Is DJ Envy (aka Individual #1) a real estate scammer?

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Yooooo....Big Pun :lol:

:roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His father is connected dude. I know what I am talking about and I have said it before.
Envy is cooperating and will not be going to jail at all.
Yeah DJ Envy won’t see jail or arrested. It appears as if DJ Envy was just flossing and wasn’t doing shit but allowing dude to use his celebrity


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Envy's only crime might be Payola.

I call bullshit on that. DJ Envy has been in radio 30 years, so he knows the value of marketing and promotion. An interview on a nationally syndicated radio show, daily promo for joint real estate seminars, social media posts to his millions of followers -- all of that shit fetches a hefty price -- I'm sure Michael S. Laminsoff knows, given whatever he pays to get plugs after every Youtube Donkey of the Day video. If you think Envy was just doing all of that for Ceasar just for educational purposes, you're crazy, he was most certainly getting a cut.

In the con game they call them "the roper", that's what Envy's role was. He used his platform and connections to steer high net worth individuals to Ceasar to get got. I'm sure once the Feds start combing through Ceasar's finances, they'll see where Envy was taking kickbacks for his part in the scheme. Even if he wasn't aware of the scam initially, whatever payment he took from his role makes him complicit. Imagine if Ghislane Maxwell had no idea what Jeff Epstein was doing to those girls behind closed doors, she would just deliver them up and get paid for each one she brought through. The law would still look at her as an accessory to whatever crimes Jeffery was doing once her part was done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed but surely he'll lose his job,reputation and more importantly that wife who seems to only be there for the lifestyle he was giving her.
Nope. Black people love scammers and crooks.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I call bullshit on that. DJ Envy has been in radio 30 years, so he knows the value of marketing and promotion. An interview on a nationally syndicated radio show, daily promo for joint real estate seminars, social media posts to his millions of followers -- all of that shit fetches a hefty price -- I'm sure Michael S. Laminsoff knows, given whatever he pays to get plugs after every Youtube Donkey of the Day video. If you think Envy was just doing all of that for Ceasar just for educational purposes, you're crazy, he was most certainly getting a cut.

In the con game they call them "the roper", that's what Envy's role was. He used his platform and connections to steer high net worth individuals to Ceasar to get got. I'm sure once the Feds start combing through Ceasar's finances, they'll see where Envy was taking kickbacks for his part in the scheme. Even if he wasn't aware of the scam initially, whatever payment he took from his role makes him complicit. Imagine if Ghislane Maxwell had no idea what Jeff Epstein was doing to those girls behind closed doors, she would just deliver them up and get paid for each one she brought through. The law would still look at her as an accessory to whatever crimes Jeffery was doing once her part was done.
Didn’t I just say his crime was payola? Then you literally just described Envy’s payola scheme to me. Envy received money for promoting Caesar. That is payola.

Envy just got paid by Caesar. He didn’t take money directly from the victims and wasn’t in the details of Caesar’s scams.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All these punks getting exposed.

and now I think it's gonna do permanent damage to the financial literacy wave that had a strong potential for good in the community

I think it will affect the ones who were not legit or just gaming the system...Or maybe the folks talking financial literacy with zero credentials

I think the legit folks out here will just thrive and gain a bigger audience than ever....

Like my man Cedric Nash...No one talks about him, he isn't big on social media (yet), but this dude is someone I respect....(owns a consulting company brining in 90 million a year). Doesn't want to charge for no damn courses and just gives out free game....

At some point, which I think JT always talks about and I agree, we need to start vetting these mutherfuckers who claim they know this and that....

Certain organizations you can't even join without a background check at the state and federal level....

It's cool to teach financial wealth by reading books and etc., but me personally, I like to take advice from people that have credentials or some real skin in the game...

You can't have the governor, even though that's his frat brother, come talk at your event if you are not legit.....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think it will affect the ones who were not legit or just gaming the system...Or maybe the folks talking financial literacy with zero credentials

I think the legit folks out here will just thrive and gain a bigger audience than ever....

Like my man Cedric Nash...No one talks about him, he isn't big on social media (yet), but this dude is someone I respect....(owns a consulting company brining in 90 million a year). Doesn't want to charge for no damn courses and just gives out free game....

At some point, which I think JT always talks about and I agree, we need to start vetting these mutherfuckers who claim they know this and that....

Certain organizations you can't even join without a background check at the state and federal level....

It's cool to teach financial wealth by reading books and etc., but me personally, I like to take advice from people that have credentials or some real skin in the game...

You can't have the governor, even though that's his frat brother, come talk at your event if you are not legit.....


But sadly we as a community are much harsher on our own people.

Citi and Chase can f*ck up and lose our identity data breaches etc etc


But anything black owned sends 2 exactly the same emails accidentally?

And we gonna close the account.

But I hope your right.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

But sadly we as a community are much harsher on our own people.

Citi and Chase can f*ck up and lose our identity data breaches etc etc


But anything black owned sends 2 exactly the same emails accidentally?

And we gonna close the account.

But I hope your right.

I will also say, we all got to do our due diligence when it comes to people and their advice....

I think EYL and Wall Street Trapper do a decent job with the basics, but alot of the information they give and sell is kind of spinoff of this non profit called Better Investing which charge like 100 a year and provides alot of the same information and has been around for decades...Peter Lynch even talked about them in his book....Also, Cedric Black Wealth Challenge which is free and he does zoom calls every 2 weeks and usually has folks from the various areas in the financial world with credentials that speak on different topics

No knock to their hustle though because their shows are entertaining and I think at the surface level it's decent.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Didn’t I just say his crime was payola? Then you literally just described Envy’s payola scheme to me. Envy received money for promoting Caesar. That is payola.

Envy just got paid by Caesar. He didn’t take money directly from the victims and wasn’t in the details of Caesar’s scams.
My bad bro, I thought you meant payola in the traditional sense, as in Envy taking money to play records -- which I'm sure he does as well. But yea, as 50 Cent so eloquently put it...


International Member
Yooo lol I would of thought that was some type of skit. This nig bro sound like he would be a police academy villain. No way that guy is an actual person. His voice alone is comedy gold
homey send him love and death threats in one sentence sounding like tony montana sniffin coke

i luuu yuuu and will shooo uuu


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All good bro. I got ya.
Yes all these radio personalities are taking kick backs.
They promoting their books, they promoting Ciroc and having the same guests come in and they are doing business with the guests.
It is payola and the FCC needs to investigate them.

My bad bro, I thought you meant payola in the traditional sense, as in Envy taking money to play records -- which I'm sure he does as well. But yea, as 50 Cent so eloquently put it...