"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
none of the parties are gonna do shit, Neither Democrat or Republican will. I do good cause I run my own business. I control my own destiny not no cac politician who won’t do shit 4u.

He was under Obama who shitted on blacks so what makes these stupid niggaz think Biden is gonna do anything different??? Shit, with Trump at least you got a fucking stimulus check.

Obama gave police more power to kill niggaz. so much shit happened to blacks under Obama. These niggaz want the white man to be their father.
How so?


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
I listen to this Tim Black cat every now and then on YouTube...even his this black nerd ass went in on Biden :giggle:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think that the people making the biggest fuss about this are either republican/trump supporters or weren't voting for Biden anyway.

45 has said and done WAY worse. Although this is concerning, I doubt this changes any votes of those that were supporters of Biden or that are hellbent on getting that orange fuck out of the white house.

Iron Man

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Uncle ignorant ass Joe said something stupid again? It was a matter of time it was due, now what you're going do on election day, bitch and moan or fight. By fighting I mean vote, we can deal with this once 45 and those Republican Senators are out of office.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Who said Donald Trump is any better?. Im just saying stop trying to act like Joe Biden is some kind of "White Jesus".

He is a white cracker just like the last 44 presidents we had before. You can even count Obama.

These people pander to you for votes and once they get into office, They don't do shit for you or the black community.

I don't even know why Joe Biden waste his time and do interviews with a audience that is going to vote for him in mass numbers anyways.

The Democratic Strategy is to hide him and lock him in a basement until November. Maybe they should do that.

Even though in the long run its a terrible strategy. Hilary Clinton did that in 2016, She hid herself and barely did any rallies, especially in swing states and she lost terribly because she thought Donald Trump is so bad that nobody will vote for him because of the polls.
“Who said Trump is any better?”

YOU DID. :yes:


You have NEVER blamed racist White folks for “voting for Trump”.... you just BLAME THE DEMOCRATS... OR OBAMA... OR CLINTON. :hmm:

You never blame candidates like Jill Stein, for “Splitting the Vote” in key battleground states. :hmm:


You never CRITICIZE nor CONDEMN Trump for any of his Blatant Fuckery. :hmm:


ITS ALWAYS A “COMPARISON” between Dems & Republicans.

It’s NEVER “a choice” between them.

So it IMPLIES that Trump is BETTER.... because he (personally) is NEVER "at fault" in your book. :hmm:

You and all your dumbass “armchair militants” talk a bunch of fuck shit... about fuck shit... Knowing Cotdamn well y’all ain’t doing a single damn thing (either way) about the fuck shit that bothers you... except running yo' mouth. :hmm:

Because... the fuck shit you complain about.... is always someone else’s fault. That’s why.

It's like the Trump kid is failing his classes... because he cuts school all the time & never does his homework and never takes any tests.... but the way ya'll talk about him...... it's everyone else's fault that HE is failing.

It's his parent's fault for not being more strict. :rolleyes:
And it's his classmate's fault for not volunteering to tutor him. :rolleyes:
And it's his teacher's fault for not spending more 'one-on-one' time with him. :rolleyes:
And it's the former Principal's fault for not changing the cirriculum. :rolleyes:

But it ain't NEVER the little fucker's own fault for NOT playing Xbox too cotdamn much. :hmm:
And it ain't NEVER the little fucker's own fault for NOT taking proper notes in class. :hmm:
And it ain't NEVER the little fucker's own fault for NOT studying for his exams. :hmm:
And it ain't NEVER the little fucker's own fault for NOT skipping school. :hmm:

ITS ALWAYS A “COMPARISON” between Dems & Republicans.
Just like it's always a comparison between how this kid doesn't do his homework.... and how everyone else is a 'part of the problem'.

If the Republicans are 'at fault'... then you spend all kinds of time talking about how much The Dems are 'at fault'.
Just like if this kid is 'at fault'.... then you spend all kinds of time talking about how everyone else is 'at fault' also.

All you do is 'compare faults'....by constantly implicating ONE SIDE.

Knock it the fuck off. :hmm:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are going to vote for the person that the people in each state handed the popular vote like always.
Doesn't some states have more than 1 rep, in the Electoral College? Isn't that how Trump won even though Hillary won the popular vote.


Rising Star
Doesn't some states have more than 1 rep, in the Electoral College? Isn't that how Trump won even though Hillary won the popular vote.
All states have more than one electotal college representative. There the popular vote within each state (which is how you win the electoral college within the each state) and then there the popular vote of the country (the total tally of voters).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You need to google that. Cause that aint true.

They are going to vote for the person that the people in each state handed the popular vote like always.


Rising Star
and which one did Hillary win?
She had won the popular vote of the country but she also had won the popular vote in x amount of states. The problem is the Electoral college gives the advantage to a bunch of low population states which tend to be red states. Win enough of them plus a few higher populated states and you have Trump.


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I think that the people making the biggest fuss about this are either republican/trump supporters or weren't voting for Biden anyway.

45 has said and done WAY worse. Although this is concerning, I doubt this changes any votes of those that were supporters of Biden or that are hellbent on getting that orange fuck out of the white house.
Central Park 5>>>>> anything Joe has ever said.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And that's how right-wing propaganda works. You become foot soldiers for their ideas willingly and unwittingly in some cases.
I won't go that far brotha but I get what you are saying. It's one thing saying a name but I will never promote their bullshit propaganda because I don't believe in it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you a fucking idiot?

The last time it happened was in 2016 when Trump won.

Don't get me hot right now. Don't talk about politics if you dont know shit.

If you didn't know that in 2016 we had "faithless electors" you don't know shit.

Open up a book son.

Ok..so when was the last time the electors went against the will of the people and voted otherwise?


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
how is trump a “confirmed racist” and Biden isn’t, when Biden’s policies have actively worked to destroy the so-called black community for 50+ years?

Bruh, they love their new boogyman but dont realize they're married to Freddy Krueger. This is why blacks can't get respect. Too GD stupid to recognize a obvious fraud.

Any Politicians who go on the Breakfast Club have lost my fucking vote. Charlie the Clown and his Mutt friends can't be taken seriously. Breakfast Club is black pro paganda at its worse. Politicians who do low brow shit like this have no business leading me to shit.


Rising Star
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you a fucking idiot?

The last time it happened was in 2016 when Trump won.

Don't get me hot right now. Don't talk about politics if you dont know shit.

If you didn't know that in 2016 we had "faithless electors" you don't know shit.

Open up a book son.
Bruh you obviously are confused about the process. Trump had won more electoral college votes and Hillary had won the popular vote. It is the electoral college vote that wins elections and not the popular vote.
You obviously don't know shit...because there was no faithful elector that changed the results of the election.


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Obama is a smart man. He wouldn't endorse Biden, let alone let him serve as V.P. if he was racist. Obama's endorsement is enough for me.

Trump, on the other hand, has said no country ran by a Black person has been governed well. Trump made the shithole countries comment. Trump wanted immigration from white countries. Trump tried to nominate admitted racists to important positions, etc.
Obama is David Geffens and Richard Bransons fag boy toy. I guess if you like to trust fags with your future then he's your fearless leader. Too bad he didn't give a fuck about black people when he had his shot. Now this never was black MF til he stiffed Michelle's pussy wanna play black leader.

Hawaii Fag-O will never be a black leader due to his blantant disrespect of people like Dr Jeremiah Wright. No Mr Obama, you lost that chance when you fucked over the black church to be Prez. His faggot as needs to sit down and retire in Hawaii with his real white friends.
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BGOL Investor
I mean yeah.......unless you are Owens or Carson or a self hating coon. Yeah coons and Russian bots gonna be big mad. LOL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think that the people making the biggest fuss about this are either republican/trump supporters or weren't voting for Biden anyway.

45 has said and done WAY worse. Although this is concerning, I doubt this changes any votes of those that were supporters of Biden or that are hellbent on getting that orange fuck out of the white house.

I don't think it'll change votes, but shit like this is what makes folk NOT vote. And that's part of what got Agent Orange elected last time was there was such a significantly lower Dem turnout compared to Obama's.


Salesman of the year!
Platinum Member
He’s sounds like he is taking the black vote for granted, but he can because most black folks ain’t voting for Trump. He was comfortable, and that should be corrected post haste.