"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
Just another Democrat taking the Black vote for granted.
Still hasn't presented a Black agenda with TANGIBLES.
Unable to frame a policy without bringing Trump into the picture.
This just solidified my plan to stay my ass at home and not vote for ANYONE in this election.
I still haven't seen a mass movement from black folk around atleast three tangibles things we want. It's not up to politicians to come up with what we want. It's up to us to tell them what we demand.
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Rising Star
OG Investor
A lot of the "outrage" folks are low-key trump supporters too

I had a white Trump supporter I know text me about what Biden said. He said it was racist, Dude even tried quoting puffy.

I simply asked him if he heard should the black guy that was chased down by 2 white guys and was killed or the 2 black women that were shot in their apartment by the cops. He said. He heard about the black guy but not the women. He said it was wrong. I asked so why is Biden's words more important to you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are that comfortable with whites to have race discussions with them? Especially white trump supporters?

:lol: :smh:

this thread is exposing a lot.
I had a white Trump supporter I know text me about what Biden said. He said it was racist, Dude even tried quoting puffy.

I simply asked him if he heard should the black guy that was chased down by 2 white guys and was killed or the 2 black women that were shot in their apartment by the cops. He said. He heard about the black guy but not the women. He said it was wrong. I asked so why is Biden's words more important to you.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
say brotha - why you posting the REAL leader of the United States of America?

that will go over the heads of most of the brothas here.

Larry Sinclair exposed Obama a while ago but was dismissed and people don’t see how the mainstream media LOVED Obama.

Didn’t BGOL say that you should never trust a so-called black man that most of all the white people like?

the cult of the DNC is implementing Jonestown tactics on our community and most of us are too far gone at this point and we need a separation.

keep up the truth posting, brotha!

Thank you brotha XFactor. You are a true saint to the truth and of the church. I now bestow the title of you "Black"Cardnal XFactor.

May you and the other brothers who keep the Faith stay true to your wisdom. Now rejoice and celebrate your new place in the church.


We will bring light to the shadows as our flock continues to grow.


......Pope Gooch has spoken....this has come to pass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I still haven't seen a mass movement from black folk around atleast tangibles things we want. It's not p to politicians to come up with what we want. It's up to us to tell them what we demand.
Black people have demanded reparations for centuries now, but unfortunately too many of us have been pacified with fake apologies and symbolic gestures from both parties (mostly Democrats though).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
rational thought like this is frowned upon on BGOL and it is sad.

people are exposing themselves as immigrants, LGBT and/or pro-white with their insistence that a racist like Biden get a pass.

these people are compromised and don’t have pride or really care they are so-called black (if they are) until they are being persecuted. It is really sad.

this is the time to be more proactive about progressing our demands but the sellouts only care about getting trump out because they will at least maintain their pro-white status (only black in the room status) which a lot of them get off on.

more brothas are doing well economically (like @Soul On Ice) while immigrants like @Drayonis who live off unearned benefits and inability to innovate/pivot struggle and that is why they want democrats in charge because of favoritism :lol:
The sad part is after all this blows over, Black folks still gonna vote for Biden like a bunch of Stockholm Syndrome victims.
He'll pacify everyone with more symbolic bullshit (like a "Black" female VP) and toss a few crumbs (same old government handouts) our way.
All the while we get nothing while all the other groups (gays, immigrants, "minorities", "people of color", "disenfranchised people") get the bag.


Rising Star
Black people have demanded reparations for centuries now, but unfortunately too many of us have been pacified with fake apologies and symbolic gestures from both parties (mostly Democrats though).
More like some black people have demanded reparations and not a lot of black people.
Btw that sentence should have read:

"I still haven't seen a mass movement from black folk around atleast three tangibles things we want."


Rising Star
OG Investor
You are that comfortable with whites to have race discussions with them? Especially white trump supporters?

:lol: :smh:

this thread is exposing a lot.

Whites? Ok I'll entertain your moronic statement for 2mins.

I mentioned 1 white person in my post known him for 15yrs.

I fuck with him all the Time about Trump and that was his way of firing back.

No where in my post did I mention that I discuss race with him and I never have.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
issues dude. you just need to accept who you are and get rid of this misplaced anger
No my gay child. You are the person confused by your gaydom. Your love of your DNC handlers has no place in the church.

Bidens disrespect shows just how big of a cuck your are and how you want it to be your new 'norm". Your confusion has now led you to think that being shitted on is an act of love. How crazy can you fucking be?

Pope Gooch still cares even though you are feeble minded. The church petties retards and the blind. We have a soup kitchen for people like you that involves drug rehab and I suggest you use it.

Pope Gooch has spoken.....please @ALLBGOL donate to our soup kitchen so we can help people like Lazarus become unretarded.


Rising Star
The sad part is after all this blows over, Black folks still gonna vote for Biden like a bunch of Stockholm Syndrome victims.
He'll pacify everyone with more symbolic bullshit (like a "Black" female VP) and toss a few crumbs (same old government handouts) our way.
All the while we get nothing while all the other groups (gays, immigrants, "minorities", "people of color", "disenfranchised people") get the bag.
So your solution is to what?
A. Not vote for Biden
B. Vote for Trump
C. Not vote at all
D. Other


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So your solution is to what?
A. Not vote for Biden
B. Vote for Trump
C. Not vote at all
D. Other
My answer for now is C.

Unfortunately, people like Biden (and his supporters) only see this as an election game.
That's why he went on the Breakfast Club in the first place. He assumed it would be another ass-kissing interview with softball questions.
I'm looking at this as a long-term play beyond just the election.
We need a candidate who will look out for BLACK people specifically with TANGIBLES.
And until that happens I will abstain from voting.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
My answer for now is C.

Unfortunately, people like Biden (and his supporters) only see this as an election game.
That's why he went on the Breakfast Club in the first place. He assumed it would be another ass-kissing interview with softball questions.
I'm looking at this as a long-term play beyond just the election.
We need a candidate who will look out for BLACK people specifically with TANGIBLES.
And until that happens I will abstain from voting.


Then, unfortunately, you've fallen for the okey-doke, my brother.


Rising Star
My answer for now is C.

Unfortunately, people like Biden (and his supporters) only see this as an election game.
That's why he went on the Breakfast Club in the first place. He assumed it would be another ass-kissing interview with softball questions.
I'm looking at this as a long-term play beyond just the election.
We need a candidate who will look out for BLACK people specifically with TANGIBLES.
And until that happens I will abstain from voting.
Ok so do you vote at all (locally, other federal positions, etc...)?


Rising Star
Ok so do you vote at all (locally, other federal positions, etc...)?

Vote for whoever you think is going to help you.

Me personally I’m not voting for trump or Biden. I’m not voting for any candidate unless they are bringing tangibles and checks to my community.

But some people don’t care about that. Just because I want tangibles does not mean you have to follow me. Vote for your interest.


Rising Star
Vote for whoever you think is going to help you.

Me personally I’m not voting for trump or Biden. I’m not voting for any candidate unless they are bringing tangibles and checks to my community.

But some people don’t care about that. Just because I want tangibles does not mean you have to follow me. Vote for your interest.
Ok so all you are doing is just folding your arms, and not voting, while waiting for some politician to bring you things?
I'm just trying to get down to the non voter's actuall plan beyond not voting.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Yup. Like 4 more years of Trump is gonna get our issues, whatever they mean to us. Hammered out quicker and not set us back. Some weird ass thinking behind this stance.

Like 4-8 years of Biden going down the dementia tube and constantly saying dumb shit is going to reflect good on the Dem party.

Matter fact 4 years of Uncle Joe will be straight comedy like seeing your crazy Uncle who aint never been shit get his dream job and have a mental meltdown in front of the world. If you think Trump was bad. Uncle Joe be showing signs of the "Dems" for years. Hahaha jokey.....get it "Dems". Hahahahahaa!!!!

Fuck it. Put him in. How much worse could it be. Putting him in a room with Putin aint gonna be pretty but I guess the rest of the world leaders will play nice with Uncle Joe.


Rising Star
I only vote locally (city council, etc.) where I can see policies clearly put into play without too much meddling from lobbyists and special interest groups.
Ok so have all of those folks met your expectations/demands (look out for BLACK people specifically with TANGIBLES.")?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok so all you are doing is just folding your arms, and not voting, while waiting for some politician to bring you things?
I'm just trying to get down to the non voter's actuall plan beyond not voting.

If enough people say they won't vote (and actually mean it), the candidates will be FORCED to have a black agenda with tangibles in order to get our vote.

That's the plan. Simple. Nothing complicated about it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Neither of them are going to do shit for me. I'd like to see it all crumble.
That said, I'm not voting for Trump.
I'm really sick of America looking like a country of arrogant, unsympathetic, assholes.
Trump has been terrible at foreign policy.


Rising Star
Ok so all you are doing is just folding your arms, and not voting, while waiting for some politician to bring you things?
I'm just trying to get to where is your actual plan

Yeah what I have to lose? Because voting for the so call lesser of 2 evils has not work for us? How many presidents have we elected that has helped the black community ?

We have to stop playing that game and start asking these politicians to bring something to the table.

The days of coming to the Black church or going to a black cookout and eating bake chicken for the black vote is over. We demand tangibles and benefits like other groups.

Again you cant scare me with trump. I’m not going to make the mainstream media brainwash me with trump because at the end of the day. The black community is the same condition under trump as it was under Obama. Nothing has changed and I don’t see how Joe Biden is going to do anything. He is just talking shit so you can vote for him and once he is in office your not going to see him until 2024 or if he is even alive by then.

We have to stop letting people take us for granted.

What Joe Biden said was very disrespectful. You would never see him say that about the LGBT, asian, Latinos or Jewish community.

Image him saying that about the Jewish community

“Your A Jew” if you don’t vote democrat your not Jewish enough. They would be force to drop out if he talk that bullshit to the Jewish community


Rising Star
If enough people say they won't vote (and actually mean it), the candidates will be FORCED to have a black agenda with tangibles in order to get our vote.

That's the plan. Simple. Nothing complicated about it.
Not really. They will just adapt and move on.
If you haven't notice..enough people already do not vote and what has changed? That's not really a plan.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok so have all of those folks met your expectations/demands (look out for BLACK people specifically with TANGIBLES.")?
The people I have voted for were not elected, so the answer would be no.
That will not stop me from voting again if my expectations are met.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Like 4-8 years of Biden going down the dementia tube and constantly saying dumb shit is going to reflect good on the Dem party.

Matter fact 4 years of Uncle Joe will be straight comedy like seeing your crazy Uncle who aint never been shit get his dream job and have a mental meltdown in front of the world. If you think Trump was bad. Uncle Joe be showing signs of the "Dems" for years. Hahaha jokey.....get it "Dems". Hahahahahaa!!!!

Fuck it. Put him in. How much worse could it be. Putting him in a room with Putin aint gonna be pretty but I guess the rest of the world leaders will play nice with Uncle Joe.

So you're gonna throw up a bunch of hypotheticals about Biden and ignore 4 years of Trump??? Also not use that to more accurately project what Trump would do when he gives even less of a fuck??? Nigga what???!!!


Rising Star
Yeah what I have to lose? Because voting for the so call lesser of 2 evils has not work for us? How many presidents have we elected that has helped the black community ?

We have to stop playing that game and start asking these politicians to bring something to the table.

The days of coming to the Black church or going to a black cookout and eating bake chicken for the black vote is over. We demand tangibles and benefits like other groups.

Again you cant scare me with trump. I’m not going to make the mainstream media brainwash me with trump because at the end of the day. The black community is the same condition under trump as it was under Obama. Nothing has changed and I don’t see how Joe Biden is going to do anything. He is just talking shit so you can vote for him and once he is in office your not going to see him until 2024 or if he is even alive by then.

We have to stop letting people take us for granted.

What Joe Biden said was very disrespectful. You would never see him say that about the LGBT, asian, Latinos or Jewish community.

Image him saying that about the Jewish community

“Your A Jew” if you don’t vote democrat your not Jewish enough. They would be force to drop out if he talk that bullshit to the Jewish community
Ok so what is your plan of action beyond not voting is the question?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not really. They will just adapt and move on.
If you haven't notice..enough people already do not vote and what has changed? That's not really a plain.
The Democrats know they can count on 90% of those who do vote to vote for them.
Regardless of what they do. They can spit in our face and 90% of black voters will still back them.
There's no incentive for them to change what they've been doing.
Do you not see a problem with that?


Rising Star
The Democrats know they can count on 90% of those who do vote to vote for them.
Regardless of what they do. They can spit in our face and 90% of black voters will still back them.
Do you not see a problem with that?
The problem I see is that most people are not active enough to force change. Most politicians win elections on very small margins of voters. You look at what happened in Ferguson, and the surrounding areas and how people just folded up their arms for years. A town with mostly black folk was being ran by mostly white folk. Then Michael Brown happens and riots/protest occur. Election come around and still very few people show up to vote. So what does that tell politicians?

Btw we are the democratic party.


Rising Star
Ok so what is your plain of action beyond not voting is the question?
Ok so what is your plain of action beyond not voting is the question?

It’s all about your values. I’d say vote down ballet. Or don’t vote at all. If enough black people stop voting and we come as a group and tell politicians, that we will only vote if your bringing tangibles. They will be force to bring tangibles and benefits.

But if you just have 1 party like the democrats have a monopoly on your vote. Nothing will change and they will take you for granted.

It’s just like going to the DMV. The reason why the DMV offer shitty service and support is because they know the only way to get a drivers license is to go to them.

Companies that are in competition with each other usually offer better customer service because they know you have choices and if they take you for granted that you might switch to other company that offers better service.


Rising Star
The Democrats know they can count on 90% of those who do vote to vote for them.
Regardless of what they do. They can spit in our face and 90% of black voters will still back them.
There's no incentive for them to change what they've been doing.
Do you not see a problem with that?

Yeah that’s why the democrats don’t care. Shit even after this whole Joe Biden thing, he still will get 90% of the black vote. Blacks don’t care.


Rising Star
It’s all about your values. I’d say vote down ballet. Or don’t vote at all. If enough black people stop voting and we come as a group and tell politicians, that we will only vote if your bringing tangibles. They will be force to bring tangibles and benefits.

But if you just have 1 party like the democrats have a monopoly on your vote. Nothing will change and they will take you for granted.

It’s just like going to the DMV. The reason why the DMV offer shitty service and support is because they know the only way to get a drivers license is to go to them.

Companies that are in competition with each other usually offer better customer service because they know you have choices and if they take you for granted that you might switch to other company that offers better service.
Your plan of action is like a woman telling a man she is not going to give him no more sex until x, y, z....
Well that man will more than likely seek sex elsewhere.
As I said the party will simply just adapt like they've always done.

You need more than just not voting. If you feel strongly about what you believe in, then you should organize with other like minded people. Build on that by getting others involved to the point that you either run or put up others to run. But simply folding your hands is not a solution.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
no need to throw out hypotheticals on Biden.

his record is half a century long. trump doesn’t even have a fraction of all the infractions that Joe Biden has that worked actively to target and destroy the so-called black community.

4 more years of trump would STILL make it difficult for him to cause half the damage Biden did to OUR COMMUNITY unless he went full retard and he won’t because he ain’t targeting us in the bullseye.

that is what the pro-whites don’t understand and why they are dangerous because they depend on the democrats to prop up poor whites and other groups while ignoring us, thinking those same whites will throw them crumbs.

Brothas don’t understand how quick we can rise up over whites and other groups when they are destroyed and have to start over because they don’t believe in themselves and think only the whites can save them.

pathetic :smh:

So you're gonna throw up a bunch of hypotheticals about Biden and ignore 4 years of Trump??? Also not use that to more accurately project what Trump would do when he gives even less of a fuck??? Nigga what???!!!