Dude ,,, only a dark ass ninja would call that light skinned ……. I'm like a Dominican light skinned.... my dad was Sidney Poitier complexioned and mom is white …. so fuck outta here as to what you call "light skinned" ….. and like I said … you still goin back n forth …… go ask slowhands why he posted PePe the fucking frog memes.... you completely avoided that shit ….. ur a bigot …. plain n simple ….
not replying to any more of your mod antics ….
I thought the dude that you talking about slowhands...
Was a white photoGrapher that posts pics of chick's from a site he owns. ..
So I think everyone knows he is a caucazoid and therefore not surprised with the pepe the frog memes..which was a good catch by you tho....
I'm just tryin to figure out if dude was the real slowhands aka repost king aka sea basted..
If he is his troll game fell off it used to be top notch .
Even Dr truth couldn't fuck with his demented troll game....
Now that being said...
Just post yo hand bruh it aint nothing ..
So what if you lightskin I'm lighskin.....
On my palms and the bottom of my feet...