"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
how is trump a “confirmed racist” and Biden isn’t, when Biden’s policies have actively worked to destroy the so-called black community for 50+ years?
Obama is a smart man. He wouldn't endorse Biden, let alone let him serve as V.P. if he was racist. Obama's endorsement is enough for me.

Trump, on the other hand, has said no country ran by a Black person has been governed well. Trump made the shithole countries comment. Trump wanted immigration from white countries. Trump tried to nominate admitted racists to important positions, etc.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Getting too damn comfortable. You're not promoting a silly book or something.. you're running for POTUS... just because Charlamagne is a "shock jock" and talks crazy doesn't mean you gotta be on there cracking jokes and talking shit too. You're not dropping a new album.. you're running for POTUS.
He even hit him with a "aint". :lol: :smh:


Rising Star
Whateva nicca.....
Just make sure you smile when you pull the lever
Just like thought. You just talking shit, but can't back up your claim.
Me saying what I am going to do vs telling others what to do, are two different. Let your little hurt feeling go.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Obama is a smart man. He wouldn't endorse Biden, let alone let him serve as V.P. if he was racist. Obama's endorsement is enough for me.

Trump, on the other hand, has said no country ran by a Black person has been governed well. Trump made the shithole countries comment. Trump wanted immigration from white countries. Trump tried to nominate admitted racists to important positions, etc.
The words of the profane AKA pro-whites :smh:

Man worship - “Biden can’t be racist because of Obama” will continue to be the downfall of many when Obama did NOTHING to propel the so-called black community.

Biden has said and done more racist things than trump however because Biden wears the democrats’ colors, all is forgiven.

If that isn’t sambo mentality, I don’t know what is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
another of the pro-white coons that is says this is nothing but will smoke crack rocks and beat his own mama if she says something negative about Asians.

if BGOL purged all the cacs, coons and pro-whites the active poster count would plummet 90% immediately.

LOL at the fake outrage


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand what he is tryin to accomplish...

but he needs a better strategy... the big difference in the case is...

One case had a video go super viral... one didnt have a video at all...

thats a major friggen difference... trust me.. if there was footage that went viral in the kentucky case... heads would be rolling..

but fuck both of them because if they could sweep it under a rug and forget about it,

they wouldnt hesitate...

They didn't video evidence to lock up the black police officer who killed the white women in Minneapolis.

Dems always talking like they have our back. Vote for us we got y'all back. Yet act like their hands are tied when a black women gets killed.

Fuck em all

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The words of the profane AKA pro-whites :smh:

Man worship - “Biden can’t be racist because of Obama” will continue to be the downfall of many when Obama did NOTHING to propel the so-called black community.

Biden has said and done more racist things than trump however because Biden wears the democrats’ colors, all is forgiven.

If that isn’t sambo mentality, I don’t know what is.
You're a cac, and not an intelligent one. I've read you're comments in Obama hate threads. Also Dr.Truth exposed you a long time ago, bumbay the cac. If I had it my way you would have been banned (again) along time ago. Go away, back to stormfront where you belong.
You're not fooling anybody, especially me. Matter of fact let me save us both some trouble and add you to my ignore list now. I honestly don't know why I waited this long to do it.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Current President

“Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five”

“Trump defends 2017 'very fine people' comments, calls Robert E. Lee 'a great general'“

During President Donald Trump's speech at a rally in Huntsville, Ala. on Sept. 22, 2017, he called out NFL players who sit during the national anthem. Teresa Kaepernick, Colin Kaepernick's mom, commented on Trump's remarks via Twitter. NFL Commiss

Read more here: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/n...e175061496.html/video-embed/amp#storylink=cpy


Rising Star
That was some stupid shit he said. But, me personally, i do have the Fuck you mentality for any and all black people who will vote for 45. Biden just said the quiet part out loud. 45 says shit like this all the time to his base. What do you think he means when he says "make america great again". He for damn sure ain't talking about it being great for people that look like me. He made it great for white people before our first black president era. "What have I got lose". Potentially my life in this covid-19 open up the economy times.
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Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
This fake negro rage is laughable. Why is this bs blowing up my social media accounts. Although a white man shouldn't say this....are you nuggas going to prove him wrong and prove your blackness by voting for the devil? White Jesus i can't with you negros. Save the fake shawn king rage for something more worthy.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
This fake negro rage is laughable. Why is this bs blowing up my social media accounts. Although a white man shouldn't say this....are you nuggas going to prove him wrong and prove your blackness by voting for the devil? White Jesus i can't with you negros. Save the fake shawn king rage for something more worthy.
I’m saying , we say the same shit every day here . Bunch of soft ass pussy ass niggas. Meanwhile the current president still called for the death of the Central Park 5 After they were exonerated!!!!! But Biden is the bad guy!?!?


Rising Star
Let be honest. He does not have to earn the black vote. Blacks vote 95% democrats anyways.

Shit the moment you try to tell blacks. You should start asking for benefits and tangibles for your vote. Black people don’t want to listen. All these white liberals use republicans like the boogie man. They been running the same game for 70 years. All this voting and your community is still in shambles and a permanent underclass.

LBJ said it best. I will have these niggas voting democrat for 100 years.

Bruh, your right about lbj comment!! Everytime I hear or read his comment, it makes my blood boil up!!


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
:lol: Coppin' pleas for the guy who helped locked more black people up than anyone walking the planet. I swear this shit is hopeless. Scientists talking that parallel world shit. Somewhere on one of those earths, the black community didn't lose their collective balls.

I wonder if he'd feel comfortable talking to muslims, gays, or jews like this.

Who knows the convos he had with Obama. Bet money they talked about how easy it is to lock the black vote. :smh: Senile ass is letting some of that shit slip out now.

As usual,the usual suspects are defending this bullshit....


It's like since he's a Democrat, he can talk to us any way he wants because he knows we'll come out and still vote for his racist ass because the guy in office is a bigger racist than him. At,some point,we gotta hold the Democrats and Republicans accountable for their fuckery..


Rising Star
It's like since he's a Democrat, he can talk to us any way he wants because he knows we'll come out and still vote for his racist ass because the guy in office is a bigger racist than him. At,some point,we gotta hold the Democrats and Republicans accountable for their fuckery..

Democrats figure you have no choice so they don't give a fuck. Black people are not independently minded like other races. They would never pull this type of shit on Asians, Jews, Arabs, or even Latinos.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just watched the interview... :lol: :lol::lol:

I don't know if Sleepy Joe thought he was being cool or trying to be funny. Charalamagne couldn't follow up I guess because they were pressed for time. He did say he will come back on the show. Trump got me calling him Sleepy Joe now... :smh::lol: