Is anyone on here REALLY voting for Kamala ? Why should I vote for Kamala?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Happen with what?!?!? I’m tired of getting into these circular arguments with you, where you misinterpret or distort what I say and then argue against that misinterpretation and distortion.

And you didn’t answer either one of my questions.

Tell us what supporting Kamala will positively do for Black ADOS people? Where will be collectively four years from now with Kamala in office? And how will you measure this?

Geechie, how about this. Either you stand on your square and your convictions and debate me in a live recorded Zoom or you fall back! One or the other! It’ll be some good BGOL pre-election entertainment. And you have far more supporters on this board than I do, so it should be easy for you.
there is nothing circular about the question...I'm not misinterpreting anything... the scenario you want is this...

you want the democratic president to say blacks should get reparations to the number of 20 TRILLION dollars (the estimate from the ADOS website link YOU have posted in the past).
YOU said "the problem here is instead looking for a target or waiting for a target we should be developing the target."

What the fuck do you think ADOS is? And before replying actually GO READ the website!

Q: What will ADOS Reparations include?​

A: Remedies must encompass comprehensive financial, land, education, mental health services, and reparations protection programs. In addition, a new federal agency must be created to administer and oversee the program, including assisting participants with verifying their eligibility.

Q: Where did the $20 trillion figure come from?​

A: In 1990, Dr. David H. Swinton developed a formula for estimating the cost of slavery. One of the components of his formula is the “value of labor expropriated (EL).” Later, Dr. Thomas Craemer expounded on the EL metric with his wage-based estimation. In 2022, Craemer’s conservative 3% compound interest rate used to calculate the debt for unpaid slave wages was estimated to be $20 trillion. At the ADOS Advocacy Foundation, we advocate for the $20 trillion amount as a baseline to be distributed to eligible recipients.

You want the democratic president to commission a study at the executive level on how this can be done.

President Biden must direct Congress to propose and deliver to his desk a federally led and administered Reparations package that identifies a definite start date with no fixed ending date. President Biden must commit to seeing the Act faithfully executed. At minimum, the Reparations package should prioritize cash payments totaling $20 trillion to American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS).

The ethnic designation should accord with the criteria set forth at and the pathway to repair be guided by President Biden’s Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. Additionally, any future studies or data collection by the U.S. government must disaggregate ADOS from the rest of the American population so that the specific needs of ADOS communities can be accurately quantified and addressed by targeted policies and investments.

Pending that study you want the democratic president to then follow thru on the recommendation thru executive order.

President Biden must call on Congress to create an Office of ADOS Affairs that will specifically advocate for the needs of ADOS people.
Should Congress fail to act, President Biden must create the Office by executive order.

checks and programs go out to Black Americans immediately.

Now show what I'm misinterpreting or distorting???

All my question is what will be the socio-political repercussion for all of that? If the answer is WHO CARES AS LONG AS WE GET IT... then youre not being serious about what it would actually take to make that happen and more importantly STICK.

Candidates that endorsed reparations include:

Andrew Yang said that he supports H.R. 40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act, sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, while speaking on the Karen Hunter show.

Marianne Williamson detailed a plan for reparations in an interview for Ebony Magazine.

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker have both indicated some level of support for reparations, according to NPR.

Tulsi Gabbard is a cosponsor of H.R. 40, the only piece of legislation in Congress to study and develop reparations proposals and Bernie Sanders is a co-sponsor for the Senate version of the bill.

Kamala Harris declared in April 2019 she supports reparations. the hosts of the Breakfast Club radio show asked Sen. Kamala Harris of California whether she supported "some type" of reparations and she said she did, arguing that her focus on criminal justice reform and disparities in health care would benefit black Americans.

Beto O'Rourke is "open to considering some form of reparations," according to U.S. News & World Report.

Tom Steyer in the 2020 Democratic Primaries Debate in South Carolina voiced his support for reparations.

with the exception of Harris..NONE of these others had a realistic shot at becoming president. So they can say yes in some full throated manner. the people who actually have a shot...dont necessarily walk it back but they dont/can't say WE'RE ONLY GOING TO DO THIS FOR BLACK PEOPLE because theyre trying to get EVERYONES vote.

Tell us what supporting Kamala will positively do for Black ADOS people? Where will be collectively four years from now with Kamala in office? And how will you measure this?

Now pretty sure youre going to dismiss and deflect all of this but the main reason for Kamala is I have no reason to believe this will change in the negative if anything theres more to build on.

The MOST ANNOYING THING about engaging you in this shit is NONE of the things you stand for are ever going to make the mainstream.... Jill Stein and Marianne Williamson have NO SHOT at DOG CATCHER much less the presidency...they know it...we know it and YOU know it. So YOU CAN'T BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE EFFICACY OF YOUR CANDIDATES AS PRESIDENT because NONE of them will ever be close enough to win the job!:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

You can left handedly root for can shit on the dems all day long because there is NOTHING that you have to defend.

If trump gets elected and does nothing for blacks so what... you didnt vote for him.

If Harris gets elected and does nothing for blacks so what... you didnt vote for her

If Jill Stein by some miracle got elected and she fails to come even close to doing anything for blacks you'd shit a brick because YOU have to carry that shit because you did vote for her.

So theres no reason to go to zoom to debate you on anything because you barely can handled yourself on a plain messageboard :hmm: :hmm: :smh: :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Happen with what?!?!? I’m tired of getting into these circular arguments with you, where you misinterpret or distort what I say and then argue against that misinterpretation and distortion.

And you didn’t answer either one of my questions.

Tell us what supporting Kamala will positively do for Black ADOS people? Where will be collectively four years from now with Kamala in office? And how will you measure this?

Geechie, how about this. Either you stand on your square and your convictions and debate me in a live recorded Zoom or you fall back! One or the other! It’ll be some good BGOL pre-election entertainment. And you have far more supporters on this board than I do, so it should be easy for you.
Great idea but I don't think he has the mental capacity


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump is a Zionist also. He won’t be blowing billions on the fake war in Ukraine though. That alone is a major difference.
nigga....that is NOT what you said

The @DNC_Dunce / @DC_Dude propaganda thread would have people thinking it will be a runaway win for the Democrats.

This video shows differently and proof of how many of our people are brainwashed and allergic to facts.

NOW you say the bastard is a zionist as I understand it those two positions in that region of the world mix like water and potassium. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

why the fuck are you tap dancing for this nigga when you voted for someone... SUPPOSEDLY????


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Great idea but I don't think he has the mental capacity
I sonned vaiz a few times just on here... most notably on a thread where he bitched about biden deporting haitians only to expose that he doesnt care about immigrants and repeatedly said so in other threads so haitians getting deported shouldnt really matter to him in this case and he kept moving the goalposts until someone else called him on his bullshit..


With all due respect @geechiedan makes sense. I'm having trouble making heads or tails of your ideas on this matter.

he does this FREQUENTLY.. so theres no point in a zoom debate when he cant get his shit straight just typing on a keyboard:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2::giggle:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

2 More LA Times Editorial Writers Quit Over 'Chickens-t' Owner's Block of Kamala Harris Endorsement | Exclusive​

The Los Angeles Times has lost two more longtime editorial writers, the latest in a growing exodus to protest owner Patrick Soon-Shiong's interference with the paper's planned endorsement of Kamala Harris, TheWrap can exclusively report.

On Thursday, editorial writer Karin Klein, and Pulitzer Prize-winner Robert Greene both quit; their exits come just one day after Editorial Editor Mariel Garza, who resigned in protest on Wednesday.

Greene has not yet spoken publicly about his exit, but in a statement posted to a private forum that was subsequently shared with TheWrap, Klein laid her reasons for quitting.

Channeling Harris' campaign slogan "we're not going back," Klein called Soon-Shiong a "chickens—" who threw the editorial team "under the bus," and argued, essentially, that the decision to stop the endorsement was itself an endorsement of sorts for Harris' opponent, Donald Trump.

Soon-Shiong, Klein wrote, has as owner the "right to interfere with editorials; that is the one place where he can ethically do so." But, by shooting down this particular editorial, she said he had actually created one of his own. "A wordless one, a make-believe-invisible one that unfairly implies that [Harris] has grievous faults that somehow put her on a level with Donald Trump."

In fact, she argued, the timing itself can only be seen as a direct attack on the Democratic candidate "that hits just at the time when she cannot afford hits."

Klein also specifically called out Soon-Shiong's dissembling statement Wednesday night that attempted to blame the editorial board itself for the debacle, while at the same time effectively confirming he had indeed blocked the endorsement.

On the social media site formerly known as Twitter, Soon-Shiong wrote that "the editorial board was provided the opportunity to draft a factual analysis of all the positive and negative policies by each candidate during their tenures at the White House, and how these policies affected the nation."

"In addition, the board was asked to provide their understanding of the policies and plans enunciated by the candidates during this campaign and its potential effect on the nation in the next four years. In this way, with this clear and non-partisan information side-by-side, our readers could decide who would be worthy of being president for the next four years."

opting this path as suggested, the editorial board chose to remain silent and I accepted their decision. Please vote," Soon-Shiong's statement concluded.

Immediately after, in a statement provided to TheWrap, Garza said bluntly, "We pitched an endorsement and were not allowed to write one."

For her part, Klein wrote her decision to quit was made "simple and easy" by Soon-Shiong's statement, in part because forcing the editorial board to conjure up positive things about Trump "works as well as any other lie designed to make him look like anything better than sludge."

"The board was not the one choosing to remain silent. He blocked our voice. He can force his decisions down everyone's throats, but at least OWN it," she added.

Read Klein's whole statement below:

"I gave notice at the LA Times today because of the cock-up (very polite term for how fried I feel) about not endorsing Kamala Harris. And I am not going back."

"I respect the owner's right to interfere with editorials; that is one place where he ethically can do so. What steams me is that a decision against an editorial at this point is actually a decision to do an editorial — a wordless one, a make-believe-invisible one that unfairly implies that she has grievous faults that somehow put her on a level with Donald Trump. And that hits just at the time when she cannot afford hits. Patrick Soon-Shiong is doing the opposite of the neutrality he said he was seeking. Enough. Done."

"The decision to resign was made simple and easy when he posted on X yesterday about his suggestion that the board create an analysis of the positives and negatives of each candidate and let the voters make their own decisions. (He did do so, but the editorial writers never heard about it.) And that positive stuff about Trump? 'Nice hair?' It works as well as any other lie designed to make him look like anything better than sludge."

"News side does an excellent job of neutral analysis. That's not an editorial."

"Then the owner wrote the infuriating words that 'the editorial board chose to remain silent.' Oh, to hell with that chickens— attempt to throw the editorialists under the bus. The board was not the one choosing to remain silent. He blocked our voice. He can force his decisions down everyone's throats, but at least OWN it."



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

Kamala Harris’ Marxist dad issued warning against mass immigration: ‘Serious problem for blacks’​

Published Oct. 26, 2024, 8:36 a.m. ET
There is at least one Harris who doesn’t believe in open borders.

Donald Harris, an emeritus professor at Stanford University, issued a warning against mass immigration of low-skilled workers in a 1988 treatise he co-authored titled “Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s.”

Harris, now 86, was unequivocal at the time.

Donald J. Harris, a man in a suit and tie
Economist Donald Harris — who rarely speaks to his daughter — was a critic of mass migration in the 1980s, saying that it hurts black Americans.

“Trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers,” he wrote. “U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs.

“This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers,” according to the book.

Harris, a Marxist economist, lives just a two miles away from his daughter in Washington D.C., but the two rarely speak.

The chilly relations stretch back to Harris’ divorce from Kamala’s mother in 1972 — and his losing a bitter custody battle.

The book, published just two years after the 1986 immigrant amnesty law signed by then-President Ronald Reagan, is typical of far-left economic thinking on immigration.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was once a sharp critic of mass migration and blasted open borders as a “Koch brothers proposal.”

“It would make everybody in America poorer,” Sanders told lefty columnist Ezra Klein in 2015.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at the Democratic National Convention 2024 in Chicago
Kamala Harris’ parents were divorced in 1972 — and her father lost a bitter custody battle. AP
Vice President Harris has supported granting illegal aliens “pathways to citizenship” — and continues to make the idea a pillar of her 2024 presidential race.

The US Citizenship Act of 2021, which the Biden-Harris administration introduced on their first day in office, would have granted legal status to millions of illegal aliens currently living in the United States.

“The influx of illegal immigrants and thus low-skilled labor advocated by Harris/Walz, exacerbates inequalities by driving down wages and creating competition among those already marginalized, particularly black Americans,” black GOP political consultant Shermichael Singleton told The Post.

“The welfare of native-born citizens, particularly those who have historically faced injustices like black Americans — must come first. The problem with illegal immigration isn’t merely economic but existential.”

The Harris campaign and professor Harris both did not respond to request for comment from The Post.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Kamala Harris’ Marxist dad issued warning against mass immigration: ‘Serious problem for blacks’​

Published Oct. 26, 2024, 8:36 a.m. ET
There is at least one Harris who doesn’t believe in open borders.

Donald Harris, an emeritus professor at Stanford University, issued a warning against mass immigration of low-skilled workers in a 1988 treatise he co-authored titled “Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s.”

Harris, now 86, was unequivocal at the time.

Donald J. Harris, a man in a suit and tie
Economist Donald Harris — who rarely speaks to his daughter — was a critic of mass migration in the 1980s, saying that it hurts black Americans.

“Trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers,” he wrote. “U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs.

“This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers,” according to the book.

Harris, a Marxist economist, lives just a two miles away from his daughter in Washington D.C., but the two rarely speak.

The chilly relations stretch back to Harris’ divorce from Kamala’s mother in 1972 — and his losing a bitter custody battle.

The book, published just two years after the 1986 immigrant amnesty law signed by then-President Ronald Reagan, is typical of far-left economic thinking on immigration.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was once a sharp critic of mass migration and blasted open borders as a “Koch brothers proposal.”

“It would make everybody in America poorer,” Sanders told lefty columnist Ezra Klein in 2015.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at the Democratic National Convention 2024 in Chicago
Kamala Harris’ parents were divorced in 1972 — and her father lost a bitter custody battle. AP
Vice President Harris has supported granting illegal aliens “pathways to citizenship” — and continues to make the idea a pillar of her 2024 presidential race.

The US Citizenship Act of 2021, which the Biden-Harris administration introduced on their first day in office, would have granted legal status to millions of illegal aliens currently living in the United States.

“The influx of illegal immigrants and thus low-skilled labor advocated by Harris/Walz, exacerbates inequalities by driving down wages and creating competition among those already marginalized, particularly black Americans,” black GOP political consultant Shermichael Singleton told The Post.

“The welfare of native-born citizens, particularly those who have historically faced injustices like black Americans — must come first. The problem with illegal immigration isn’t merely economic but existential.”

The Harris campaign and professor Harris both did not respond to request for comment from The Post.

Good guy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Kamala Harris’ Marxist dad issued warning against mass immigration: ‘Serious problem for blacks’​

Published Oct. 26, 2024, 8:36 a.m. ET
There is at least one Harris who doesn’t believe in open borders.

Donald Harris, an emeritus professor at Stanford University, issued a warning against mass immigration of low-skilled workers in a 1988 treatise he co-authored titled “Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s.”

Harris, now 86, was unequivocal at the time.

Donald J. Harris, a man in a suit and tie
Economist Donald Harris — who rarely speaks to his daughter — was a critic of mass migration in the 1980s, saying that it hurts black Americans.

“Trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers,” he wrote. “U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs.

“This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers,” according to the book.

Harris, a Marxist economist, lives just a two miles away from his daughter in Washington D.C., but the two rarely speak.

The chilly relations stretch back to Harris’ divorce from Kamala’s mother in 1972 — and his losing a bitter custody battle.

The book, published just two years after the 1986 immigrant amnesty law signed by then-President Ronald Reagan, is typical of far-left economic thinking on immigration.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was once a sharp critic of mass migration and blasted open borders as a “Koch brothers proposal.”

“It would make everybody in America poorer,” Sanders told lefty columnist Ezra Klein in 2015.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaking at the Democratic National Convention 2024 in Chicago
Kamala Harris’ parents were divorced in 1972 — and her father lost a bitter custody battle. AP
Vice President Harris has supported granting illegal aliens “pathways to citizenship” — and continues to make the idea a pillar of her 2024 presidential race.

The US Citizenship Act of 2021, which the Biden-Harris administration introduced on their first day in office, would have granted legal status to millions of illegal aliens currently living in the United States.

“The influx of illegal immigrants and thus low-skilled labor advocated by Harris/Walz, exacerbates inequalities by driving down wages and creating competition among those already marginalized, particularly black Americans,” black GOP political consultant Shermichael Singleton told The Post.

“The welfare of native-born citizens, particularly those who have historically faced injustices like black Americans — must come first. The problem with illegal immigration isn’t merely economic but existential.”

The Harris campaign and professor Harris both did not respond to request for comment from The Post.

Trump Says He Wants to Deport Millions. He’ll Have a Hard Time Removing More People Than Biden Has.​

Even as Trump slams the president for open borders, the Biden-Harris administration has kicked out far more immigrants than Trump ever managed to.

As soon as Title 42 ended in May 2023, deportations immediately skyrocketed to historic numbers. According to data analysis from the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, Biden “removed or returned” 775,000 unauthorized immigrants from May 2023 to May 2024. That’s more than any previous year since 2010. (For comparison, Trump’s record for removals in one year maxed out at under 612,000 — and that was with Title 42 in place.)

you should be happy about this but I'm sure youre not... :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor

Trump Says He Wants to Deport Millions. He’ll Have a Hard Time Removing More People Than Biden Has.​

Even as Trump slams the president for open borders, the Biden-Harris administration has kicked out far more immigrants than Trump ever managed to.

As soon as Title 42 ended in May 2023, deportations immediately skyrocketed to historic numbers. According to data analysis from the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, Biden “removed or returned” 775,000 unauthorized immigrants from May 2023 to May 2024. That’s more than any previous year since 2010. (For comparison, Trump’s record for removals in one year maxed out at under 612,000 — and that was with Title 42 in place.)

you should be happy about this but I'm sure youre not... :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2: :rolleyes2:

That’s what he’s supposed to do. Just interesting that the vitriol pertaining to deporting illegal immigrants is only directed at Trump and the GOP.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s what he’s supposed to do. Just interesting that the vitriol pertaining to deporting illegal immigrants is only directed at Trump and the GOP.
why do you care you voted for Jill Stein...

A Jill Stein administration will:

  • Vastly reduce the tide of migration by ending the crises driving people to migrate in the first place - ending US wars and military interventions (250 in the past 30 years, per the Congressional Research Service), reducing climate migration through an emergency Green New Deal and eliminating fossil fuel emissions within a decade; ending US economic sanctions driving migration from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua; legalizing marijuana in the US and supporting legalization in Latin America to undercut drug cartels whose violence is a major driver of migration.
  • Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and establish an Office of Citizenship, Refugees, and Immigration Services under the Department of Labor. Redirect all ICE funding to processing centers that provide immigrants and refugees with resources for housing, work, and healthcare upon arrival
  • Prosecute all ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents who have committed human rights violations
  • Repeal the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
  • Repeal the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
  • Grant amnesty to every undocumented person in the United States, and implement a path to citizenship with expediency
  • Provide whistleblower visas for immigrants who report labor violations or exploitative work conditions
  • Expand refugee programs and improve the housing conditions for all refugees during resettlement
  • Remove stringent requirements for linguistic assimilation and employment, and expand mental health services for refugees
  • Expand the number of visas available to immigrants
  • Greatly increase humanitarian aid to struggling Latin American economies, especially for countries that have been devastated by U.S. intervention
  • End US sanctions in general, which are illegal in any event. They should most immediately be ended where they devastate economies in Latin America and fuel immigration, as in Cuba and Venezuela
  • End the War on Drugs
  • Take immediate action to locate separated children and reunite them with their families
  • Direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and provide them resources to adjudicate visa petitions within 30 days, instead of the current 2 years or more, to shorten the duration of Family Separation for legal immigrants and citizens
  • Fully staff and fund immigration courts
  • Hire more asylum officers and provide exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate asylum cases
  • Ensure all immigration judges have civil service protection
  • Ensure that due process and constitutional protections are available to undocumented immigrants when it comes to deportation issues
  • Repeal section 212(a)(9)(B)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act concerning Accruing Unlawful Presence
  • Support DACA by updating the registration date of the 1929 Registry Act to 1/1/2022, and restoring Section 245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which expired in April 2001. This will allow people who have approved petitions to apply for their Green Card upon payment of a fine for the filing fee.
  • Reduce the record number of detainees currently under DHS and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) control.

You agree with all these points?? Redirect all ICE funding to processing centers that provide immigrants and refugees with resources for housing, work, and healthcare upon arrival

because you've said this....
The reality is that both the Dems and the GOP are in on this! GOP was the cheap labor and depressed wages for big business while the Dems want the votes and demographic replacement. The only difference I'd argue is that at least the GOP his far less likely to legalize them.

And Chicago offered them sanctuary and money. As I said above, BOTH PARTIES are in on this shit! But there’s only one party that people like YOU are telling us to be BLINDLY in support of.

how does that square with Stein's platform on immigration???


Rising Star

You been moon walking, electric sliding, tap dancing for days. Just be a fucking man and say there are none and you don't care.

Why is it so fucking hard to just admit the truth?

I can't answer because I don't know all of Trump's policies.

And you're right, I do not care. I'm not controlled by victimhood, or white resentment.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I can't answer because I don't know all of Trump's policies.

And you're right, I do not care. I'm not controlled by victimhood, or white resentment.
You finally admit you don't care if Trump is a white nationalist. Finally an honest moment. I white nationalists give you all the treatment you don't care about.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you truly believe that why in the world do you keep up the circular arguments???

You gotta getting paid for engagement
do you think his positions and arguments are new?? people been talking about those things since the late 1800s...

its not a circular argument I ask a question and he response with a question or is evasive. And since NONE of you are voting either one because theyre both the same why even bother on your part??


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
why do you care you voted for Jill Stein...

A Jill Stein administration will:

  • Vastly reduce the tide of migration by ending the crises driving people to migrate in the first place - ending US wars and military interventions (250 in the past 30 years, per the Congressional Research Service), reducing climate migration through an emergency Green New Deal and eliminating fossil fuel emissions within a decade; ending US economic sanctions driving migration from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua; legalizing marijuana in the US and supporting legalization in Latin America to undercut drug cartels whose violence is a major driver of migration.
  • Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and establish an Office of Citizenship, Refugees, and Immigration Services under the Department of Labor. Redirect all ICE funding to processing centers that provide immigrants and refugees with resources for housing, work, and healthcare upon arrival
  • Prosecute all ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents who have committed human rights violations
  • Repeal the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
  • Repeal the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
  • Grant amnesty to every undocumented person in the United States, and implement a path to citizenship with expediency
  • Provide whistleblower visas for immigrants who report labor violations or exploitative work conditions
  • Expand refugee programs and improve the housing conditions for all refugees during resettlement
  • Remove stringent requirements for linguistic assimilation and employment, and expand mental health services for refugees
  • Expand the number of visas available to immigrants
  • Greatly increase humanitarian aid to struggling Latin American economies, especially for countries that have been devastated by U.S. intervention
  • End US sanctions in general, which are illegal in any event. They should most immediately be ended where they devastate economies in Latin America and fuel immigration, as in Cuba and Venezuela
  • End the War on Drugs
  • Take immediate action to locate separated children and reunite them with their families
  • Direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and provide them resources to adjudicate visa petitions within 30 days, instead of the current 2 years or more, to shorten the duration of Family Separation for legal immigrants and citizens
  • Fully staff and fund immigration courts
  • Hire more asylum officers and provide exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate asylum cases
  • Ensure all immigration judges have civil service protection
  • Ensure that due process and constitutional protections are available to undocumented immigrants when it comes to deportation issues
  • Repeal section 212(a)(9)(B)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act concerning Accruing Unlawful Presence
  • Support DACA by updating the registration date of the 1929 Registry Act to 1/1/2022, and restoring Section 245(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which expired in April 2001. This will allow people who have approved petitions to apply for their Green Card upon payment of a fine for the filing fee.
  • Reduce the record number of detainees currently under DHS and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) control.

You agree with all these points?? Redirect all ICE funding to processing centers that provide immigrants and refugees with resources for housing, work, and healthcare upon arrival

because you've said this....

how does that square with Stein's platform on immigration???

You still do not get it. As I’ve said before, I support an AGENDA, not a candidate. That agenda is reparations for ADOS. So if a candidate or party embraces that AGENDA, then that is the candidate or party I support.

Just as you say………..

i don't really care for haitians so :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
edit...thier concerns aren't my concerns...I'm indifferent to the issues of immigrants..african americans aren't immigrants in the same way...we had no choice in being brought here so the african american experience isn't the same.

Yet your Democratic Party platform says…….

Democrats support policies and programs to make it easier for qualified immigrants and their families to become full and equal citizens, including increasing funding for culturally appropriate immigrant inclusion and citizenship services, legal support, English classes and bilingual education, workforce development, and adult education.

Two can play this game geechie! So, as I said above, you either stand on business and debate me for real in a live Zoom session (especially since you say you’ll wipe the floor with me), or you fall back.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
If you truly believe that why in the world do you keep up the circular arguments???

You gotta getting paid for engagement

It’s because he’s projecting. He actually agrees with what we say and he knows we’re right yet he’s still brainwashed into a “vote Dem at all costs” mentality. Part of that is his age as well, since a lot of these people who are 50+ were thoroughly indoctrinated into that way of thinking. They can’t possibly conceive of any other route and lash out and those who do. Political crabs in a bucket.

Black Voters Are So Loyal That Their Issues Get Ignored
