"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don’t even see the appeal of Joe Biden. He is just a corporate democrat. People like Joe Biden and the Clinton’s are a reason why we have Donald Trump in the first place. NAFTA (shipping jobs to China) and the bankruptcy laws in which you cannot cancel your student debt if you file bankruptcy. Who you think wrote those laws? Who you you think wrote the crime bill ?
^^ Exactly.

Because Donald Trump is NEVER responsible for HIS OWN actions / or racist comments / or policies.

It is ALWAYS somebody else's fault.... mainly because his supporters "are good people", right? :hmm:

The Democrats are responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the "willful ignorance" of his supporters. :rolleyes:
Hillary Clinton's emails are responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the zenophobia of his supporters. :rolleyes:
Barack Obama is responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the (deep-seeded) racism of his supporters. :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter.

If Biden says something dumb..... then it's his fault that Trump wins. :hmm:
Because Trump calling ALL black countries "shithole countries"...... is somebody else's fault. :hmm:
Trump bears absolutely NO responsibility for his own words. :hmm:

Joe Biden must account for his own mistakes....... but Donald Trump??? Nah, Never.

Sure, we get it.


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
^^ Exactly.

Because Donald Trump is NEVER responsible for HIS OWN actions / or racist comments / or policies.

It is ALWAYS somebody else's fault.... mainly because his supporters "are good people", right? :hmm:

The Democrats are responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the "willful ignorance" of his supporters. :rolleyes:
Hillary Clinton's emails are responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the zenophobia of his supporters. :rolleyes:
Barack Obama is responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the (deep-seeded) racism of his supporters. :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter.

If Biden says something dumb..... then it's his fault that Trump wins.
Because Trump calling ALL black countries "shithole countries"...... is somebody else's fault.
He bears absolutely NO responsibility for his own words.

Biden must account for his own mistakes....... but Trump??? Never.

Sure, we get it.


You’re talking to a Nigerian Russian troll

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
It ain’t Obama’s fault you niggas are broke losers. I made a shit load of money under Obama. Blame your Mom for raising you into a Beta male.

Stupid-ass lying-ass piss-drinking non-reading nigga!!

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth



Rising Star
^^ Exactly.

Because Donald Trump is NEVER responsible for HIS OWN actions / or racist comments / or policies.

It is ALWAYS somebody else's fault.... mainly because his supporters "are good people", right? :hmm:

The Democrats are responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the "willful ignorance" of his supporters. :rolleyes:
Hillary Clinton's emails are responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the zenophobia of his supporters. :rolleyes:
Barack Obama is responsible for making Donald Trump. Not the (deep-seeded) racism of his supporters. :rolleyes:

It doesn't matter.

If Biden says something dumb..... then it's his fault that Trump wins. :hmm:
Because Trump calling ALL black countries "shithole countries"...... is somebody else's fault. :hmm:
Trump bears absolutely NO responsibility for his own words. :hmm:

Who said Donald Trump is any better?. Im just saying stop trying to act like Joe Biden is some kind of "White Jesus".

He is a white cracker just like the last 44 presidents we had before. You can even count Obama.

These people pander to you for votes and once they get into office, They don't do shit for you or the black community.

I don't even know why Joe Biden waste his time and do interviews with a audience that is going to vote for him in mass numbers anyways.

The Democratic Strategy is to hide him and lock him in a basement until November. Maybe they should do that.

Even though in the long run its a terrible strategy. Hilary Clinton did that in 2016, She hid herself and barely did any rallies, especially in swing states and she lost terribly because she thought Donald Trump is so bad that nobody will vote for him because of the polls.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even if Biden said "If Black people dont vote for me, they are fucking coons". Not one lie would have been spoken.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Stupid-ass lying-ass piss-drinking non-reading nigga!!

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth

I have plenty of money. Obama didn’t destroy shit with me or plenty other Black folks you broke ass failure bum ass loser ass nigga. Fucking losers looking for a daddy to rescue them out of poverty. You’re pitiful and have no balls or a spine. Bitch nigga you’re over 40 and begging a president to save you. Pathetic fuck


Rising Star
Who said Donald Trump is any better?. Im just saying stop trying to act like Joe Biden is some kind of "White Jesus".

He is a white cracker just like the last 44 presidents we had before. You can even count Obama.

These people pander to you for votes and once they get into office, They don't do shit for you or the black community.

I don't even know why Joe Biden waste his time and do interviews with a audience that is going to vote for him in mass numbers anyways.

The Democratic Strategy is to hide him and lock him in a basement until November. Maybe they should do that.

Even though in the long run its a terrible strategy. Hilary Clinton did that in 2016, She hid herself and barely did any rallies, especially in swing states and she lost terribly because she thought Donald Trump is so bad that nobody will vote for him because of the polls.
Says the person who made Bernie Sanders out to be "White Moses". :hithead:
"Let my people go"


Rising Star
Creepy Joe done fucked up!

If Republicans had sane, and rational candidates. As well as sane, and rationale policies. Then I could agree with you, but they do not.
There will be a load of people voting for Biden, not necessarily because they like him, but because they do not like what is currently in office. There will be two choices, and one of those choices will win. That's it...
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Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Where’s the fucking flag?! :smh:

This was supposed to be some hip keep it real way to shame black folks into voting for his ass. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If Republicans had a sane, and rational candidates. As well as sane, and rationale policies. Then I could agree with you, but they do not.
There will be a load of people voting for Biden, not necessarily because they like him, but because they do not like what is currently in office. There will be two choices and one of those choices will win. That's it...
You’re absolutely right! Neither side has a competent candidate. The next 4yrs are going to be a disaster no matter who wins. Lets hope that 2024 brings us some new blood with fresh ideas and not the same recycled bullshit!
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Rising Star
You’re absolutely right! Neither side has a competent candidate. The next 4yrs are going to be a disaster no matter who wins. Lets hope that 2024 brings us some new blood with fresh ideas and not the same recycled bullshit!
The problem is "new blood" is looking for some one to hand them power. No one is going to hand you power. You have to take power and you can't wait until the last moment to do so. You have to start now from the bottom and force your way up. Otherwise will continue the recycling process.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Sometimes she says the dumbest shit, while trying to be profound. Stop defending fuck shit from Biden, while trying to use a racist bas the backstop equivalency.

Democrats got another terrible candidate :angry:

all this is true

but at the same time

I think its also cause he just old man joe

cause WE have HUNDREDS of posts on bgol

from SMART members who BASICALLY said the same thing about a black person supporting Trump

but at the same time wanting the Democratic party to STOP taking us for granted.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Jemele Hill said it best:
The issue wasn’t what Joe Biden said, because it was accurate. The issue was that it came from Biden. It also was clearly a joke that didn’t land. But I’m wondering where all this outrage was yesterday when y’all president declared his public devotion to a Nazi sympathizer.



waking people up
BGOL Investor
Let be honest. He does not have to earn the black vote. Blacks vote 95% democrats anyways.

Shit the moment you try to tell blacks. You should start asking for benefits and tangibles for your vote. Black people don’t want to listen. All these white liberals use republicans like the boogie man. They been running the same game for 70 years. All this voting and your community is still in shambles and a permanent underclass.

LBJ said it best. I will have these niggas voting democrat for 100 years.
BAN this white boy for even saying niggas.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Bruh, your right on about the obama comment!!

none of the parties are gonna do shit, Neither Democrat or Republican will. I do good cause I run my own business. I control my own destiny not no cac politician who won’t do shit 4u.

He was under Obama who shitted on blacks so what makes these stupid niggaz think Biden is gonna do anything different??? Shit, with Trump at least you got a fucking stimulus check.

Obama gave police more power to kill niggaz. so much shit happened to blacks under Obama. These niggaz want the white man to be their father.


Rising Star
none of the parties are gonna do shit, Neither Democrat or Republican will. I do good cause I run my own business. I control my own destiny not no cac politician who won’t do shit 4u.

He was under Obama who shitted on blacks so what makes these stupid niggaz think Biden is gonna do anything different??? Shit, with Trump at least you got a fucking stimulus check.

Obama gave police more power to kill niggaz. so much shit happened to blacks under Obama. These niggaz want the white man to be their father.

Exactly. They got blacks worked up about a election when Neither a Democrat or Republican Administration ever done anything for the black community.

We just need to be independent and own shit like business like them Asians and Arabs. You don't see them stressing because no matter who the president is. There is always opportunity to make money.