"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Me,you and every black person knows the Republicans will never do any for black people. Hell,I wont be surprised, if they rather give Hispanics reparations than give it to us.

My point is that black people are the Democrats #1 constituents yet they never do anything for us specifically. They'll try to package something to make it look like they're doing something for us when in reality it's for other groups.Meanwhile,they'll package shit specifically for other groups like gays,Hispanics and white women.

Don't let me start,how the Congressional Coon Caucus sold out the black community for years but will cape for Hispanics and gays heavily. Every time,I turn around I'm seeing someone from that organization talk about "We must help our Hispanic and gay brothers"...wtf....How can we help another group when people in our community need the help the most.

Police brutality, housing discrimination, job discrimination, small business loan discrimination and a list of other stuff has been a problem for decades for us yet the Congressional Coon Caucus rather talk about immigration and gay marriage....wtf.

They're suppose to represent us not for other groups.
I understabd your basic point. What I don't understand is the refusal to hold all parties responsible. Dems ain't got control right now. And depending on how things go in November, may not have any real control until 2024. Trump is stacking the Supreme Court with all the conservative wet dreams the GOP can dream of. As soon as Gingsberg either steps down or dies, it's a wrap for the next 30 to 40 years.
I Made a thread where McConnell was styling on Obama for the hypocrisy that the Democrats were trying to hit him with.

Mitch McConnell: I'm like Obama. We both oppose reparations & and we both descended from slaveowners
So hold McConnell to the same standards you hold Obama. McConnell is still making laws and policy, Obama living off his Netflix money.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
When Trump fucks up, he doubles down on stupidity. 4 more years of trump will be 50 years of Jim Crowe Apartheid judges, no Unions, no science, no green energy, black identity Extremists and Republican strongholds that will never go away despite the actual percentage of them in a particular population.

Joe isn't great, but at least he will turn the clock back to 2012-2016 where we have a fighting chance.

Trump will also replace RBG with a coked out cac that will live for 40 years and vote down anything that will help black people.

Its not the same bro, I'm sorry.
Thanks for your reply.


Rising Star
Joe isn't great, but at least he will turn the clock back to 2012-2016 where we have a fighting chance.

As for as the black community? 2012? What was so great about the Obama years? All I remember was unarmed black men getting shot and Obama signing Blue Lives Matter Laws.

Maybe If Obama did something for the black community like he did for the LGBT and immigrants. Maybe black people would of came out and voted in 2016 in mass number

A lot of black people did not vote because Obama did not do shit but give us lip talk.

Joe Biden is just another entitled white cracker. He is not going to do shit. Obama did not do shit for the black community. What makes you think a cracker is going to do anything?

Im not about to vote for another white liberal in which they do everything for other groups except black people. Under democrats we have to suffer while everybody gets tangibles. Fuck that.


Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
I understabd your basic point. What I don't understand is the refusal to hold all parties responsible. Dems ain't got control right now. And depending on how things go in November, may not have any real control until 2024. Trump is stacking the Supreme Court with all the conservative wet dreams the GOP can dream of. As soon as Gingsberg either steps down or dies, it's a wrap for the next 30 to 40 years.

So hold McConnell to the same standards you hold Obama. McConnell is still making laws and policy, Obama living off his Netflix money.
How can you be mad at that cac for saying the exact same thing that Obama said
That was my response.
What you're attempting to do is what's called the strawman argument.

Stop it.


Rising Star
Trump is stacking the Supreme Court with all the conservative wet dreams the GOP can dream of. As soon as Gingsberg either steps down or dies, it's a wrap for the next 30 to 40 years.

Most black people are very conservative and are into church. What is the big deal if the Supreme Court becomes more conservative.

I could care less and if the democrats want us to vote then they better come with some tangibles. They can’t keep running this game every 4 years in which we vote and we get nothing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How can you be mad at that cac for saying the exact same thing that Obama said
That was my response.
What you're attempting to do is what's called the strawman argument.

Stop it.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most black people are very conservative and are into church. What is the big deal if the Supreme Court becomes more conservative.

I could care less and if the democrats want us to vote then they better come with some tangibles. They can’t keep running this game every 4 years in which we vote and we get nothing.
I just figured out I am arguing with a non black person. My mistake


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A side issue to Biden being incorrect about NAACP endorsement.

Biden said NAACP endorsed him every time he ran. In 2008 Biden ran in the Democratic primary with Obama.
That would mean NAACP would have endorsed Biden over Obama. Which the organization didn't do.



American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
There's that word again you Blue Dog Democrats like to throw around all the time. "Minorities".
What does that even mean anymore? Damn near anyone can be a "minority" now.
We need tangibles for BLACK people specifically.

And you're just repeating the same boogeyman fear tactics that the Democrats have been using forever now.
How are all those judges appointed by Clinton and Obama working out for you?
They're all powerless in a system of white supremacy. Ain't shit changed.

But hey do you, bro.
We can revisit this thread in 4 years regardless of who the president is and the shit will still be the same, I can guarantee it.

Boogieman stories? It's happening right in front of your eyes. Aren't you paying attention?

Two things always amaze me with the "votin' don't make no difference" crowd: they never have an alternate solution and they seem to consistently miss the fact that the very people who are screwing them over were ELECTED to office.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We will never be satisfied. We will always find a reason... this is LIGHT. And what he said is TRUE. Wtf if you vote for someone who tells you and your people you ain’t shit what is the issue?!?

If you vote for Trump you are not Black to me.. and what?!? I’m just not rocking with ANY BLACK people voting for trump.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If this were a rap battle, Biden could call Trump a studio gangsta. Biden got the fucking stripes. He is a general. A fucking OG of racist policy that sent my friends to the bing and was responsible for destroying many black households. :smh:

You could actually list the anti-black community accomplishments of both Trump and Biden and it wouldn't matter that Biden smokes trump.

I participated in this clown show for years and shit didn't change for the COMMUNITY. From Clinton to black jesus to Trump and now to Biden. Only changes we can make is for ourselves and that happens under any president. Community is fucked. Individually we can do great. Don't have to look much further than the pleas copped for Biden for more proof of that. Politically hopeless. Just tools who become less valuable as hispanic numbers increase. :smh:
somehow u only call out the the democrats who were less than stellar , when the republicans took away from u and gave u less than nothing to work with , but i guess democrats r supposed to save us and repub can do whatever, and if any dem is less than perfect then we should throw it all away! why dont we just vote for trump en masse and call it a day !?


BGOL Investor
somehow u only call out the the democrats who were less than stellar , when the republicans took away from u and gave u less than nothing to work with , but i guess democrats r supposed to save us and repub can do whatever, and if any dem is less than perfect then we should throw it all away! why dont we just vote for trump en masse and call it a day !?
Y’all niggas still debating politics with Gene? :lol:

and why is that nigga a super mod?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We will never be satisfied. We will always find a reason... this is LIGHT. And what he said is TRUE. Wtf if you vote for someone who tells you and your people you ain’t shit what is the issue?!?

If you vote for Trump you are not Black to me.. and what?!? I’m just not rocking with ANY BLACK people voting for trump.
this till the death ! fuck anyone black who had anything -ve to say about what Uncle Joe said!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
somehow u only call out the the democrats who were less than stellar , when the republicans took away from u and gave u less than nothing to work with , but i guess democrats r supposed to save us and repub can do whatever, and if any dem is less than perfect then we should throw it all away! why dont we just vote for trump en masse and call it a day !?

Took away? :lol: Cleveland been ran by black democrats forever. Come visit and see all the win.

And it's not about saving us. It's embarrassing the shit we've put up with from the party. We have to save ourselves. And that starts with not repeating the cycle.

Fuck a republican. They don't get 90 percent of our vote. Black community in an abusive relationship with democrats and you making excuses for it.
Y’all niggas still debating politics with Gene? :lol:

and why is that nigga a super mod?
Where you been pig? Ain't seen your punk ass in a minute. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Took away? :lol: Cleveland been ran by black democrats forever. Come visit and see all the win.

And it's not about saving us. It's embarrassing the shit we've put up with from the party. We have to save ourselves. And that starts with not repeating the cycle.

Fuck a republican. They don't get 90 percent of our vote. Black community in an abusive relationship with democrats and you making excuses for it.

Where you been pig? Ain't seen your punk ass in a minute. :lol:
well .i dont see u pushing a single candidate who can be black jesus & malcolm x wrapped in one and still garner enuff white votes to win the presidency! i guess cacs must also supply us with a black MalcolmJesus

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
well .i dont see u pushing a single candidate who can be black jesus & malcolm x wrapped in one and still garner enuff white votes to win the presidency! i guess cacs must also supply us with a black MalcolmJesus
If you can't see the fix is in, I don't know what to tell you. The DNC knows the black community will eat any shit that is served. Also, the black folks in leadership positions have clearly sold the fuck out.

So how am I supposed to push a candidate when they won't even let a good one get close enough to the position? Also, the masses are completely lost.

Man, looking back at this shit, politics for black America has been depressing as fuck the last 20 years I've been paying attention to it. So much fail. :smh: Now that we see social media exposing shit in real time we see why. The way the sellouts fell in line to defend Biden speaks volumes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you can't see the fix is in, I don't know what to tell you. The DNC knows the black community will eat any shit that is served. Also, the black folks in leadership positions have clearly sold the fuck out.

So how am I supposed to push a candidate when they won't even let a good one get close enough to the position? Also, the masses are completely lost.

Man, looking back at this shit, politics for black America has been depressing as fuck the last 20 years I've been paying attention to it. So much fail. :smh: Now that we see social media exposing shit in real time we see why. The way the sellouts fell in line to defend Biden speaks volumes.
easy excuses to exempt YOURSELF from action

Loan Me 20

Rising Star
Your BLACK ASS betta vote Democrat, nigga ! You fuckers are so lost and you keep making excuses !

Hey what's up you hoe-ass nigga. How's that Obamagate thing working out?

Nigga I dont take you serious

Coming from a muthafucka who's screenname is slang for the area between the genitalia & the anus that's fucking hilarious.

I see forcesqueeler is up to his usual shit. Has he posted a Tim Poole vid yet?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey what's up you hoe-ass nigga. How's that Obamagate thing working out?

Coming from a muthafucka who's screenname is slang for the area between the genitalia & the anus that's fucking hilarious.

I see forcesqueeler is up to his usual shit. Has he posted a Tim Poole vid yet?
obamagate ! aah sheeiiit! :roflmao2: :roflmao2: remember when he was posting Tim Poole videos and he got called out ? :clown


Rising Star
Democrats are mad that there boogeyman tatics are not working anymore. A lot of blacks especially young blacks starting waking up to the hustle and the finesse these white democrats have been using for decades. They take our vote for granted and then prop up every other group. While blacks are still broke and suffer and there community is in shambles.

As for trump I am not scared of trump I actually prefer white conservative honest racism. Black people do better under open white supremacy.

Look at the black community before the 1950s. We had black Wall Street and many successful black business because black people had to work together and hustle. We know we could not depend on white mommy and white daddy Because of hostile open racism.

Black people fell off after the 1960s because we starting listening to white liberals like the hippys and the feminist. You look at a lot of black communities under Democratic control. It’s all failures. White liberals wanted to destroy the black nuclear family and put you on government programs so they will have a reliable voting block for decades. They do not want you to be independent and own shit.

Bruh, why is it so hard to get a large percentage of OUR people to see how the DNC/Democrats are taking our vote for granted!! The sad part is, the dnc just didn't start this bullshit agenda!! It's 2020, we should be able to see the dnc plays while they are thinking of these plans!!

Brotha, your so right about your history of our people before 1950 and after 1960! I'm going to stick with this frame of mind!! We copper color people of this colony, have been infiltrated, indoctrinated, conform by the schools, television, hollywood, music, sports and media industries!!


Rising Star
Now you see why I don't trust Biden stupid ass either. Dude is utterly stupid. I thought this fool had PR training. :smh:


Rising Star
Bill Clinton apologized about slavery while proceeding to oversee the lock up of more so-called black people in the history of this country/corporation.

who cares about an apology without specific policy to fix the indiscretions?

it is amazing how many men are so emotional over this and have thrown logical thought out of the window. :smh:

Man, your so right about billy clinton. He amped up the prison population and flooded the streets with pure coke. To make sure they stay 95+% full!! And they had the nerve to call billy clinton the first black CEO, oops I ment president of USA Inc!!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now you see why I don't trust Biden stupid ass either. Dude is utterly stupid. I thought this fool had PR training. :smh:

He's not stupid, he goes off what he sees and we shown him for years we're not bipartisan, we vote Dem 95% of the time so he went off that. He's just not into modern social media were black folks are kinda questioning certain things. Dude is wealthy and white, he's not into 95% of the conversations we have, he just wants the votes.

I think the issue is alot of whites feel the same way Biden does about blacks, White America doesn't see us having the ability to grow and mature and instead they think of us like children. That conversation with Char he didn't speak careers he spoke jobs which isn't a career, he thinks of us as footsoilders not leaders or people who can create. Let's keep the nigras happy and call it a day. The whole interview he showed how far out of touch he is.

Dems should have gotten a younger canidate who can understand things a bit clear. I don't think Pete would be as bad as joe, at least he's half his age.

For some reason people don't see us as individuals who can mature, we're hip hop loving, bad talking fools at 18 and at 60, they don't see us differently.

Most white people not a dem vs republican thing.