I always said that in order to win a championship you have to have players play great... Does that mean they are superstar no, matter fact most championship teams including the Jordan Bulls have only two super stars surrounded by a bunch of specialist or roll players, however the difference between a Bulls team or a Cavs team and a regular team with two superstars is that on the championship team, the roll players complement the superstar allowing him to be able to play to his maximum potential, and once this happens, the role players get better also in the process..
Your problem is that your not a thinker so your forced to appeal ti the truths or not so truth of people who you trust their authority... It ok many people have suffer from this problem I call them sheeple, however unlike them I have the ability to think for myself and have enough brains to realize that a million Frenchmen can be wrong, if they are indeed wrong...
If you was really able to think you would have listened when I told you at the middle of last season that no one wins championships in February and even though the Warriors looked like they were the team that should win the championships, the games are played on the court not in some screwed up guy head, but being that all the so called experts told you it was a sure thing, you took the bait and did what you always do...
The sad thing about it, if the Warriors were to win, you would have been pounding your chest swearing up and down that you are smart....