Judge will unseal names of Jeffrey Epstein’s Associates. LOL suicides cometh


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Why black dudes though? As if Blacks are the only in prison....koon
cause it makes the story funnier with the contrast of...

man, why am I explaining comedy to some black bishmade karen. sensitive ass tranny nigga named rudy.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
cause it makes the story funnier with the contrast of...

man, why am I explaining comedy to some black bishmade karen. sensitive ass tranny nigga named rudy.
This Maga don’t vote Republikkklan cac stays exposing himself. Read that shit again. This is a white bitch. “Some black” lmbaooooo lowercase too. 100% goofy white boy or some half breed raised by whites trying to be militant

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Jews gon' Jew. Deflection at its weakest, but typical Jewish behavior. Make it about Hamas.

I hate this sleazy slimy cac . He looks like he has child porn stashed in his house. He needs to be investigated. If you hang out with Charles Manson dozens of times do you not known something is wrong? Yeah there’s guilt by association. FOH cac!!


I want my daddy's records!
Platinum Member
How? No way this guy was having orgies . He can’t even move his head!!! FOH


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Jeffrey Epstein's island temple inspired dozens of conspiracy theories. We spoke to someone who went inside.

The island's southwestern corner features an unusual blue-and-white-striped building that resembles a temple or place of worship. Insider explored the most prominent and tantalizing theories about the building, including that it is a monument to an evil Canaanite god and that it is a crypt.

J.K. Trotter
Sep 10, 2019

Theory 1: It's a facility for child abuse or sacrifice

A favorite among online conspiracists, this theory combines the more fantastical elements of the Pizzagate and QAnon conspiracy theories, including cryptic allusions to pagan deities and underground chambers for abusing and murdering children. There are several variations of this theory, but many seem to stem from the presence of two birdlike statues perched on the building's roof.

One reader claimed that the statues depicted a deity of the ancient Canaanite religion, whose adherents practiced child sacrifice: "It's actually an 'owl,' and it's actually the same as the great 'owl' at Bohemian Grove ... The 'owl' is Moloch, a satanic entity that demands child sacrifice."

Another reader sent an annotated photo, below, that described the statues as harpies, the half-bird, half-human creatures of Greek and Roman mythology. The same photo compared the building's exterior to the striped flag of Greece and noted that "sex between adults and minors was common in ancient Greece."


An annotated image of the temple-like building.

Both hypotheses are shaky.

Regarding the first: I was unable to find a historical example of Moloch being depicted as an owl, an idea that some authors have traced to "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove," a 2000 documentary filmed and produced by the radio fabulist Alex Jones. The title refers to a private campground owned by the exclusive Bohemian Club in San Francisco, whose members conduct elaborate ceremonies involving a gigantic concrete bird known as the Owl of Bohemia. Jones refers to the owl statue as "Moloch" throughout the film but never explains why.

Regarding the second: The mythological harpy possesses the body of a bird and the head of a human. The available photos of the statues, by contrast, show distinctly avian heads. There is a legible correspondence between the building's exterior and the modern Greek flag, and ancient Greek culture did promote sexual relationships between adolescent boys and adult men. But even if the building's motif alludes to the sexual culture of a society that ended more than 1,400 years ago, Greek pederasty was a male phenomenon. Epstein's victims were young women and girls.

(Confusing matters further is the disappearance or destruction of some of the building's architectural elements. During Hurricanes Irma and Maria, its golden dome blew off and was never replaced. The statues in front of and on top of the building, including Poseidon and the birdlike ones on the roof, appear to have vanished around the same time.)

In any case, these theories assert that Epstein built a designated structure to conceal his criminal activities and that he incorporated a series of obvious clues about those activities into the structure's design. This doesn't quite compute. If Epstein wanted to perpetrate crimes without interference, why would he do so in the most conspicuous building on his private island?

Verdict: Almost certainly not true. There is no clear evidence that Epstein constructed a special facility for abusing children or sacrificing them to Moloch or any other deity.

Click Above Link For Full Story





Rising Star
BGOL Investor

When Jews have their backs against the wall for twisted behavior default to shitting on the Arabs.

Surprised the CIA didn't try and use him as a spy with this incriminating evidence. The thing is, why publish this shit, but no charges are coming forward? Yet I guess. Without evidence it's serious defamation at the hands of the government. So.. With that said I might have answered my own question.. He's in deep shit.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
Surprised the CIA didn't try and use him as a spy with this incriminating evidence. The thing is, why publish this shit, but no charges are coming forward? Yet I guess. Without evidence it's serious defamation at the hands of the government. So.. With that said I might have answered my own question.. He's in deep shit.

Ugly does not describe the reprimand these soulless devils may face if THE PUBLIC forces the legal system to prosecute and does not let these crimes against humanity go unpunished.

So much of what we thought to be conspiracy theories are proving true right before our eyes-- from Hunter Biden's laptop to Pizzgate, etc.
Shit is truly sick.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
This Maga don’t vote Republikkklan cac stays exposing himself. Read that shit again. This is a white bitch. “Some black” lmbaooooo lowercase too. 100% goofy white boy or some half breed raised by whites trying to be militant

You are actually a half breed nigga in love with asian hoes cause they used to small weewees.

and where the suicides?

dumb ass half breed nigga that can't think for himself, bred from a bed wench.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor

You are actually a half breed nigga in love with asian hoes cause they used to small weewees.

and where the suicides?

dumb ass half breed nigga that can't think for himself, bred from a bed wench.
I call him a half breed cac and now he calls me one Lmbaooooo and has the nerve to say I can’t think for myself. Dumb ass bitchmade maga suburban goof. Faggit said weewee’s yeah he definitely white lmfaooo


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
As I got older, I started to feel that way. It didn't make since to me that Mike would allegedly do that shit. And no one saw anything. Plus his so called victims even testified that they were persuaded to lie against Mike.

The kid admitted that his parents had him lie for a settlement. If the races were reversed, the media would have been all over the parents. CACs hate us and will attach to anything that brings us down. They get momentum against our accused and attack us if we don’t go along with it. Notice the media is not jumping on the people on the Epstein list. I’m seeing more on social media than the media.

I don’t think Mike ever touched kids and OJ’s verdict was correct.


Rising Star
cause it makes the story funnier with the contrast of...

man, why am I explaining comedy to some black bishmade karen. sensitive ass tranny nigga named rudy.

It makes the story funnier only because you view blacks as more animalistic.

I'm not calling you a "CAC" or trying to fight or demean you-- just advising you to check yourself on your anti-blackness because it was very evident there.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
It makes the story funnier only because you view blacks as more animalistic.

I'm not calling you a "CAC" or trying to fight or demean you-- just advising you to check yourself on your anti-blackness because it was very evident there.
Im black, dumbass. You don't know what I think based on ONE joke in which the participants are black. If they were all Asian, do I think all Asians are in jail?

Stupid ass critique.

You just a sensitive ass nigga looking for anything.


Rising Star
Im black, dumbass. You don't know what I think based on ONE joke in which the participants are black. If they were all Asian, do I think all Asians are in jail?

Stupid ass critique.

You just a sensitive ass nigga looking for anything.

When I said "I'm not calling you a 'CAC,'" that meant I'm not calling you white.

I never doubted you being black. It doesn't matter.

Black people having anti-black sentiment is very common. And you, my friend, revealed yourself. You would never have made them Asian because in this country, Asian people have never been depicted as murderous animals. That's an anti-black prejudice which you co-signed. You did not have to make those prisoners black but you did because black is scary to white America and many of the black Americans raised in it.

According to the Implicit Association Test, I have a "strong automatic preference for European Americans compared to African Americans." That's a sterile way of saying that I'm biased against black people. For most people, such a designation would probably be unsettling. After all, the United States is a nation that ostensibly aspires not to judge others "by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." But for me, it caused a mini-existential crisis.​
Why? Because I'm black.​

I'm not attacking you! It's very common!

Some 48 percent of blacks show a pro-white or anti-black bias

You show you don't understand this when you reply "I'm black, dumbass."

Yeah, and you're also anti-black, to an extent. It doesn't make you lesser or a bad person. Recognize it and obliterate that within yourself.

Not the building part, the "us" part.

Just like the 70% of respondents who have a pro-white bias are not all white, for the 12% with a pro-black bias to all be black is illogical knowing you have black people in the pro-white group.

But if the data already posted isn't enough for you, we can look further into the numbers:

The tests were better predictors of many behaviors than people's explicit opinions were. They predicted preferences on matters of public policy -- even ideological affiliations. Banaji and others soon developed tests for bias against gays, women and foreigners. The bias tests, which have now been taken by more than 2 million people, 90 percent of them American, and used in hundreds of research studies, have arguably revolutionized the study of prejudice. In their simplicity, the tests have raised provocative questions about this nation's ideal of a meritocracy and the nature of America's red state/blue state political divide. Civil rights activists say the tests have the potential to address some of the most corrosive problems of American society; critics, meanwhile, have simultaneously challenged the results and warned they could usher in an Orwellian world of thought crimes. Banaji has received death threats from supremacist groups; sensing that the tests can detect secrets, officials from the Central Intelligence Agency have made discreet inquiries.

The results of the millions of tests that have been taken anonymously on the Harvard Web site and other sites hint at the potential impact of the research. Analyses of tens of thousands of tests found 88 percent of white people had a pro-white or anti-black implicit bias; nearly 83 percent of heterosexuals showed implicit biases for straight people over gays and lesbians; and more than two-thirds of non-Arab, non-Muslim volunteers displayed implicit biases against Arab Muslims.

Overall, according to the researchers, large majorities showed biases for Christians over Jews, the rich over the poor, and men's careers over women's careers. The results contrasted sharply with what most people said about themselves -- that they had no biases. The tests also revealed another unsettling truth: Minorities internalized the same biases as majority groups. Some 48 percent of blacks showed a pro-white or anti-black bias; 36 percent of Arab Muslims showed an anti-Muslim bias; and 38 percent of gays and lesbians showed a bias for straight people over homosexuals.


If basically half of black respondents are pro-white, there's absolutely no way that the 12% is strictly black.


Rising Star

I last took this years ago-- I'd say 2003ish-- and scored a moderate preference for African Americans.

I had some family take it recently and was disappointed with the results-- most scored a preference for European Americans and some even explicitly self-identified as prefering European Americans.

I just took it now for the first time in at least five years and "Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for African American compared to European American."

I was :smh: as I went through it... I would honestly prefer not to have a bias and don't like that it grew stronger. I guess I prefer that bias to a self-hating bias but I'd rather be able to judge people as people.

The only reason I retook the test just now was so I could access this graphic of the typical results:

The overwhelming majority of both blacks and whites score a bias in favor of European Americans.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
When I said "I'm not calling you a 'CAC,'" that meant I'm not calling you white.

I never doubted you being black. It doesn't matter.

Black people having anti-black sentiment is very common. And you, my friend, revealed yourself. You would never have made them Asian because in this country, Asian people have never been depicted as murderous animals. That's an anti-black prejudice which you co-signed. You did not have to make those prisoners black but you did because black is scary to white America and many of the black Americans raised in it.

According to the Implicit Association Test, I have a "strong automatic preference for European Americans compared to African Americans." That's a sterile way of saying that I'm biased against black people. For most people, such a designation would probably be unsettling. After all, the United States is a nation that ostensibly aspires not to judge others "by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." But for me, it caused a mini-existential crisis.​
Why? Because I'm black.​

I'm not attacking you! It's very common!

Some 48 percent of blacks show a pro-white or anti-black bias

You show you don't understand this when you reply "I'm black, dumbass."

Yeah, and you're also anti-black, to an extent. It doesn't make you lesser or a bad person. Recognize it and obliterate that within yourself.
I'm not reading your nonsense because it's way off and you can't base anti-blackness from a joke. The fact you are trying to argue with another black man, I can say you are anti-black. That is my professional analysis. You don't value jokes from black people because of a deep hatred against comedy from black individuals due to hatred stemming for previous history.

according to the Ahmed Armed, a professor at Michigan State in cultural studies:

Fundamentally, a man that names himself after a white comedian and doesn't find any black comedic material as worthy, will diminish any joke and use racism when there is none to dismiss the individual because of a deep jealousy of not being independent in thought.