Inspired By Steelwell Identity Post


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
why does he have the same gun as you?

I’m not gonna post the video bcuz it’s mad disrespectful...but in the video this person has a pic you posted ages ago



you sayin you got receipts...... ...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
and yet you chose to respond …. you could've just left it where it was ….and as far as being suspect …. how fucking stupid are you ? I'm lightskinned… have always said it ….NEVER DENIED IT... wtf you need to look at my hand for …. you buying me a ring? Mods are supposed to be Bi-partisan …. ur the most bigoted mod here …. and show it on the regular ….. only reason I came here cause you chose to mention me …. fuck outta here with your mod antics


Since you want to talk about stupid that light skinned excuse is stupid and lame. Dr Truth and Lord Sinister are light skinned and that didn't stop them or the many other light skinned members on here from doing the verification. And miss with that mods are supposed to be impartial cunt hole nonsense. Any and everybody can get that work. It took me all of a minute to pick up my phone and take pic and upload it and copy and paste it right here.


damn nigga breaking out ALL his characters lol

:lol: All that typing and still no pic in 2018 when damn near everybody and their momma got a camera phone. Talmbout he lightskin.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Since you want to talk about stupid that light skinned excuse is stupid and lame. Dr Truth and Lord Sinister are light skinned and that didn't stop them or the many other light skinned members on here from doing the verification. And miss with that mods are supposed to be impartial cunt hole nonsense. Any and everybody can get that work. It took me all of a minute to pick up my phone and take pic and upload it and copy and paste it right here.


:lol: All that typing and still no pic in 2018 when damn near everybody and their momma got a camera phone. Talmbout he lightskin.
Dude ,,, only a dark ass ninja would call that light skinned ……. I'm like a Dominican light skinned.... my dad was Sidney Poitier complexioned and mom is white …. so fuck outta here as to what you call "light skinned" ….. and like I said … you still goin back n forth …… go ask slowhands why he posted PePe the fucking frog memes.... you completely avoided that shit ….. ur a bigot …. plain n simple …. :smh:
not replying to any more of your mod antics …. :hmm:





Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude ,,, only a dark ass ninja would call that light skinned ……. I'm like a Dominican light skinned.... my dad was Sidney Poitier complexioned and mom is white …. so fuck outta here as to what you call "light skinned" ….. and like I said … you still goin back n forth …… go ask slowhands why he posted PePe the fucking frog memes.... you completely avoided that shit ….. ur a bigot …. plain n simple …. :smh:
not replying to any more of your mod antics …. :hmm:




Brah..say...just leave..stop copping..u making everyone realize u r who we thought u was...CAVECAC

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Comedy :lol:

I still say BGOL is like 60% non-black

More than 90% of BGOL is Black on the outside. However, there are several here who are white on the inside and wish they were white on the outside. Some folks come from parents who are not both Black. Some are mixed with white and some are mixed with Asian and some are mixed with Hispanic.

Most of us raised Christian/Catholic. Some raised Muslim/Moslem. Some claiming Hebrew Israelite. And then there are a few white guys. Some us are from America's and some of us are from a Africa. Some members are in Europe or Canada. You'd be surprised just how Black some of the members are who say the whitest or coonest things. I've seen many exposed over the years.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
More than 90% of BGOL is Black on the outside. However, there are several here who are white on the inside and wish they were white on the outside. Some folks come from parents who are not both Black. Some are mixed with white and some are mixed with Asian and some are mixed with Hispanic.

Most of us raised Christian/Catholic. Some raised Muslim/Moslem. Some claiming Hebrew Israelite. And then there are a few white guys. Some us are from America's and some of us are from a Africa. Some members are in Europe or Canada. You'd be surprised just how Black some of the members are who say the whitest or coonest things. I've seen many exposed over the years.

I feel you bruh, and as an admin I'll take your word for it. But honestly sometimes I feel like the posts I read around here make so much more sense through the *60% other* lens. I've never seen so much stupid coonish bullshit irl and I get around lol. :lol:

I know its all kinds of folks here man but I dunno haha

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Since you want to talk about stupid that light skinned excuse is stupid and lame. Dr Truth and Lord Sinister are light skinned and that didn't stop them or the many other light skinned members on here from doing the verification. And miss with that mods are supposed to be impartial cunt hole nonsense. Any and everybody can get that work. It took me all of a minute to pick up my phone and take pic and upload it and copy and paste it right here.


:lol: All that typing and still no pic in 2018 when damn near everybody and their momma got a camera phone. Talmbout he lightskin.
That hoe light white is a cracka bruh

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I feel you bruh, and as an admin I'll take your word for it. But honestly sometimes I feel like the posts I read around here make so much more sense through the *60% other* lens. I've never seen so much stupid coonish bullshit irl and I get around lol. :lol:

I know its all kinds of folks here man but I dunno haha

I ain't going to call no names but there have been some dudes exposed here that used to talk helluh greasy about dark skin only for them to be exposed as Biggie Smalls Black and ugly as ever. Yet they had spent plenty time putting redbones on a pedestal instead of women their mothers complexion. I recently called out a slick typing bitch made clown for that shit and he's been in lurk mode ever since. Suffice to say plenty of people come on here and talk the shit they can't easily say out loud in their environment without serious social repercussions.