Kamala Harris Backtracking On Previous Progressive Positions


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor

This poll is really misleading. It doesn’t provide the con of the policies. They are worded with just the cons. Who wouldn’t vote for any group to “pay their fair share of taxes”? Who wouldn’t vote to “eliminate all medical debt”? None of these items indicate the cost to the voter.


Rising Star
This poll is really misleading. It doesn’t provide the con of the policies. They are worded with just the cons. Who wouldn’t vote for any group to “pay their fair share of taxes”? Who wouldn’t vote to “eliminate all medical debt”? None of these items indicate the cost to the voter.

That's how polling often works. There's no perfect objective way to enumerate the positive and negative aspects. They say "Trump vs Harris," they don't take 20 minutes listing what each stands for.

When Kamala Harris campaigns on these issues, she's going to say "eliminate all medical debt," she's not going to give whatever supposed downsides you have in mind. And voters are going to hear her say that and either like it or not.

Take Medicare for All for example. Sure there are Republican arguments against it but it is a proposal that has existed for a long time and it is perfectly reasonable to ask someone if they support it without listing out what detractors say. You're asking for a debate, not a poll. Plenty of people know where they stand without someone listing arguments out for them.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
That's how polling often works. There's no perfect objective way to enumerate the positive and negative aspects. They say "Trump vs Harris," they don't take 20 minutes listing what each stands for.

When Kamala Harris campaigns on these issues, she's going to say "eliminate all medical debt," she's not going to give whatever supposed downsides you have in mind. And voters are going to hear her say that and either like it or not.

Take Medicare for All for example. Sure there are Republican arguments against it but it is a proposal that has existed for a long time and it is perfectly reasonable to ask someone if they support it without listing out what detractors say. You're asking for a debate, not a poll. Plenty of people know where they stand without someone listing arguments out for them.

Nah brother, polls are supposed to be impartial. There is a science to polling. The wording in polls influence how people answer them. This is why people distrust polls and why the results can differ so much. The poll you posted was conducted by Bernie Sanders group. It is obvious that the questions were asked to direct the polled person's answers to support progressive policies. You posted the poll as data to support the idea that majority of people what the progressive policies listed. The truth is that the data is inaccurate because the polling was deceptive. For example, "Make the Wealthy and Businesses pay their fair share of taxes". Of course people would agree to this. Everyone should be paying a "fair amount in taxes". The truth is that the top 1% already pays a higher tax rate than the average taxpayer (source: https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2024/). So what exactly is the "fair share" that the polled person is giving an opinion on? If the actual percentage increase was listed, the answers would be different. Bad polling leads to inaccurate information which leads to inaccurate perceptions. For example, did you know that "Polls" had Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump? https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/11/09/why-2016-election-polls-missed-their-mark/

If you are interested in seeing examples of more accurate polling, check out Gallup polls.
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Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Nah brother, polls are supposed to be impartial. The poll you posted was conducted by Bernie Sanders group.

Polls are supposed to be impartially conducted. Campaigns conduct their own polls all the time— the fact that they have a preference doesn’t automatically invalidate the poll.

It is obvious that the questions were asked to direct the polled person's answers to support progressive policies. You posted the poll as data to support the idea that majority of people what the progressive policies listed. The truth is that the data is inaccurate because the polling was deceptive. For example, "Make the Wealthy and Businesses pay their fair share of taxes". Of course people would agree to this. Everyone should be paying a "fair amount in taxes". The truth is that the top 1% already pays a higher tax rate than the average taxpayer (source: https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2024/). So what exactly is the "fair share" that the polled person is giving an opinion on? If the actual percentage increase was listed, the answers would be different.

The purpose of polling is not to educate the respondents. It’s ironic— your real complaint is that the poll wasn’t biased enough, toward your beliefs.

It is perfectly valid to simply ask if voters support certain policies without “educating” them with “both sides.” Most polls ask “Do you support X” and measure the voter preference based on their existing understanding.

Bad polling leads to inaccurate information which leads to inaccurate perceptions. For example, did you know that "Polls" had Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump?

Clinton won more votes than Trump… 538’s polling analysis had Trump with a nearly 30% chance of winning based on polling. If I had a 30% chance of being shot whenever I left the house, I’d be using Uber Eats everyday.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Unlike progressives, she wants to win.

Progressives would lose and then blame the DNC, dumb voters, or AIPAC.


Rising Star
Unlike progressives, she wants to win.

Progressives would lose and then blame the DNC, dumb voters, or AIPAC.

Here you come playing your one note.

She picked the most progressive VO choice and went in that direction with her economic speech today. That says something about what she thinks is a winning strategy.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Here you come playing your one note.

She picked the most progressive VO choice and went in that direction with her economic speech today. That says something about what she thinks is a winning strategy.
Her speech economic policies are mainstream Dem policies.

You didn't hear her say she was going to make gas powered vehicles or private health insurance illegal. She didn't say she was going to raise everyone's taxes. She wasn't wearing a keffiyeh and shouting "From the river to the sea." Then she would be a progressive.

Besides, you're the one that made this thread. You should read the title of it again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck the corporate mouthpieces

But this is why she said fuck the media. She hasn’t fully laid out the plan. They are jumping on anything and going from A to L without any specifics (which I expect her to lay out on Friday).

Here’s the craziness, more than 30 states have price gouging laws for emergencies (eg COVID). There are Bi-partisan bills out there now about price gouging on drug prices. Hell, the Biden Administration just negotiated drug prices for Medicare. This is why Republicans are trying to end Medicare, etc….

If the requests anti price gouging period, that could be an issue (unless there were clear waivers).

Yet. I have not seen CNN really layout the impact of tariffs (Trump way). It’s almost like being vague works to your advantage only if you are Trump.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
4 years of having to listen to this cackling buffoon. I may have to look for a position overseas.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
That only works when your Spanish or white

Good point! Well then he can claim to be a hard-working African or West Indian, unlike the lazy Black natives who “get gentrified so much that it should be an official holiday at this point.”