"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
The people I have voted for were not elected, so the answer would be no.
That will not stop me from voting again if my expectations are met.
So you've voted over x amount of times, for x amount of candiates that have not won? You haven't grown frustrated and stop voting locally yet?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
No my gay child. You are the person confused by your gaydom. Your love of your DNC handlers has no place in the church.

Bidens disrespect shows just how big of a cuck your are and how you want it to be your new 'norm". Your confusion has now led you to think that being shitted on is an act of love. How crazy can you fucking be?

Pope Gooch still cares even though you are feeble minded. The church petties retards and the blind. We have a soup kitchen for people like you that involves drug rehab and I suggest you use it.

Pope Gooch has spoken.....please @ALLBGOL donate to our soup kitchen so we can help people like Lazarus become unretarded.
the fact you are calling someone gay as a defense mechanism speaks volumes. i also never mentioned my political leanings. then you spew childish nonsense to indicate your low IQ without any valid argument. you are in denial, and instead of addressing your anger like an adult and dealing with it, you seek confrontation and pick fights. mental issues like most genetic mutations.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
no need to throw out hypotheticals on Biden.

his record is half a century long. trump doesn’t even have a fraction of all the infractions that Joe Biden has that worked actively to target and destroy the so-called black community.

4 more years of trump would STILL make it difficult for him to cause half the damage Biden did to OUR COMMUNITY unless he went full retard and he won’t because he ain’t targeting us in the bullseye.

that is what the pro-whites don’t understand and why they are dangerous because they depend on the democrats to prop up poor whites and other groups while ignoring us, thinking those same whites will throw them crumbs.

Brothas don’t understand how quick we can rise up over whites and other groups when they are destroyed and have to start over because they don’t believe in themselves and think only the whites can save them.

pathetic :smh:

So basically you just gonna keep bringing up the crime bill... Also I'm not depending on a cac to save me. I want Trump out. That's all this particular election is about. Nothing more. As I said before, we can iron out other issues after. But because of the dickhead in office dealing with him is at the front of the line. It ain't like black issues were, or have ever been paramount for any national election any time recently. No reason to start now, just get Trump up outta there. The fervor the movement to NOT vote in THIS national election has is troubling. When it's always been widely known that local is where the most groundwork is done.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
So you're gonna throw up a bunch of hypotheticals about Biden and ignore 4 years of Trump??? Also not use that to more accurately project what Trump would do when he gives even less of a fuck??? Nigga what???!!!
the fact you are calling someone gay as a defense mechanism speaks volumes. i also never mentioned my political leanings. then you spew childish nonsense to indicate your low IQ without any valid argument. you are in denial, and instead of addressing your anger like an adult and dealing with it, you seek confrontation and pick fights. mental issues like most genetic mutations.
Nigga I dont take you serious therefore you aren't worth an adult conversation. I don't want anything or any affiliation with people like you. Stay with your white masters and be happy. It makes me no difference. Sometimes you gotta thin the heard.
Still dont stop that you and Obama are both gay.

Here's some instructions with about your gaydom from your fearless white leader.


Pope Gooch has spoken.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
How old were you in 94? I was a grown man then and crack was fucking shit up coast to coast. Many in our community were advocating for a smack down on drug traffickers and gang members.

In hindsight we were wrong but at the time many were sick of the constant break ins, driveby shootings and drugs everywhere.

Biden actually apologized for the shit and has changed his views on drugs. Partly because it's politically correct but most likely due to CAC's and opioids.

Has tRump ever apologized or admitted he was wrong on anything? This bitch drew a sharpie on a hurricane map for Zod's sakes mayne, who the fuck does this?
thanks for the honest response.
I grew up in E. Oakland (The City of Dope) in the late 80s/early 90s so I'm aware.
Without getting into all of the nuances lets just call this Bidens law & and Trumps letter to the Times a "wash".

So what about the rest of Bidens fuck ups I mentioned that you didnt touch?


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
So you're gonna throw up a bunch of hypotheticals about Biden and ignore 4 years of Trump??? Also not use that to more accurately project what Trump would do when he gives even less of a fuck??? Nigga what???!!!

Its your party not mine. Do as you please. Biden would be twice as bad because at least Trump never hid what his plan was. To appease and keep the Replublican vote. But you are too emotional to understand that both parties work for money and not votes.

So vote your little heart out and I hope it makes you feel good at nite. Ummmkay.
Uncle Joe's gonna get rid of bad man Trump and make awwwda boogymen go away.

Pope Gooch loves you my mildly retarded child, Im so proud that you were able to overcome your disabilities and use the internet. The Lord is truly good.

@xfactor see thats how you talk to simple people. Tell them what they want to they want to hear and make them feel good.

That is the way of the church. We as clergey need to show them the light and that their ignorince can be solved.

Joe Biden will be the greatest Prez ever!! Yeeeeeeahhhh!!! Does that make you feel better.

Dont worry. Da pope doesn't think much of the Great Pumpkin either.



Its a Dirty job but somebody gotta be Pope.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
I remember '94 all too well. Yeah, 'leaders' were calling for a smackdown. That's because they the same dumb ass incompetents who helped usher in the war on drugs 20 years prior. Fucking clown asses. That was when they were kicking the :yes: "we don't own no planes" bullshit while cats in the heights were driving through Texas to the border and bringing work right back up to Cleveland.

It was dirty ass cacs like Biden who helped prohibition in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. I remember cats getting felonies for selling dimebags of fucking weed. Cacs like Biden were on a fucking warpath.

Much like today, older black folks failed the black youth in the 90s. They also did so in the 70s. Here we are in the same fucking position. Folks basically selling out and making bad decisions that people 20 years from now will look back at like :smh:

Man, I hope the board is still up in 20 years and all of us still around. Biden AND Obama will not age well politically. Young folks will clown us relentlessly for falling for the game. It will be Clinton 2.
The flaw with @LordSinister argument is that it assumes that everyone locked up by Biden was hard core criminals with bodies piled up with million dollar yachts and such.
Most people went in for the smallest drug and it was MANDATED into law that you had to automatically get a harsh sentence.
One of the racial aspects were Black people and white people do the same amount of drugs. White people do powder cocaine- Black people do crack cocaine. Yet Biden wrote in that the 100:1 ratio in favor of lighter sentences for the "white version" of the drug.

but Trumps mean news paper ad>>>>>over Biden Law right?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Nigga I dont take you serious therefore you aren't worth an adult conversation. I don't want anything or any affiliation with people like you. Stay with your white masters and be happy. It makes me no difference. Sometimes you gotta thin the heard.
Still dont stop that you and Obama are both gay.

Here's some instructions with about your gaydom from your fearless white leader.


Pope Gooch has spoken.
more childish responses.
I'm not a nigga. maybe you are and you say that to others to make you feel better. You can't have an adult conversation because you act like a child obssessed with homosexuality. You like dick, just accept it. It's herd not heard. The low education of yours only goes so far.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If enough people say they won't vote (and actually mean it), the candidates will be FORCED to have a black agenda with tangibles in order to get our vote.

That's the plan. Simple. Nothing complicated about it.
So the 13 percent of the population should not vote and let the GOP stay in office.. the party that fuck you and your reparations?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the fact you are calling someone gay as a defense mechanism speaks volumes. i also never mentioned my political leanings. then you spew childish nonsense to indicate your low IQ without any valid argument. you are in denial, and instead of addressing your anger like an adult and dealing with it, you seek confrontation and pick fights. mental issues like most genetic mutations.
You are arguing with a dude who co-signed another post using pics from a religious group that is rooted in homosexuality and pedophila.
The flaw with @LordSinister argument is that it assumes that everyone locked up by Biden was hard core criminals with bodies piled up with million dollar yachts and such.
Most people went in for the smallest drug and it was MANDATED into law that you had to automatically get a harsh sentence.
One of the racial aspects were Black people and white people do the same amount of drugs. White people do powder cocaine- Black people do crack cocaine. Yet Biden wrote in that the 100:1 ratio in favor of lighter sentences for the "white version" of the drug.

but Trumps mean news paper ad>>>>>over Biden Law right?
Reagan and Bush were the ones that started the 100:1 ratio. Also, a lot of Republicans voted for the '94 crime bill and were quick to take out any preventative measures that were put in place to keep people out of jail. But let's just pretend Biden single- handedly passed this law all by himself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bill Clinton apologized about slavery while proceeding to oversee the lock up of more so-called black people in the history of this country/corporation.

who cares about an apology without specific policy to fix the indiscretions?

it is amazing how many men are so emotional over this and have thrown logical thought out of the window. :smh:
Obama made an effort to fix those indiscretions and you are still crying like a bitch about what Obama didn't do. Obama been out of of office for three years. Clinton has been out of office for 20 years. WHAT IS THE CURRENT PRESIDENT, ADMINISTRATION, AND REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED SENATE DOING TO ADDRESS YOUR CONCERNS

You are not the smart white man you think you are.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
No, that would be YOU, my brother.
You (and many others) have fallen for the boogeyman tactics played by the Democrats for decades now.
At the end of the day you'll end up the same whether you vote for Biden or Trump.

Is that right?

So, more white supremacist/racist appointments in the SCOTUS and the Federal Judgeships mean better things for me and my kids? Making an already unequal court system even more unequal is to my benefit? And how about the environment? Allowing big corporations to rape the land for their, and only their, profit is good for me how? Then there's the economy. It was headed for a massive collapse even before COVID-19 because of the unprecedented debt run up by this gang of crooks and their unsound "business" practices.
Oh, and your friends in the Senate, led by The Unshelled Turtle, have held up over 100 bills that would benefit minorities. So there's that.

So, yeah, you're probably right; no need to vote because everything will be the same.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
You are arguing with a dude who co-signed another post using pics from a religious group that is rooted in homosexuality and pedophila.

Reagan and Bush were the ones that started the 100:1 ratio. Also, a lot of Republicans voted for the '94 crime bill and were quick to take out any preventative measures that were put in place to keep people out of jail. But let's just pretend Biden single- handedly passed this law all by himself.
word? link?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is that right?

So, more white supremacist/racist appointments in the SCOTUS and the Federal Judgeships mean better things for me and my kids? Making an already unequal court system even more unequal is to my benefit? And how about the environment? Allowing big corporations to rape the land for their, and only their, profit is good for me how? Then there's the economy. It was headed for a massive collapse even before COVID-19 because of the unprecedented debt run up by this gang of crooks and their unsound "business" practices.
Oh, and your friends in the Senate, led by The Unshelled Turtle, have held up over 100 bills that would benefit minorities. So there's that.

So, yeah, you're probably right; no need to vote because everything will be the same.

There's that word again you Blue Dog Democrats like to throw around all the time. "Minorities".
What does that even mean anymore? Damn near anyone can be a "minority" now.
We need tangibles for BLACK people specifically.

And you're just repeating the same boogeyman fear tactics that the Democrats have been using forever now.
How are all those judges appointed by Clinton and Obama working out for you?
They're all powerless in a system of white supremacy. Ain't shit changed.

But hey do you, bro.
We can revisit this thread in 4 years regardless of who the president is and the shit will still be the same, I can guarantee it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
word? link?

If you feel like reading a longer take on the subject:


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
This is why i dubbed you Bitchass Kneegrow Fucktard,
you keep saying this false shit with a smirk on your face.

Remember, these are the same people that said Obama is the president of everyone not just black people or black people didnt demans anything from Obama,even though we did but when black people demand something the new argument is we gotta vote Democratic to get Orangeface out of office. And,then want to play stupid what the demands are....

The goal post moving is insane...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember, these are the same people that said Obama is the president of everyone not just black people or black people didnt demans anything from Obama,even though we did but when black people demand something the new argument is we gotta vote Democratic to get Orangeface out of office. And,then want to play stupid what the demands are....

The goal post moving is insane...

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Remember, these are the same people that said Obama is the president of everyone not just black people or black people didnt demans anything from Obama,even though we did but when black people demand something the new argument is we gotta vote Democratic to get Orangeface out of office. And,then want to play stupid what the demands are....

The goal post moving is insane...
I'm realizing that most of these kneegrows are Democrat 1st and foremost, and are Black 2nd, 3rd, 9th etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama said the same shit as McConnell so what is the difference between the two parties again?

there are more of us so-called black men asking for specific policy for us and our women and children but more of you globalists that only care about republicans.

historically, republicans have given more reparations and more policy to help the so-called black community than democrats, that is a fact.

you emotional, matriarchy babies must step up and break the cycle the civil rights era sellouts put us in.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama said the same shit as McConnell so what is the difference between the two parties again?

there are more of us so-called black men asking for specific policy for us and our women and children but more of you globalists that only care about republicans.

historically, republicans have given more reparations and more policy to help the so-called black community than democrats, that is a fact.

you emotional, matriarchy babies must step up and break the cycle the civil rights era sellouts put us in.
once again white boy ducks the question with tired old GOP talking points. And just like magic, the "they all the same" boy finds some way to say republicans are a little less bad because of what they did almost 60 years ago as if the CURRENT REPUBLICAN PARTY ain't trying to roll all that shit back.

Go ahead and post some random white boy video, to show how much of a free thinker you are...lol.
Last edited:

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry, I don't listen to low born fag loving scum. Obama fatal flaw was never reeling in or punishing any Bank CEOs after the financial crisis. He played ball like a good little sambo, effectively selling out Americans for generations to come.

Chaney and Trump have got/gotten their adgenda thru because of not giving a fuck about how the other side felt about change
Obama was a weak compromiser who ultimately lost respect from the opposition because they had no fear of the fag.

Imma need you and the retard immegrants to take that energy back to the country you came from. Please implement all the stupid democratic policies (like gay rights) and bring Biden, Kamal Harris, and Corey Booker as your leadership and see how fast they run those shitholes further into the ground.

If you are ADOS, then I suggest you move your sorry ass to one of these Carribean/African countries and experience just how wonderful their incompet leaders and policies are. You will find out their leaders are puppets to (insert euro country herr) or China and give a rats ass about you if you dont have their bribe money on deck.
You will experience why they run here so fast the first chance they win the immegrant lottery or a human trafficker offers a way out.

Dont tell me how to run shit. You stupidity and lack of courage to question and confront leaders is what got you there. Im not blinded by the fake white kindness of the Dems. The only thing your punk ass can do is ask for handouts while I demand respect and put folks in their proper place.

There's levels to this American shit son. An trust me when I tell you, that you will never be on my level until you stop being blind and realize they are not you leaders and you dont have to bend to their authority. Start your on parties and have your own adjendas.

I give a fuck about the Prez. Thats one spot that is nationally elected. This is what confirms you niggas are TOTALLY fucking cluesless when it comes to political shit. Anyone who thinks the power is with the Prez and not local is bum fucking dumb.

Yet yall niggas spent 98% of your time debating about a MF who will effect 5% of your life while ignoring the local MFer who controls 95% of the shit you do. But a lot of yall so called black liberals nerf your own local black power by living in all white districts and watering down your vote.

I highly dobut you live by ANY of the shit you think you stand for.

You probably live in a white neighborhood.

You shop at white stores.

You dont get politically involved except for typing shit on the internet.

You dont volunteer time for shit, in black communities.

You dont vote in off year elections.

Got Multi BMs with the drama to go with it

Trust me nigga. You are your own worst enemy. They have you in so many mental chains that Biden can say one retarded thing after another and your punk (paid) sell out ass gotta do what massa Biden say.

So in closing, beyond the ACA and making Eric Bender AG, what did he really accomplish. Unemployment was going to go down after the recession regardless. Trump will have the same benefits if a vaccine is found soon. His supporters will spout the same non sense you did while the assholes at the banks set up a new Ponzi scheme for the next financial collapse.

That punk ass vote dont matter anyways. The Energy sector, Banks and Millitsry run this bitch and will continue to do so as always. They control your punk ass leaders just like BP with Obama who took his sweat ass time disciplining them when their turn came during their big oil spill.

Yall can keep on crying like bitches. Pope Gooch will always have his Papal influence on your leadership. The Lord hath .......haths......halfss......oh fuck how do you say that shit. Fuck it.....theGooch hath spoken. May his Papal light shine down on your 3rd world ignorance.

Blessings n' all that shit to you my child.


Post reported


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t understand why we can create a PAC and put all of our money behind a candidate that we can quite frankly treat like a $2 hoe and make them do as we say or else your funds are getting cut off.
personally we should focus on supporting someone who is young now and start grooming them to take on this role. Someone like Bakari Sellers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t understand why we can create a PAC and put all of our money behind a candidate that we can quite frankly treat like a $2 hoe and make them do as we say or else your funds are getting cut off.
personally we should focus on supporting someone who is young now and start grooming them to take on this role. Someone like Bakari Sellers.

Lol.. Bakari is already bought and paid for


waking people up
BGOL Investor

If you feel like reading a longer take on the subject:
no on dude co signing a religious gay club

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Obama said the same shit as McConnell so what is the difference between the two parties again?

there are more of us so-called black men asking for specific policy for us and our women and children but more of you globalists that only care about republicans.

historically, republicans have given more reparations and more policy to help the so-called black community than democrats, that is a fact.

you emotional, matriarchy babies must step up and break the cycle the civil rights era sellouts put us in.
I Made a thread where McConnell was styling on Obama for the hypocrisy that the Democrats were trying to hit him with.

Mitch McConnell: I'm like Obama. We both oppose reparations & and we both descended from slaveowners


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member

Me,you and every black person knows the Republicans will never do any for black people. Hell,I wont be surprised, if they rather give Hispanics reparations than give it to us.

My point is that black people are the Democrats #1 constituents yet they never do anything for us specifically. They'll try to package something to make it look like they're doing something for us when in reality it's for other groups.Meanwhile,they'll package shit specifically for other groups like gays,Hispanics and white women.

Don't let me start,how the Congressional Coon Caucus sold out the black community for years but will cape for Hispanics and gays heavily. Every time,I turn around I'm seeing someone from that organization talk about "We must help our Hispanic and gay brothers"...wtf....How can we help another group when people in our community need the help the most.

Police brutality, housing discrimination, job discrimination, small business loan discrimination and a list of other stuff has been a problem for decades for us yet the Congressional Coon Caucus rather talk about immigration and gay marriage....wtf.

They're suppose to represent us not for other groups.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
thanks for the honest response.
I grew up in E. Oakland (The City of Dope) in the late 80s/early 90s so I'm aware.
Without getting into all of the nuances lets just call this Bidens law & and Trumps letter to the Times a "wash".

So what about the rest of Bidens fuck ups I mentioned that you didnt touch?
When Trump fucks up, he doubles down on stupidity. 4 more years of trump will be 50 years of Jim Crowe Apartheid judges, no Unions, no science, no green energy, black identity Extremists and Republican strongholds that will never go away despite the actual percentage of them in a particular population.

Joe isn't great, but at least he will turn the clock back to 2012-2016 where we have a fighting chance.

Trump will also replace RBG with a coked out cac that will live for 40 years and vote down anything that will help black people.

Its not the same bro, I'm sorry.