Joe Budden podcast done? No Rory or Mal for 2nd straight episode


International Member
Its always about the money key. But i do think the Mal guy is genuinely hurt and pissed off at how Joe has conducted himself as someone he considered a friend through it all.
that what makes it funny
i will say that joe addressed all the points in his vid tho


Rising Star
Platinum Member

First he plays part of the fool by saying he didnt realize how costly running a business was. Then ends by saying how generous he has been and overpaying out of kindness and friendship. Guys a scum bag bro.

You see where he starts to lay ground work by mentioning "net". Then he preps for the looming fuzzy math and fudging of the numbers at 18:25 by attempting to distinguish pod revenue from other streams of income. This is done purely for sake of explaining away percentage disparities when the actual numbers are recovered thru discovery. Its a proactive defense of "well this is the total net, but its inclusive of non podcast revenue so i had to deduct that".

Like i said, when a nigga tell you he need a month to get the numbers.. he really need a month to get the numbers "right".

Hes a snake fam.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First he plays part of the fool by saying he didnt realize how costly running a business was. Then ends by saying how generous he has been and overpaying out of kindness and friendship. Guys a scum bag bro.

You see where he starts to lay ground work by mentioning "net". Then he preps for the looming fuzzy math and fudging of the numbers at 18:25 by attempting to distinguish pod revenue from other streams of income. This is done purely for sake of explaining away percentage disparities when the actual numbers are recovered thru discovery. Its a proactive defense of "well this is the total net, but its inclusive of non podcast revenue so i had to deduct that".

Like i said, when a nigga tell you he need a month to get the numbers.. he really need a month to get the numbers "right".

Hes a snake fam.

Streets is looking at Joe like

Like said earlier, Joe wants it to be both ways. If Mal and Rory can prove their side legally, that's all that matters. And same for Joe. But for so many years, Joe has relied on the court of the public's opinion to be the fuel to the fire of his fan base that he forgot how easy that shit could backfire. He's always acted as if only his actions were justifiable. He's a self admitted dirty mack. The lowest of the low.

The way Joe has tried to save face by having his therapist on the show, and going back and forth over the years from being victim to aggressor to bossing up to copping pleas is crazy. That's something you shouldn't have to do when you're are right. Nobody should have an hours worth of a response about you when it looks like they could have talked more, but they chose not to.

We've been here since the DJ Clue days. We've been here for all of it. It wasn't a surprise that this happened the way it did. Maybe to Rory and Mal, but not to us.
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Rising Star
Mood music was a thing here back in the days .
Not my thing ,but buddens ALWAYS had fans here
Yo I see that, despite the terrible business handling, terrible friend and poor leader
The fans in bgol are here defending the fuck shit he did and is doing


Rising Star
When it rains it pours huh joe.....

Joe was trying to fuck live on air LOL I remember this episode smh Even though it was edited I remember watching this episode and felt like something shawty seemed mad uncomfortable around Joe.

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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man I knew something was up because she seemed like she was mad uncomfortable that episode if you watch it

Listen Mal and Rory ain't innocent

Mal to me seems the most innocent he was naive misguided too trusting closer. Dumb and genuinely hurt.

But he was loyal and really loved his brother

Joe should have tried to harder to repair that one.

Because Mal got receipts... and Joe resume is filthy we just all let it go but we KNOW Joe track record

Especially with women

This was the WRONG TIME for this

Lenard somehow got away with his rape stuff but he KNOWS that was a one shot deal.

Joe got crazy views follows publicity etc...

But he better start the clean up

Joe got a damn cemetery of skeletons in his closet.

this fire may have far exceeded his expectations

Yeah content is king, no doubt


Hell we thinking of finally starting our podcast because of all this

No one and I mean no one is above burying Joe to win. NO ONE

That even includes Ice & Ish


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When it rains it pours huh joe.....

Joe was trying to fuck live on air LOL I remember this episode smh Even though it was edited I remember watching this episode and felt like something shawty seemed mad uncomfortable around Joe.

Sexual harassment
Dog abuse
Joe's a special one :roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3:

With all this ongoing, who will want to work with this guy?

Any interest in the pod was a pod with Rory and Mal. How does he now market it without those 2??? Not the same at all.

Any future bags are all the way fucked up now.


Rising Star

Sexual harassment
Dog abuse
Joe's a special one :roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3:

With all this ongoing, who will want to work with this guy?

Any interest in the pod was a pod with Rory and Mal. How does he now market it without those 2??? Not the same at all.

Any future bags are all the way fucked up now.

Then she played the clip of joe repeating what Rick Ross said “I can hire women cuz I be wanting to fuck them” smh even if it was a joke that shit might comeback to bite him in the ass

Specially in this day and age.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Tamika.. my actual homie for over two decades...

Man fuck Budden
With all the deals the guy is juggling, and the current "cancel culture" and "#MeToo" climate, him not simply cutting this chick a check to go away and/or stfu underscores how horrible a "boss" and idiotic a person this guy really is.
Kevin Hart the pos that lied about being extorted
This sounds familiar. Not aware of details tho.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Listen Mal and Rory ain't innocent

Mal to me seems the most innocent he was naive misguided too trusting closer. Dumb and genuinely hurt.

But he was loyal and really loved his brother

Joe should have tried to harder to repair that one.

Because Mal got receipts... and Joe resume is filthy we just all let it go but we KNOW Joe track record

Especially with women

This was the WRONG TIME for this

Lenard somehow got away with his rape stuff but he KNOWS that was a one shot deal.

Joe got crazy views follows publicity etc...

But he better start the clean up

Joe got a damn cemetery of skeletons in his closet.

this fire may have far exceeded his expectations

Yeah content is king, no doubt


Hell we thinking of finally starting our podcast because of all this

No one and I mean no one is above burying Joe to win. NO ONE

That even includes Ice & Ish
Joe is going to SC for 2 weeks...