Just Came From Shopping - WATER & TOILET PAPER ARE GONE!!!!


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
My fellow IT folks, if you getting your users prepared to work from home, or if you're someone who needs to work from home, get on that technology!!!

Dell already said their supply of computer parts is running low.

Affordable laptop/desktops are in short supply.

We tried to order 15 laptops ($630 each) and there is month back log.

In my neighborhood my 200 is down to 20 with everyone online all the time cause kids are tethered to their phones and they don't play outside anyway. Expect it to get worse.


Slayer and Lord of Mid West Heaux
BGOL Investor
Lol they savaged an aldi I went to real quick.. Pretty much no toilet paper... Mad people with shopping carts with food but also everybody had some packs of tissue.. I'm mad cause this throws off my Costco shopping routine.. Had like 2 weeks worth of food left now I prob got to go to that hitch in the next few days b4 all the idiots buy up everything... I already was pretty much just only drinking water daily since summertime.. Now I bet it's no more bottle water left.. Oh well faucet water here we go
Buy a water filter for the faucet and a pitcher with a water filter in it and you can double filter for months


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
not to be all tinfoil hat on you but 2 out of 3 of those incidents were about land masses that would bring great wealth to investors if they could manage to eliminate the "undesirables" residents of the land. .. It wasn't about not being prepared but purposely abandoning a certain segment of people... Lot of former residents never returned back to New orleans, pr is being brought up by certain individuals... AS far as the other 1 aka NYC blackout.. If it was a "test" as some of us called it the results that certain dollar betters were looking for never happened... People took the blackout with a smile and chilled... Certain entities think like the joker in dark knight but many times over humans act like the people on the two ships.. They don't go savage mode like some people think they would

True about the New Orleans land grab.

But my point was folks were not prepared. It wasn’t like New Orleans was created 5 years before Katrina. That City has been well known for over 200 years to be below sea level and has a long history of flooding.

Folks living there for generations knew about potential flooding and knew of a worst case scenario and never made preparations if that event ever happened.

It’s like mofos in California living west of the San Andreas Fault Line. It ain’t no secret that mofo is going to crack and fuck up the western part of California like you won’t believe from the Bay Area down to San Diego.

Hopefully them folks in the area are prepared for when that day happens and not be standing around waiting for the Govt to swoop in and save them.

The Northeast blackout was the result of a deteriorating infrastructure. We have a Govt that refuses to invest money in infrastructure and rather spend it on building military hardware.

Prepare now!


Slayer and Lord of Mid West Heaux
BGOL Investor
Woke up to the first confirmed case in my county. People are extra shook now knowing in the past 5 days everybody and they're mama been rubbing shoulders trying to get supplies.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Buy a water filter for the faucet and a pitcher with a water filter in it and you can double filter for months

I've been doing this all along. I got the joint on the faucet, then I got the electric kettle with the filter, and the water bottle with the filter.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
They make an electric kettle with a filter? Link?

This is the one i have. It has a removable filter in the spout, but I'm not sure if functions necessarily the same as a WATER filter.

Amazon link not working
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stock Market Turmoil Over Coronavirus Fears
Home > Investors > Stock Market Turmoil Over Coronavirus Fears
Why this is a great time to invest in start-ups
– Before you don your mask and self-isolate for a fortnight, don’t fall victim to the fearmongering that might prevent you from making a sound decision to invest into a start-up. –
Stock Markets across the globe are experiencing their worst week since the global financial crisis of 2008 as concerns over the impact of the coronavirus continue to affect investors.
Investors are often reluctant to invest during an uncertain environment. However, this current stock market turmoil may be an excellent opportunity for Startup investors to dispense with the flock, for three main reasons.
Firstly, investing steadily and not being swayed too much by short-term forecasts is essential in venture capital.
For start-up investors, pulling out of the market completely is potentially catastrophic.
Even the greatest VC funds are assembled around 3-5 big gains, or just 1 (e.g. Facebook or Google), and timing the market for start-ups is incredibly difficult because venture investing generates exceptionally nonlinear returns.
“Sitting out during short-term tumult is akin to not planting a fruit tree because it’s windy outside,” says Chris Douvos, managing director at VIA.
Secondly, great companies often emerge during economic turmoil.
One of the major peaks in the start-up market over the past 25 years was in early 2008. Many investors were hesitant in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, but this was actually a good time for venture capital.
Economic turmoil, where many VCs, LPs and angel investors withhold from investing, is when many remarkable start-ups found their early backing.
For example:
Dropbox – $6 million Series A, October 2008.
Twilio – $600,000 seed, March 2009.
Airbnb – $600,000 seed, April 2009.
Uber – $250,000 seed, August 2009.
Square – $10 million Series A, November 2009.

These companies developed rapidly and now dominate their fields, netting major gains for their early investors.
A great example is Sequoia, an experienced VC firm which sustained its investing pace in 2009, post-financial crisis, only making one less investment in 2009 (13) compared with 2008 (14).
In 2008, Sequoia closed on the Series A for Dropbox; and in 2009 Airbnb received $600,000 in seed capital from Sequoia. Sequoia took advantage of the opportunity to invest in great companies during this period when others were reluctant.
Thirdly, some other astute investors even expanded their investment into start-ups during the 2008 financial crisis.
First Round Capital, which partook in Square’s $10 million Series A in 2009 and led a seed round for Uber in 2010, raised early-stage activity during the financial crisis from 17 investments in 2008 to $23 million to 23 investments and $65 million.
Venrock acted in a similar fashion, going from $83 million invested in 12 start-ups in 2008 to $116 million invested in 14 start-ups in 2009.
Other opportunistic investors in seed and A rounds during this period included True Ventures, which increased their spending 50% in 2009.
Economic turmoil often means that mediocre companies and entrepreneurs exit the space. Therefore, venture investing can become easier during this current economic turmoil because those start-ups, and the teams behind them, that remain are likely to be of higher quality.
Finally, and most fundamentally, great companies emerge during both market booms and busts — and adhering to your investment strategy is crucial in both ends of the cycle.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A closer look at the natural ways to protect yourself against coronavirus
Sunday, March 15, 2020 by: Darnel Fernandez
Tags: #nutrition, China, Colloidal Silver, coronavirus, covid-19, Cures, Elderberry, Flu, goodhealth, goodmedicine, goodscience, Herbs, infections, natural cures, natural health, natural medicine, nutrients, outbreak, pandemic, prevention, remedies, research, Sambucus nigra, superbugs, superfoods, virus, vitamin C, vitamins
Image: A closer look at the natural ways to protect yourself against coronavirus

(Natural News) In recent months, the coronavirus pandemic — originating from Wuhan, China — has been taking the world by storm with more cases being reported daily. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently announced that there are more than 118,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide and that 4,291 have lost their lives to the infectious disease. According to Tedros, the WHO expects to see the number of cases and deaths climb even higher in the weeks ahead. Because of this, healthy-minded people are looking into ways to strengthen their body’s immune system in an attempt to find some sort of protection against the novel coronavirus.

How do you protect yourself against coronavirus?
COVID-19 is a flu-like disease caused by a member of the coronavirus family that is closely related to the SARS and MERS viruses that have caused outbreaks in the past. The disease is caused by a virus designated as SARS-CoV-2 by the Coronavirus Study Group (CSG) of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. COVID, on the other hand, is short for “coronavirus disease.” Those with confirmed cases reported symptoms such as coughing, fever and shortness of breath. However, severe cases of COVID-19 can lead to pneumonia and death.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released guidelines on simple ways to prevent illness by limiting exposure to the virus. However, boosting the immune system can also help the body fight off infections like the coronavirus. Below you can find a few science-backed, natural ways that can provide adequate protection against the novel coronavirus pandemic. (Related: Natural ways to boost your immunity as coronavirus spreads.)

Elderberry is considered one of the most used medicinal plants in the world and has become a popular supplementary food against symptoms of the flu and common cold. While there are many species of elderberry, Sambucus nigra is often used for medicinal purposes due to the many health benefits it provides. However, Health Impact News reported that buying a prepared formula made with S. nigra is better than making your own from fresh berries. This is because elderberry contains natural toxins called cyanogenic glycosides which can cause vomiting, nausea, cramps and diarrhea.

Recent research has established that elderberry could reduce the effects of the common cold and influenza. A study done by researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem enrolled patients who exhibited flu-like symptoms and asked them to take 15 milliliters (mL) of elderberry syrup four times a day for a testing period of five days. Their findings revealed that those who took the elderberry syrup recovered four days earlier than participants who took regular flu medications or a placebo.

Furthermore, another study, published in the journal Nutrients, gave 312 economy class passengers a 300 milligram (mg) dose of elderberry extract three times per day. The researchers found that passengers who got sick during the flight experienced much tamer symptoms and had shorter periods of illness, suggesting a significant reduction in cold duration and severity.

Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver products are popular among holistic health circles and are touted as an effective antibacterial agent. However, recent studies have shown that colloidal silver can handle infectious viruses as well. In a study published in the Journal of Nanotechnology, a research team comprising of members from the University of Texas and Mexico University in Nuevo Leon found that silver nanoparticles could kill HIV-1 and other types of viruses in only three hours. The team incubated HIV-1 virus samples at 37 C and observed that the silver nanoparticle-preparations they tested eliminated 100 percent of the virus.

There are also studies that focused on the efficacy of colloidal silver against respiratory viruses similar to the novel coronavirus. A study published in the International Journal of Nanomedicine found that silver nanoparticles reduced the viral infectivity of human parainfluenza virus type 3. Researchers from the University of Naples theorized that silver is capable of doing so by blocking the interaction of the virus with the cell.

Vitamin C Supplements
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning that the body cannot produce it on its own and it must be gained from external sources. However, the vitamin plays many roles that promote overall health. A large portion of the world, especially in Asia and continental Europe, consider Vitamin C as a potent antiviral agent. Health Impact News reported that China has conducted several clinical trials that involved the intravenous application of vitamin C to treat patients with coronavirus.

While vitamin C has not been tested against coronavirus until recently, previous research has already established its effectiveness against other types of viral infections, such as influenza. A study conducted by researchers from the Seoul National University College of Medicine looked into the anti-viral immune response of vitamin C and found that it exhibits responses even at early times of influenza virus infections through the increased production of the antiviral cytokine interferon (IFN)-a/B.

Following safety precaution guidelines and even quarantining people can be effective ways to reduce the spread of coronavirus. However, these methods do not help in the event of coming into contact with the virus itself. Because of this, strengthening your immune system using natural ways should be considered as a viable and effective prevention protocol to keep yourself safe from the pandemic.

Sources include:


WHO.int 1

WHO.int 2










Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Used to go Saturday mornings for years (7:15am), or latenight Sunday around 10pm when they'd close by 11pm. Been doing more Thursday or Friday runs the past 2 years. Thursday the points offers are updated. Friday for the new flyer offers.

Mostly Superstore or Thrifty Foods. That Mom's place you mentioned sounds good.

Good deal on your points earned.

Still do the regular check-out here.

About the same or less for restaurant dining. Not too often.
I honestly stop going to the grocery a few years ago. The smell in those places bother me to the point I want to throw up. I thought it was something only in grocery stores in black communities, but it's the same in white communities also. Mom's is never crowded and sells the same stuff as whole foods, but is never ever crowded. People think I am crazy, but I have my reasons, but the smell of death is something I just can't deal with...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I honestly stop going to the grocery a few years ago. The smell in those places bother me to the point I want to throw up.

Fortunately haven't had too bad the experiences at local places. I've often wondered about proper sanitizing (or how much even?) of baskets and shopping carts. Especially in high volume places, and those that are open for nearly 3/4 of the day. Same for restaurants & fast food spots that are open 24 hours. They don't allow themselves adequate time to clean their locations. Especially during cold weather months in the fall and winter when it's raining heavily or snowy / icy outside. People frequent the spots & stay longer. Warm interior, affordable food, free wifi, etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fortunately haven't had too bad the experiences at local places. I've often wondered about proper sanitizing (or how much even?) of baskets and shopping carts. Especially in high volume places, and those that are open for nearly 3/4 of the day. Same for restaurants & fast food spots that are open 24 hours. They don't allow themselves adequate time to clean their locations. Especially during cold weather months in the fall and winter when it's raining heavily or snowy / icy outside. People frequent the spots & stay longer. Warm interior, affordable food, free wifi, etc.

What's sad is 5G is make this shit look like child's play. 5G is going to harm us in way more ways than help.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
What's sad is 5G is make this shit look like child's play. 5G is going to harm us in way more ways than help.

I think it's the "convenience" too. There's a 24 hour McD's in Vancouver that does steady business. Close to residential, freeway, bus & rapid transit (skytrain). Always a steady flow in drive-thru & dining-in customers. They tend to service the drive-thru more quickly than the in-store. Hence people hanging around longer inside. Also ... they have 2 cash tills (unmanned) and a pick-up window. The rest are the kiosks. Stopped in there this past January during a snowstorm. Really slow placing an order & receiving it. This was during off-peak hours on a weeknight.

Seemed like their former remodel / redesign was better a few years back. Place ran like a more well-oiled machine.