Is anyone on here REALLY voting for Kamala ? Why should I vote for Kamala?


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
IT’S NOT ABOUT AN “IDEAL CANDIDATE”!!!! Or party! It’s about an agenda! Why is this a difficult concept to understand?

And “more likely to fuck shit up” for who? Because I see the current Dem agenda as being as destructive for Black ADOS people in America as the GOP or Trump agenda.

I think I understand what you mean, and I don't totally disagree re: agendas. And which of the two parties has a more destructive agenda overall is def a matter of opinion.

But the fact of the matter is that no matter how hard yall aren't voting, one of these 2 candidates WILL be the president for the next 4 years.

Which means some of us will be voting for one or the other, by weighing the pros and cons at issue atm. Why waste your time running inference in the discussion if you're not even participating?

Also, where do you go from here in order to move your beliefs forward?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Does Orange have an Agenda???



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

How Harris’ Vision for the Economy Could Boost Black Communities​

The proposal is the vice president’s latest effort to sharpen her image ahead of the November election.

Vice President Kamala Harris waits to speak at a campaign rally at United Auto Workers Local 900 on Aug. 8, 2024, in Wayne, Michigan.
Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to address the costs of housing, food, and health care in a speech in North Carolina on Friday. (Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

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Before a vibrant crowd in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris laid out her economic agenda — her first big policy proposal since President Joe Biden’s abrupt departure from the race in July.
It was Harris’ latest effort during her warp-speed campaign for the White House to reintroduce herself to voters, who know relatively little about Biden’s lieutenant of the past almost four years.
Harris’ speech wasn’t heavy on details. But she pledged to prioritize lowering the cost of living for struggling Americans — including Black and brown communities — by limiting the costs of housing, food, and health care. She also promised to take on corporate price-gouging, and work to increase the federal minimum wage.
In some ways, Harris offered an updated version of the American Dream.
“This election, I do strongly believe, is about two very different visions for our nation,” she told the enthusiastic audience. “One — ours — focused on the future, and the other focused on the past.”
Harris said that, if elected, she would direct federal resources toward building 3 million new housing units and providing $25,000 to first-time homebuyers for down-payment assistance for the next four years.
And for homebuilders who construct starter homes for these first-time homebuyers, she noted, there ought to be a tax credit.
Harris also personalized her speech. She recounted how excited her mother was when she saved enough money to buy the family a house, and how too many Americans struggle just to get by.
“Look, the bills add up. Food, rent, gas, back-to-school clothes, prescription medication,” she said. “After all of that, for many families, there’s not much left at the end of the month.”
Emphasis on the need to combat costs could appeal to Black Americans, who are more likely than their white counterparts to be confronted by precarity, even as the economy rebounds.
“These are the types of policies that address vulnerability,” Michael Neal, a senior fellow in the Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute, told Capital B. “We know that health care and housing are two of the biggest costs in the Personal Consumption Expenditures measure of inflation. We know that the price of groceries tends to be highly volatile. And we know that Black Americans have lower and more volatile incomes that amplify these higher costs.”
Another area is worth our collective attention, too: unemployment. Black Americans don’t just have lower incomes — they also have higher unemployment rates.
The most recent Black unemployment rate available is from July 2024: 6.3%. The rates from the past few months are low by historical standards, per a June CNN analysis, though a little bit higher than the record low, 4.8%, from April 2023.
“The potential for high unemployment affects everyone,” Neal said. “But we know from the data that Black Americans are more likely to be unemployed, and during economic downturns, their unemployment rates typically rise faster.”
Kristin Powell, the principal of the Black to the Future Action Fund, expressed similar sentiments earlier this year.
She told Capital B that, in terms of campaigning, lingering overmuch on the strength of the economy — slowed inflation, low unemployment — when Black Americans’ everyday economic realities aren’t so rosy can be politically risky.
Black Americans “are concerned about low wages, about the cost of housing, about their pocketbooks,” she said, adding that zooming in “only on how the economy is doing better than ever doesn’t match what people are actually feeling.”
Harris’ stop in Raleigh came about a week after the Black to the Future Action Fund released its nearly 60-page economic agenda, based on a 2023 survey of more than 200,000 Black Americans in all 50 states.
It’s intended to be a road map that can inform elected officials on Black communities’ top economic concerns, which include some of the same themes that Harris tackled: boosting wages and worker protections, shrinking the costs of health care and education, expanding access to affordable housing.
“We have to start imagining what it is that we want and not be so afraid to break out of what is,” Alicia Garza, the founder of the Black to the Future Action Fund and its former principal, said at a lunch event last week, echoing the kind of bold and forward-thinking vision that Harris is leaning into at her rallies.
Friday’s event was Harris’ eighth visit to the prized swing state this year. She leads former President Donald Trump in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, and the two are tied in Georgia, per a Cook Political Report survey of seven battleground states that was released on Wednesday. Trump leads in Nevada.
Harris used her stop in the Tar Heel State to further distinguish herself from Trump.
“As for Donald Trump, well, he wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which 45 million Americans rely on,” she said. “That would take us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions.”
Right on cue, the crowd started chanting one of the campaign’s slogans: “We’re not going back.”



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As much as I was annoyed with Obama lecturing black men on the real reasons they balk at voting for Kamala... there is a point to be made...

In 2016 white women said they werent just voting for a uterus when Hilary was the candidate....then trump got in appointed more conservative SCOTUSes and Roe v Wade got repealed and Affirmative Action got banned at the federal level.

Theyre voting for a UTERUS NOW! This is the very definition of fuck around and find out!

And I get the feeling black men talking shit are gonna find the same thing if trump gets back in.

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
As I expected, you niggas didn't answer the question regarding the pandering and democrats telling us that Kamala was Black.

And trump is in the conversation because there are two candidates. If you state that you aren't voting for one then you're essentially voting for the other.

And if you're not voting for any, then you're not a part of the conversation.

Oh and other than being a man...

You do consider Kamala's Dad a man right? What color do you consider him to be?
Not voting is not voting. How the fuck am I voting for one if I’m not voting for either?! That’s the dumbest logic that they convinced you niggas to believe to ensure your black ass vote for them for nothing in return.
Keep blindly voting homeboy​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not voting is not voting. How the fuck am I voting for one if I’m not voting for either?! That’s the dumbest logic that they convinced you niggas to believe to ensure your black ass vote for them for nothing in return.
Keep blindly voting homeboy​
Maybe all Black people should feel like you homeboy and we'll personally walk trump into office.

It's deaf, dumb and blind niggas like you niggas that continue to hold many back.

This is a pointless conversation, enjoy your non-voting and take pride in it.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I think I understand what you mean, and I don't totally disagree re: agendas. And which of the two parties has a more destructive agenda overall is def a matter of opinion.

But the fact of the matter is that no matter how hard yall aren't voting, one of these 2 candidates WILL be the president for the next 4 years.

Which means some of us will be voting for one or the other, by weighing the pros and cons at issue atm. Why waste your time running inference in the discussion if you're not even participating?

Also, where do you go from here in order to move your beliefs forward?

Who said we weren’t voting or participating? Where are you getting this from?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I swore said you weren't voting, my bad if I got you mixed up with someone else.

How are you handling this presidential election season?

I respect down-ballot voting, third-party voting, and even not voting as a strategy, a means to an end, and as way to compel your agenda and interests if you’re a member of a group that holds voting power as a block in a political party. Evangelicals and Tea Partiers (and even Trumpers) have done this to the GOP.

That said, I’ll likely vote for Stein/Ware since the Green Party does incorporate reparations into its platform.

But if you want me to weigh in on why I regard the current Dem policies as being more dangerous for us, Black Americans, than the GOP, I will.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
I respect down-ballot voting, third-party voting, and even not voting as a strategy, a means to an end, and as way to compel your agenda and interests if you’re a member of a group that holds voting power as a block in a political party. Evangelicals and Tea Partiers (and even Trumpers) have done this to the GOP.

That said, I’ll likely vote for Stein/Ware since the Green Party does incorporate reparations into its platform.

But if you want me to weigh in on why I regard the current Dem policies as being more dangerous for us, Black Americans, than the GOP, I will.
Word. I respect your decision..

older version

A version older
Came here to say that Black men openly saying to not vote for Harris are probably also those that would believe in flat Earth theories.
Lord Jamar has already proven me correct....

I also believe that this same group probably won't vote either way, trying to stay "anonymous" from the government.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Came here to say that Black men openly saying to not vote for Harris are probably also those that would believe in flat Earth theories.
Lord Jamar has already proven me correct....

I also believe that this same group probably won't vote either way, trying to stay "anonymous" from the government.
Don't forget kyrie irving


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You fucking them up with facts and they're big mad.

Keep posting that shit, it'll at least give them enough rope to hang themselves.

You dont even know what that post was about do you...???

What AKA are they talking about ghosting who??

You just cheerleading for drag queen story time..

just the spiritually blind following thespiritually blind.....

straight to satans hell hole!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But if you want me to weigh in on why I regard the current Dem policies as being more dangerous for us, Black Americans, than the GOP, I will.
I'll blame meditation because I should know better than encourage this
But you go right ahead and tell me why the MAGA policies and their leadership are less dangerous


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I respect down-ballot voting, third-party voting, and even not voting as a strategy, a means to an end, and as way to compel your agenda and interests if you’re a member of a group that holds voting power as a block in a political party. Evangelicals and Tea Partiers (and even Trumpers) have done this to the GOP.

That said, I’ll likely vote for Stein/Ware since the Green Party does incorporate reparations into its platform.

But if you want me to weigh in on why I regard the current Dem policies as being more dangerous for us, Black Americans, than the GOP, I will.
fucking FINALLY :lol: :lol: :lol:

expound on why trump getting back in office is less dangerous for Black Americans :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As much as I was annoyed with Obama lecturing black men on the real reasons they balk at voting for Kamala... there is a point to be made...

In 2016 white women said they werent just voting for a uterus when Hilary was the candidate....then trump got in appointed more conservative SCOTUSes and Roe v Wade got repealed and Affirmative Action got banned at the federal level.

Theyre voting for a UTERUS NOW! This is the very definition of fuck around and find out!

And I get the feeling black men talking shit are gonna find the same thing if trump gets back in.
Did he lecture the white women?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Another mofokr who wants to worry about other mofokrs.
That's just your way of ignoring the fact that the Democrats want your vote and to obtain it they think that dragging Obama out every voting cycle or whenever he is needed to suppress black movement (see NBA strike for reference) is cool and not disrespectful. I don't care for Obama so I don't care who he talks to or about. I know he would never talk down on police or white people because he has publicly stated that when he looks in the mirror he sees his white granny