Ladies and Gentlemen,
Notice the poster above didn't say anything about BLACK PEOPLE.
I see and hear the same junk on twitter and everywhere else. Always white people so the poster is definitely white.
I agree that we are always behind the eight ball when it comes to one action: strategy.Woooooooo don't even get me started on the tangibles bullshit. Bunch of ADOS coons being let by people that are OBVIOUSLY working for white people that like Trump and can't answer one question bout tangibles but damn sure can tell you not to vote.
You ain’t sh!t, LOL!Will didn't write that.
Was fiyah though
Man, if you only work with Black people, you never really know us. You not going to our home, eating in our home, spending time in our worship spaces on a consistent basis, they just visitors, no matter how much of an ally they seem.Jeezus. I am a Democrat and I swear this party loves snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. That was some ignorant shit that Biden just said. He clearly demonstrated that he has a very elementary understanding of what black folks in American face. Obviously I don't expect him to know everything but I assumed that he would have a more developed perspective because of what he saw President Obama deal with as America's first Black president.
It’s a bit mor nuanced than that.BGOL help me understand. Any black persons that even so much talks to Trump or support Trump is called a coon daily on BGOL.
Biden calls out these coons and now you upset?
Period.Trump and Biden are 2 white crackers. They are not going to do shit for blacks and you know it. Both are white and the only difference is trump is a open white supremacist and Biden is of the same cloth. He just panders you blacks for votes.
You know the deal. “He meant well.”"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Period.Who said Donald Trump is any better?. Im just saying stop trying to act like Joe Biden is some kind of "White Jesus".
He is a white cracker just like the last 44 presidents we had before. You can even count Obama.
These people pander to you for votes and once they get into office, They don't do shit for you or the black community.
I don't even know why Joe Biden waste his time and do interviews with a audience that is going to vote for him in mass numbers anyways.
The Democratic Strategy is to hide him and lock him in a basement until November. Maybe they should do that.
Even though in the long run its a terrible strategy. Hilary Clinton did that in 2016, She hid herself and barely did any rallies, especially in swing states and she lost terribly because she thought Donald Trump is so bad that nobody will vote for him because of the polls.
Yup. Hate gon’ show up to the polls though.Trump needs another Comey if he's going to have any chance. With this economy, 200k+ deaths by November, 10s of million unemployed and the huge hole he's in w/ the swing states, Trump is about in as bad a position as you can be for an incumbent. He's lost himself and the GOP the suburban vote. He can't win without it and Biden saying this shit isn't changing a vote in that segment. Biden is a gaffe-machine though. We all know that.
Btw. I'm no fan of Biden as a national candidate. I didn't even want him to run. However, he was ever going to win an election, this is the only one. He's only the nominee because of Trump. People want Obama back and they feel like Joe is the guy that gets that admin back. That's the whole reason he won the nomination.
I concur with this strategy.If the democrats and there media allies where smart. I would show the race as neck and neck. Most Democratic Voters are lazy and if they think Joe Biden has it in the bag then they might not show up to vote. Just like with Hilary Clinton
You know Trump supporters are coming out in full force.
Thank you for coming out, GOD bless, and good night!If this were a rap battle, Biden could call Trump a studio gangsta. Biden got the fucking stripes. He is a general. A fucking OG of racist policy that sent my friends to the bing and was responsible for destroying many black households.
You could actually list the anti-black community accomplishments of both Trump and Biden and it wouldn't matter that Biden smokes trump.
I participated in this clown show for years and shit didn't change for the COMMUNITY. From Clinton to black jesus to Trump and now to Biden. Only changes we can make is for ourselves and that happens under any president. Community is fucked. Individually we can do great. Don't have to look much further than the pleas copped for Biden for more proof of that. Politically hopeless. Just tools who become less valuable as hispanic numbers increase.
You just said a mouthful, Bruh.Democrats are mad that there boogeyman tatics are not working anymore. A lot of blacks especially young blacks starting waking up to the hustle and the finesse these white democrats have been using for decades. They take our vote for granted and then prop up every other group. While blacks are still broke and suffer and there community is in shambles.
As for trump I am not scared of trump I actually prefer white conservative honest racism. Black people do better under open white supremacy.
Look at the black community before the 1950s. We had black Wall Street and many successful black business because black people had to work together and hustle. We know we could not depend on white mommy and white daddy Because of hostile open racism.
Black people fell off after the 1960s because we starting listening to white liberals like the hippys and the feminist. You look at a lot of black communities under Democratic control. It’s all failures. White liberals wanted to destroy the black nuclear family and put you on government programs so they will have a reliable voting block for decades. They do not want you to be independent and own shit.
I tell you what. Trump showed you who America always have been.Yup. Like 4 more years of Trump is gonna get our issues, whatever they mean to us. Hammered out quicker and not set us back. Some weird ass thinking behind this stance.
Correction: Withholding your Vote... is NOT a demand.
It is not a demand because those very same people running for office.... WILL STILL GET ELECTED..... even if YOU (personally) NEVER show up to the polls on election day. That's how the voting process works.
The type of 'demand' (or result) you actually want to happen (or think will happen)... is 'shutting down ALL the voting machines... so that NOBODY ELSE can vote. Understand?
But that's never going to happen.
Ya'll are better off BOYCOTTING a certain industry... instead of not voting.
Do what MLK did. Start a "bus boycott" or some shit.
That would sooner result in "tangibles' & have a bigger impact than.... "not voting at all".![]()
I agree that we are always behind the eight ball when it comes to one action: strategy.
And we have to stop acting like voting is the sh!t! It’s not.
In fact, it is the least political thing you can do for it is ONE action ONE day every two years.
We need to educate our people on the ENTIRE political process.
Our ancestors wanted us to be liberated. For what they knew at that time, the path appeared to be voting. The path to liberation has changed due to so much disinformation on the front end.
You ain’t sh!t, LOL!
Man, if you only work with Black people, you never really know us. You not going to our home, eating in our home, spending time in our worship spaces on a consistent basis, they just visitors, no matter how much of an ally they seem.
Bottom line: no white person in politics is ever going to right the wrongs of America and honor an African descended American agenda.
It’s a bit mor nuanced than that.
He is comparing himself to Trump but not comparing himself to where “the movement” of our community should be.
Neither choice benefits is. No presidential choice has benefited us.
We are choosing between two masters every 4 years and are too complacent to force a new system.
You know the deal. “He meant well.”
Yup. Hate gon’ show up to the polls though.
I concur with this strategy.
Thank you for coming out, GOD bless, and good night!
Straight, no chaser.
You just said a mouthful, Bruh.
Everybody talking about we can’t do 4 more years of Trump.
Really? Black people have been here since BEFORE the first president and they were all MORE racist than Trump, yet here we are.
This system has to be BURNED...DOWN and rebuilt.
It was NEVER, EVER built to include us. Got to make a system for us that takes full advantage of our communities.
I tell you what. Trump showed you who America always have been.
These people would have never surfaced, to remind us this is still our parents, grandparents, and ancestors America, if Hillary won the nomination.
We don’t want to admit it: Baby Boomers drooped the first ball and Gen X had to unlearn so much of their bullish!t giving the “impression” things had gotten better.
I understand why they did it, but it crippled us.
Vote with your WALLET! It is the only way to liberation.
Political power is WORTHLESS without economic power.
Willie D spitting facts as usual
In what way?No but he’s wrong .
But we are.The person I responded to said we ain't got shit in 45 Presidents and I shot that down nothing more than that. The fact is America ain't where we need to be but we are not where we were.
Man, I am with you, but buddy is right about self esteem.You are using the same talking points the Russians and Republicans use to divide and conquer. You stay in these treads talking tangibles without acknowledging that to get tangibles you need to be in the room at the table. You say don't vote for Dems unless they give you something. How about this, we vote for the party we are most likely to get something from. That ain't republicans. Following your lead gets us on the outside still not getting shit. Let me use your augment against you. You say Dems won't give me tangibles right? Well, Republicans actively take shit from us so voting for them puts us in the worst position. Currently the choices are Dems, Republicans, or not voting. Which one advances the cause? What's your better plan for the 2020 election? Who should Black people vote for that is going to give us tangibles? Also where you getting this black people have low self-worth from? Clearly you ain't a brotha cuz the last thing we lack is confidence in ourselves. That low self-esteem shit maybe you but don't put that shit on the rest of us. We get exploited because of white supremacy not because of self-esteem. I think I see where your problem is. You waiting for master to give you something, I'm taking mine. If you look around any industry we get a foothold in, eventually we dominate it. I'll give you examples if you need help. Peace.
This is the most important post in the thread.Nah, disagree, the 'disconnect' comes from the fact that there are some folks who may believe that "change".... and "reparations"... will most likely come from putting pressure on the establishment. Not from sitting out elections.
And the 2 types of PRESSURE I am talking about are...
1) Financial PRESSURE >>> that comes from organized nonviolent actions (like boycotts) like what MLK did.
2) Or Financial INFLUENCE >>> that comes from Lobbying to get what you want.
Here you go....
Look at how much the NAACP spent on Lobbying efforts to enact change...... only $550k in 2019.
The reality is that big companies, labor unions, trade associations and other influential organizations spend billions of dollars each year to lobby Congress and federal agencies. Some special interests retain lobbying firms, while others have lobbyists working in-house.
Look at The National Association of Realtors, for example.
They are the #2 on this list of the "Biggest Spenders" on Lobbying.
Since 1998, the Realtors have spent WELL OVER $600 MILLION DOLLARS in Lobbying, trying to influence government policy.
Compare that number to the NAACP's efforts since 1998... the MOST that the NAACP has ever spent in a single year is LESS than $1 Million Dollars in lobbying.. which means that the NAACP has probably spent LESS than $12 Million Dollars (total) in Lobbying since 1998.
Over $600+ Million.... versus... Less than $12 Million.
Exactly who is going to be getting 'their calls answered' FIRST on Capital Hill??
Especially when the National Association of Realtors is just ONE 'special interest' group.
And there are literally THOUSANDS of 'special interest' groups that have Lobbyists working together.
So while all these other special interest groups are spending THAT kind of money to get their needs addressed.... exactly HOW does 'sitting out the election' begin to INFLUENCE anyone on Capital Hill to address your own issues? Hmm? Do tell.
One of the biggest problems is that some of ya'll are quick to DISMISS the black folks who realize that YES, "we need restorative justice through our government"... but we also recognize that SITTING ON YOUR ASS & NOT VOTING ACCOMPLISHES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TOWARD ANY OF THOSE OBJECTIVES & ISSUES THAT YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT.
It literally has the opposite effect when everyone else's vote is cast on Election Day... but not yours.
Very unfortunate.
Trashing Biden does not mean supporting Trump.
I trash Biden but I voted for the motherfucker.
I want to see what Ice Cube says before forming a judgment.
It does when the other option is Trump so yes trashing Biden during an election against Trump makes no fucking sense and means you’re a dumb fucking fag
You have to be smart about how you do it. It matters who you're talking to. I don't trash Biden to swing voters. I trash him to people who think he can do no wrong, because I don't want black people permanently settling for less. I always make it clear that he is far far superior to Trump.
Do that shit after the election
We disagree on tactics. I'm not threatening Biden's re-election prospects by talking to committed supporters like you about his shortcomings.
But, to bring it back to the point here, it is objectively true that some people who trash Biden still support him over Trump. I hope that Ice Cube is one of those people and not a sellout scumbag.
fixed.Progressive- become more sexually immoral and keep blacks from progressing with empty promises and forcing them to support other issues
Conservative- preserve racist ideologies and keep poor whites in poverty and fight our wars by diverting their attention to somewhere else while we maintain power.
Good fixfixed.
Damn man
I really see how they made u niggas get on them boats.