Katt Williams Believes Eddie Murphy Shouldn’t Be Considered Someone’s ‘Favorite Comedian’


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I give you an analogy. If we found out today that Mike Jordan used steroids (ghostwriters) his whole career would he still be the GOAT in most people eyes?
Not a good analogy to me, because any entertainer using drugs is a performance enhancer but those are the ones usually praised as the most creative and most talented.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I like Kat Williams but shit like this sometimes comes back and bite him in the ass…..sometimes you just need to keep shit to yourself.
Katt doesn't need Eddie for anything. It's refreshing these days to see Hollywood folk keep it real, have to admit he's right though


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member

If his premise is about Eddie not having performed enough to be considered "great" he's wrong. Unlike combat sports in comedy you dont compete against any other greats to be great.

If its about his body of work, his career is made up mostly of comedic performance. You cant limit comedians to just doing stand up.

But if you did, in the 4 years Eddie did it he ushered in a whole new era of comedy, literally changing the game. The comedians from Def comedy jam constantly referenced his material in their sets. 4 years while making an indelible mark on the industry aint long enough?

Dude got 3 comedy albums and 2 specials, and even if youve never heard the albums youve heard them being quoted.

Eddie will go down in history as one of the greats. Anything otherwise is unrealistic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I give you an analogy. If we found out today that Mike Jordan used steroids (ghostwriters) his whole career would he still be the GOAT in most people eyes?

A better analogy would’ve been rappers. If I found out that Jay or Nas didn’t write their rhymes then in my opinion they couldn’t be considered for the GOAT.

So I can understand what you mean as far as comedians. That’s the knock on Kevin Hart that a few comedians say about him.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You can’t use Rappper’s Rules in another genre of entertainment. Who said a comedian can’t be surrounded by great writers?

Chris Rock’s Bigger and Blacker had a team of writers. Does that diminish his standing?


Staff member
He IS an acquired taste

But I can't ve critical cause I don't find kevin hart funny at all
I like Kevin, I find him amusing and I respect his grind. I think Kevin was one of the 1st celebrities to totally embrace social media. I saw one of his videos where he said he was playing to sold out audiences in his early days, based on his social media engagement.


Staff member
Kat has never been funny to me. Never. Any comedian that refers to little Children or babies of color as n!gg÷r, and 90% of his stand up everything is N!gg÷rs this N!gg÷rs that....is not funny
Damn I was trying not to say it but thanks.
I tried watching him when he was first starting to blow up and it seemed like
all of his punch lines were started and ended with N!gga.
Haven't watched him since.

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“Don’t tell me Eddie Murphy is your favorite comedian because Eddie Murphy hasn’t done comedy since the 80s,” Williams said. “It just doesn’t make sense. It’s about how much [of] the body of work you can put out. So, nobody knows who was beefing with Mozart, because the guy beefing with Mozart didn’t put up any material. You know what I mean? That’s why history takes care of all of that.”

I mean... he ain't lying. :dunno: Eddie's got much more work as a comedic actor than as a standup comic. Hell, he might even have more albums as a singer than specials as a comic. He obviously made a massive impact as a comic, but most of his material was reworked Pryor content and didn't age well. (He ended up apologizing for his most popular jokes.) Eddie's one of my favorite comics, but I can definitely understand and agree with Katt's point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

If his premise is about Eddie not having performed enough to be considered "great" he's wrong. Unlike combat sports in comedy you dont compete against any other greats to be great.

If its about his body of work, his career is made up mostly of comedic performance. You cant limit comedians to just doing stand up.

But if you did, in the 4 years Eddie did it he ushered in a whole new era of comedy, literally changing the game. The comedians from Def comedy jam constantly referenced his material in their sets. 4 years while making an indelible mark on the industry aint long enough?

Dude got 3 comedy albums and 2 specials, and even if youve never heard the albums youve heard them being quoted.

Eddie will go down in history as one of the greats. Anything otherwise is unrealistic.

4 years? Eddie did stand up longer than that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This has been one hatin ass nigga the past few years.
These niggas start to feel a type of way when their name isn't in somebody's top 10.


Rising Star
I've always felt like Eddie was one comic that got a pass more because he was Eddie and he was mr.it in the 80's but I've never just really laughed at any of his jokes but I respect him for his movies which I've grown to appreciate as I've gotten older but he's not in my top five.

Eddie has such a strong hold on people that if you say anything not in line with what they think you should be saying,they flip-a-wig cause your not suppose to say nothing about Eddie....Their doing that same thing with Chepelle who if didn't come out with that show no one would even be mentioning him and I believe that his show is what made him,he's a great comedian when it comes to sketiches but he's just ok as a standup comedian.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think Kat explains his points in both a brazen and articulate way. In a manner he's right. As great as Eddie Murphy's stand up run was in the 80s. Some kid looking to break into the industry isn't studying Eddie. Just like some tall kid wanting to make it into the NBA isn't studying Wilt Chamberlain or Kareem. Jordan is considered the GOAT, but these kids today are emulating to be Kobe, Lebron, or Steph. Or some kid wanting to be a rapper isn't playing Rakim 24/7 looking for inspiration. In terms of all time run, those comedy specials and movies in the 80s by Eddie can barely be touched by anyone in any area but the next big thing wasn't raised nor would study under that school of comedy.

Now in terms of Kat's own claim to his spot in the game, he has a lot of "empty stats". Yes, you have 1000 sold out comedy shows because he'll do Baltimore, Savannah, Mobile, and Nashville 5011 times a year as a part of a modern day Chitlin Circuit and never turn down a movie with more than 5 lines for him to say.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
As far as standup goes, it's my understand comedians take that shit seriously. Shit is like the streets to them. :eek: Seinfeld supposedly gets respect because he did standup after hitting it big. Not that I agree with Kat, but I can see where he is coming from. But this ain't shit HE should be talking. Eddie is legendary.

Kat ain't completely lost it because in that piece he admits Dave and Chris are funnier than him. Kat has to understand quantity doesn't equal quality. Carrottop still doing stand up shows and has been for decades. :lol:


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Kat has never been funny to me. Never. Any comedian that refers to little Children or babies of color as n!gg÷r, and 90% of his stand up everything is N!gg÷rs this N!gg÷rs that....is not funny
Same way I feel bout Katt. I've yet to make it through 1 of his specials. Even with that I'd still rather watch him than Mike Epps. Epps is beyond trash


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Think Dave gets more love than its warranted 2 if those Netflix was straight doo doo and i had to hear ppl say it was the best thing ever smh

Some was great tho so I definitely appreciated it

But overall i hated hearing ppl kiss his ass for the ones that was hella trash

Idc what any comedian ever does from here until I'm dead



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn I was trying not to say it but thanks.
I tried watching him when he was first starting to blow up and it seemed like
all of his punch lines were started and ended with N!gga.
Haven't watched him since.
I didn't like his "nigga baby" bullshit either....a real turn off


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My top 5
Eddie Murphy
Bernie Mac
Chris Rock
I go back and forth all the time with the 5th
Dave, Rob Stapleton, or Capone


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Eddie Murphy was as a young bold and brash stand up comedian and break out performer in the early 80s on Saturday Night Live. He quickly captured the imagination and hearts of a generation and rocketed to stardom. Murphy took his place among stand up comedian legends like Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby before he was thirty. Today's generation really may not fully understand just how big Eddie was in the 80s. Take Will Smith, Jay Z and Chris Rock's fame and star power at the absolute height of their popularity and put that into one person in 1985 and you now see what Eddie Murphy was dealing with back then. The leather suits and rock star swagger he embodied was something that was rarely seen in its full form in a black man in mainstream entertainment.

There weren't too many black celebrities who could pull it off in the way that Murphy did before the 80s. Not even Micheal Jackson had it quite the same way Murphy did at the time. Don't get me wrong, Off The Wall was big and Thriller was phenomenal but Jackson's swagger was more on the soft quiet side. Murphy once joked in Delirious:

"Sing ! 'cos all you got to do is sing. Michael Jackson, who can sing,
and is a good looking guy. But ain't the most masculine fellow in the world. That's Micheal's hook, his sensitivity ! That's when women be sayin: "Micheal's just so sensitive..."

Eddie Murphy was anything but "sensitive". He wielded his fame and popularity in much the same way Elvis and Mick Jagger did. And up to that point it was very rare to see a black celebrity do that. Most usually played the humble role like Nat King Cole or Sidney Poitier and even though Sammy Davis Jr. was a swinging cat back in the 50s who thumbed his nose at society by dating and marrying white women and cavorting with known Hollywood rabble rousers like Peter Lawford and Dean Martin, his celebrity was tied closely to Frank Sinatra, leader of the Rat Pack. Sinatra more or less had to cosign Sammy's boldness in a "it's okay, he's with me..." fashion. Richard Pryor was the precursor to what Murphy would become but he never quite made it to the mainstream leading man level that Murphy had. There was very briefly Jim Brown who definitely wasn't sensitive either, Brown was as bold, confident and masculine as they came back then but he never really attained leading man mainstream superstar status either. The only other person I can think of who flaunted his celebrity as brazenly as Murphy had would be early 20th century heavy weight boxing champ Jack Johnson.

Johnson was not only rich but dated and married white women and publicly flaunted his wealth at a time in American history when black men were being lynched at astounding rates in the south. The most flamboyant black entertainer today couldn't hold Johnson's jockstrap in comparison.

And you wouldn't see that kind of conspicuous display of arrogance and conceit by a black man in quite the same way again in mainstream entertainment until the 1980s. And like Johnson, it would all come down to one person pretty much holding it down for the whole group. Chris Rock made the observation that before Eddie there was a sidekick way of acting in the past that other black actors did that Murphy never subscribed to. Make no mistake, 48hrs and Trading Places were Nick Nolte and Dan Akroyd lead films. Eddie just shined brighter. His star quality was so big by that time that when the third film he worked on, Best Defense, tanked at the box office people were saying it was his first bomb when in actuality it was a Dudley Moore film. His first leading role was in his fourth movie, Beverly Hills Cop.

and he did all of that with just 2 stand up specials under his belt.