Kamala's Vice Presidential Nominee

Who do you want Kamala Harris to choose as a running mate?

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Some of us are old enough to remember what it was like being a young girl on her period and living in fear that your period was going to a) start in school when you were unprepared or b) you weren’t going to have enough supplies with you in school when you were on your period.

A governor providing free tampons and pads for school students, particularly when 1 in 10 girls miss school because of their period is thoughtful governance.

Seriously, why are y’all so damn strange?

What's actually strange is Tampon Tim putting tampons in 4th grade boys bathrooms. He thinks boys can have periods. This is who you're voting for. He's just another far left loon who looks like somebody's grandpa.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Tampon Tim set up a snitch line in Minnesota during covid so you could tell on your neighbor if you saw them outside without a mask.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's actually strange is Tampon Tim putting tampons in 4th grade boys bathrooms. He thinks boys can have periods. This is who you're voting for. He's just another far left loon who looks like somebody's grandpa.
Touche. Still 100x better than Trump/Vance. They can be voted out. Trump ain't going nowhere if he gets back in.


Rising Star

ABC News has obtained audio where then President Trump expressed support for Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's handling of the George Floyd protests.

Trump told a group of governors that Walz "dominated," and praised his leadership as an example for other states to follow.

Trump called Walz “an excellent guy.”

"I was very happy with the last couple of days, Tim. You called up big numbers and the big numbers knocked them out so fast it was like bowling pins."

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

All the other candidates are up-and-comers. They're plotting for their political futures. They would spend the campaign, and the presidency, *at least in part* trying to build their own independent power bases, prepping for when they step into the main spotlight.

There's nothing particularly nefarious about that, it's just the name of the game -- the same awkward position Harris herself has been in for the last four years. A VP who is thinking about their political ambitions, their future, is never 100% an ally.
So this is what Walz & Walz alone offered: he's nearing the end of his career; he has no desire to be president; he's happy to retire after 8 years.

In other words, he will be totally, 100% devoted to Harris's success & the success of the administration.
This is good for the campaign, but much more so, it's *good for the administration*. She can trust Walz to do what needs to be done, to have her back no matter what, to always give her honest counsel. He's not worried about his Q rating or his standing with The Groups.
You know how hard it is to find someone in DC, someone in national politics, who doesn't have one eye & 25% of their energy devoted to maneuvering for future success? Someone who doesn't view you, on some level, as a stepping stone? It's hard.

So in my mind, this is an *incredibly* smart pick by Harris, not just in terms of campaigning & winning the race, but in terms of governing. This shows that she's looking beyond the campaign. She wants a trusted consigliere, an attack dog, a right-hand man. Walz is that guy.

Shapiro, Kelly, Whitmer, Buttigieg -- none of them could offer that. All of them have one eye fixed on their political futures. Walz is ready to leave it all on the field for Harris and then retire to enjoy his family. That's incredibly valuable & that's why she chose him.
• • •


Rising Star

ABC News has obtained audio where then President Trump expressed support for Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's handling of the George Floyd protests.

Trump told a group of governors that Walz "dominated," and praised his leadership as an example for other states to follow.

Trump called Walz “an excellent guy.”

"I was very happy with the last couple of days, Tim. You called up big numbers and the big numbers knocked them out so fast it was like bowling pins."


darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

A friend who does not follow politics just sent this to me: “Hey Ben, you know what's funny...so much of campaigning is so f***ing dark and ominous and angry and scary. If Harris and Walz can legitimately inject some of the "joy" he was talking about, I wonder if people would recognize how powerful that can be. The normal people in America don't want to be dreading s*** constantly. A lot of people in the middle will vote for genuine optimism.”


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bravo, bravo excellent selection for VP nominee. When history is written I am sure it will go down as one of the best picks in the line of those other great picks like Mondale/Ferraro, Dukakis/Bentsen, Gore/Lieberman, Kerry/Edwards and Clinton/Kaine. I'm really excited now!!!







Rising Star
Bullshit face-saving:

After their meeting on Sunday, Shapiro called Harris’ team and made clear that he was “struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor of Pennsylvania, in order to seek the vice presidency,” according to a person familiar with the selection process.”

“He gets to do it on his terms” :rolleyes:

This guy just exudes bullshit.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bravo, bravo excellent selection for VP nominee. When history is written I am sure it will go down as one of the best picks in the line of those other great picks like Mondale/Ferraro, Dukakis/Bentsen, Gore/Lieberman, Kerry/Edwards and Clinton/Kaine. I'm really excited now!!!





You can add your hero Trump/Pence to that list.