Yes i was born in 80 so i wasn't there for him or redd foxxMartin over Pryor??
Caught the tail end of Pryor and basically know Red Fox from reruns n his last yrs
Yes i was born in 80 so i wasn't there for him or redd foxxMartin over Pryor??
You So Crazy is one of the best stand up specials everMartin the actor or stand up comic?
When did he start and when did he finish?4 years? Eddie did stand up longer than that.
I don't know of many great comedians that don't have writers personally this ain't rap lol.As I stated before, can you really be the GOAT if you have confirmed ghostwriters?
He IS an acquired taste
But I can't ve critical cause I don't find kevin hart funny at all
Kevin is funny at times, but he's a bit over the top for me. I love Katt Williams tho. Chappell first, Katt Second, I don't know who would be third, but it probably isn't Eddie.
Love Katt but
Kevin standup is HORRENDOUS
I like Kevin, I find him amusing and I respect his grind. I think Kevin was one of the 1st celebrities to totally embrace social media. I saw one of his videos where he said he was playing to sold out audiences in his early days, based on his social media engagement.
Don't say that name or it will come in here talking about Jordan kobe and white bitchesSounds like Lebron fan logic
Love Katt but
Kevin standup is HORRENDOUS
Eddie Murphy's hustle just to be considered for Saturday Night Live at the age of 19 is astronomical.
Do you know how young you got to start? Do you know how many clubs you got to play in when you're too young to be in there in the first place?
Do you realize how little life experience you have to be funny at that age?
Sometimes Katt Williams needs to sit down and shut the fuk up. Eddie Murphy was a comedian first. Yes, he only had two specials. But did he need any more?
He ascended past stand up. He was still funny, but he ascended past stand up. That was his choice.
Stand-up is the start for every comedian. Some choose to stay in it, While others don't have a choice because movies never came calling for them the way it did for Eddie Murphy, Bernie Mac, Chris Tucker and many others
I don't know if a Mount Rushmore of comedians could be done, but if you want to put in a career achievement Eddie Murphy did that so others could do theirs
You could never get a consensus Mount Rushmore of comedians, even with the Mount Rushmore or black comedian. It's not possible
He's funny but his standup is horribleHe someone who THINKS he can improvise and is just naturally funny
He is not to me
Few are.
But in the right situation with the proper writers?
That man is a star he done proved that.
Multiple times.
I respect it
He's funny but his standup is horrible
LmaoTo be fair
I have never been able to watch an entire special of his
I just lose interest
So I try not to be too harsh until I actually watch the whole thing
Don't say that name or it will come in here talking about Jordan kobe and white bitches
Think dude left for good
BullshitYou know the biggest problem with Katt' argument .... I'd rather watch Raw or Delirious for the 125th time before I watch anything from Katt. Because even jokes that I've heard 124 times before will still be funnier than a brand new Katt Williams routine.
But Xfaggot still postsI think he moved to a state that allows gay marriage and couldn’t log back in because his husband considers it cheating.
To each their own, but I feel like Katt uses the N-word too much in his specials. Hearing him drop that word 10 times across two sentences kills the joke for me. Especially when the camera turns to get shots from the audience and it's rows and rows of laughing CaCs.Bullshit
Ok i get itTo each their own, but I feel like Katt uses the N-word too much in his specials. Hearing him drop that word 10 times across two sentences kills the joke for me. Especially when the camera turns to get shots from the audience and it's rows and rows of laughing CaCs.![]()
When did he start and when did he finish?
Within the past three years, I think.Katt... brother please
Just take a break from all this talking about nothing
And when was Katt last stand up special?
Well, if it was rap, yeah.As I stated before, can you really be the GOAT if you have confirmed ghostwriters?
A “comedic” actor. He is still a comedian. Just because he is not currently performing routines doesn’t make Eddie not a comedian.Eddie has made more money/impact as an actor than a comedian. I see his point.
He started in 1976 and ended in 1980.Raw came out in 87. I don't know if he ever performed stand up after that, but for the sake of this conversation let's say that was his final performance. He was 26 or 27 at that time. He started some time in the 70s as a teen.
Richard Pryor's Live in Concert (1979) and Eddie Murphy's Delirious are the 2 best Stand-Up specials ever.![]()
I give you an analogy. If we found out today that Mike Jordan used steroids (ghostwriters) his whole career would he still be the GOAT in most people eyes?
He started in 1976 and ended in 1980.
A stand up comic's career is strictly limited to perfoming live shows on a regular basis. His stand up comic career only lasted 4 years.
Between 1980 and 2018 Eddie been doing other entertainment stuff, not weekly, monthly or even yearly stand up shows.
Delirious and Raw are specials. They dont count towards the length of his stand up career anymore than if Jordan played one game for the Wizards today to extend his.
That Bernie Mac set I AIN'T SCARED OF YOU MUFUCCAS/KICK IT set is so popular that it ended up in an episode of American Dad... with Stan doing the dance and everything... shit was hilariousThat ****** Crazy and Was it Something I Said till this day are my favs
I never got into Katts stand-up. I like him as a character and some premises he did were catchy But when it comes to true stand-up, Katt never hit like Bernie Mac doing 5 minutes of str8 fire on Def Jam where he layered the joke within a joke and build upon it even more. All meat and no fat in 5 minutes. Till this day that is unreal to me
He started in 1976 and ended in 1980.
A stand up comic's career is strictly limited to perfoming live shows on a regular basis. His stand up comic career only lasted 4 years.
Between 1980 and 2018 Eddie been doing other entertainment stuff, not weekly, monthly or even yearly stand up shows.
Delirious and Raw are specials. They dont count towards the length of his stand up career anymore than if Jordan played one game for the Wizards today to extend his.
You act like we had a bunch of choices back then. Black comedy back then was Redd Foxx, Flip Wilson, Richard Pryor, and Eddie Murphy. All those guys influenced everything because they were the ones to get a chance.And?
If his premise is about Eddie not having performed enough to be considered "great" he's wrong. Unlike combat sports in comedy you dont compete against any other greats to be great.
If its about his body of work, his career is made up mostly of comedic performance. You cant limit comedians to just doing stand up.
But if you did, in the 4 years Eddie did it he ushered in a whole new era of comedy, literally changing the game. The comedians from Def comedy jam constantly referenced his material in their sets. 4 years while making an indelible mark on the industry aint long enough?
Dude got 3 comedy albums and 2 specials, and even if youve never heard the albums youve heard them being quoted.
Eddie will go down in history as one of the greats. Anything otherwise is unrealistic.
Kat tried to tell you the ladies love him. More than most of your famous comics. Yall hard headed nigga dont listen.Kevin is funny at times, but he's a bit over the top for me. I love Katt Williams tho. Chappell first, Katt Second, I don't know who would be third, but it probably isn't Eddie.
People need to understand were Kat is coming from. Kat is an independent comic without a media machine to make him look good.
Eddie is too damn scared to do stand up because he understands that thru great writers and SNL hype, Delirious was a classic stand up "special".
Raw was average at best. Eddie Griffin has more specials of note than Eddie Murphy. But I guarantee you MFer are gonna be dumb enough to Murphy is Better than Griffin when Griffin could go work Vegas tomorrow and Murphy would have a panic attack if he had to say anything without a script.
Why should Kat respect a guy who never tours, doesn't do local shows, had his jokes written for him, and rarely works. The same would apply for Chris Tucker except Chris wrote his own shit.
When your resume is that short how do we know you aren't a one hit wonder. If Tiffany Haddish has ONE good special are we gonna say shes better than Wanda Sykes because shes more successful?