bitch drew a sharpie on a hurricane map for Zod's sakes mayne, who the fuck does this?
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Rising Star

Democrats are mad that there boogeyman tatics are not working anymore. A lot of blacks especially young blacks starting waking up to the hustle and the finesse these white democrats have been using for decades. They take our vote for granted and then prop up every other group. While blacks are still broke and suffer and there community is in shambles.

As for trump I am not scared of trump I actually prefer white conservative honest racism. Black people do better under open white supremacy.

Look at the black community before the 1950s. We had black Wall Street and many successful black business because black people had to work together and hustle. We know we could not depend on white mommy and white daddy Because of hostile open racism.

Black people fell off after the 1960s because we starting listening to white liberals like the hippys and the feminist. You look at a lot of black communities under Democratic control. It’s all failures. White liberals wanted to destroy the black nuclear family and put you on government programs so they will have a reliable voting block for decades. They do not want you to be independent and own shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How old were you in 94? I was a grown man then and crack was fucking shit up coast to coast. Many in our community were advocating for a smack down on drug traffickers and gang members.

In hindsight we were wrong but at the time many were sick of the constant break ins, driveby shootings and drugs everywhere.

Biden actually apologized for the shit and has changed his views on drugs. Partly because it's politically correct but most likely due to CAC's and opioids.

Has tRump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong on anything? This bitch drew a sharpie on a hurricane map for Zod's sakes mayne, who the fuck does this?
did trump ever apologize to the Central Park 5? in fact, even after all the evidence in their favor and the settlements, he said he still thought they were guilty.


Rising Star
:smh: Trump just the convenient boogeymn. If he weren't in office, the sellouts would have another excuse. This is precisely why cities(like Cleveland) that are operated by black democrats are jokes. They in power because they play the game. And part of that game is to throw the people under the bus.
No they are in power in cities like Cleveland because most people do not vote. All that complaining and when it comes time for action of any kind most complainer are absent. Politicians do not elect themselves and money does vote.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People actually agreeing with Biden yet trump is wiping out more white Americans wealth (old money) than any president since Bush. Obama saved the whites but did nothing to help so-called blacks economically.

people mad at trump but he is bankrupting white farmers and US Oil money and allowing for more wealth transfer to astute brothas paying attention (as I mentioned would happen over 6 months ago)

Democrats will spend more money on all these other groups while doing nothing to help so-called blacks. at this point, if you aren’t questioning it, you are lost and will sell out everyone to help maintain the White power structure because you may get table scraps.

sad that is all that will suffice. Luckily there are some good, young brothas who are democratic leaders that will help us but those brothas will never get the support they need from the BGOL Democrats because they are all about cooning.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
How old were you in 94? I was a grown man then and crack was fucking shit up coast to coast. Many in our community were advocating for a smack down on drug traffickers and gang members.

In hindsight we were wrong but at the time many were sick of the constant break ins, driveby shootings and drugs everywhere.

Biden actually apologized for the shit and has changed his views on drugs. Partly because it's politically correct but most likely due to CAC's and opioids.

Has tRump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong on anything? This bitch drew a sharpie on a hurricane map for Zod's sakes mayne, who the fuck does this?
I remember '94 all too well. Yeah, 'leaders' were calling for a smackdown. That's because they the same dumb ass incompetents who helped usher in the war on drugs 20 years prior. Fucking clown asses. That was when they were kicking the :yes: "we don't own no planes" bullshit while cats in the heights were driving through Texas to the border and bringing work right back up to Cleveland.

It was dirty ass cacs like Biden who helped prohibition in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. I remember cats getting felonies for selling dimebags of fucking weed. Cacs like Biden were on a fucking warpath.

Much like today, older black folks failed the black youth in the 90s. They also did so in the 70s. Here we are in the same fucking position. Folks basically selling out and making bad decisions that people 20 years from now will look back at like :smh:

Man, I hope the board is still up in 20 years and all of us still around. Biden AND Obama will not age well politically. Young folks will clown us relentlessly for falling for the game. It will be Clinton 2.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bill Clinton apologized about slavery while proceeding to oversee the lock up of more so-called black people in the history of this country/corporation.

who cares about an apology without specific policy to fix the indiscretions?

it is amazing how many men are so emotional over this and have thrown logical thought out of the window. :smh:

did trump ever apologize to the Central Park 5? in fact, even after all the evidence in their favor and the settlements, he said he still thought they were guilty.