Man dies on NYC subway after being placed in choke-hold by fellow passenger


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
If this guy is not prosecuted for murder and sent to prison, I'm on some "keep that same energy" shit. If I ever see a Karen or a Ken throwing a fit about ANYTHING in a public space. No more filming no more arguing I'm choking them the fuck out.
I'm on my Good Samaritan summer. We have to keep the streets safe from dangerous emotional people. Who knows if they might do violence, but we can't be sure. This world needs more "heroes".

You're most likely black.. they're sending you to prison.

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
I get everyone's anger over this issue but I don't see this too much as a racial issue.
I see it as crazy people on the train vs sane motherfuckas that just wanna get to work.
So I'm a bit biased admittedly
Could've easily been a black dude on a crazy cac Imo, now would they have locked him up? Maybe, don't think they definitely would've though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get everyone's anger over this issue but I don't see this too much as a racial issue.
I see it as crazy people on the train vs sane motherfuckas that just wanna get to work.
So I'm a bit biased admittedly
Could've easily been a black dude on a crazy cac Imo, now would they have locked him up? Maybe, don't think they definitely would've though.

it was 230 pm I doubt them cacs were working, no working new yorker got time for none of that...

Bruh wouldve just been zoned out of a real new yorkers mind as they continued their journey from

Point A to B!!

dude was chokin him and the others were preventing bruh from defending his self...

They gotta face some heat for that, they were enjoying it too much..

Now if more video comes out and bruh was charging at them with knife and they

had to defend themselves... but from that video, they murdered that man bruh...


An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
it was 230 pm I doubt them cacs were working, no working new yorker got time for none of that...

Bruh wouldve just been zoned out of a real new yorkers mind as they continued their journey from

Point A to B!!

dude was chokin him and the others were preventing bruh from defending his self...

They gotta face some heat for that, they were enjoying it too much..

Now if more video comes out and bruh was charging at them with knife and they

had to defend themselves... but from that video, they murdered that man bruh...

People come and go to work at ALL TIMES dogz. Lol come on....I know people that start at 3pm, 4pm, get off at 2pm, 3pm
And no, I JUST WATCHED the news on channel 7
Witnesses said he threw his jacket on the ground and started yelling erratically then went up and down the car threatening people.
If it's YOUR Wife, Kid or Grandmother being threatened then I guess you'll have a different opinion.
Did the dude deserve to die? ABSOLUTELY NOT
But like someone said on the news, THE CITY FAILED HIM
He was arrested many times from everything from fair hopping to assaulting people on the subway
He had no business on the trains to begin with.
So those are the reasons the dude will walk on this
Sad Situation all around

Quick story - I was on the #1 train going uptown from the South Ferry stop.
a 6'6" 270lb super muscular HOMO wearing coochie shorts and a cut off t-shirt
got on (with a side kick homo) and was sexually verbally harassing every man on the train.
He was walking up to their space and say he would fuck the shit outta them, say they cute,
look at their ass all kind of crazy shit. Never seen anything like it
I'm at the end of the car with a knife in my pocket. I will NOT ALLOW him to do that to me, period.
I'm praying he doesn't make it down at say something cause it would've got ugly.
Thankfully he didn't but he was clearly nuts (pause)
Since I was 12 I never traveled on the subway without a knife, razor or pepper spray...EVERY TIME
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Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
People come and go to work at ALL TIMES dogz. Lol come on....I know people that start at 3pm, 4pm, get off at 2pm, 3pm
And no, I JUST WATCHED the news on channel 7
Witnesses said he threw his jacket on the ground and started yelling erratically then went up and down the car threatening people.
If it's YOUR Wife, Kid or Grandmother being threating then I guess you'll have a different opinion.
Did the dude deserve to die? ABSOLUTELY NOT
But like someone said on the news, THE CITY FAILED HIM
He was arrested many times from everything from fair hopping to assaulting people on the subway
He had no business on the trains to begin with.
So those are the reasons the dude will walk on this
Sad Situation all around

Quick story - I was on the #1 train going uptown from the South Ferry stop.
a 6'6" 270lb super muscular HOMO wearing coochie shorts and a cut off t-shirt
got on (with a side kick homo) and was sexually verbally harassing every man on the train.
He was walking up to their space and say he would fuck the shit outta them, say they cute,
look at their ass all kind of crazy shit. Never seen anything like it
I'm at the end of the car with a knife in my pocket. I will NOT ALLOW him to do that to me, period.
I'm praying he doesn't make it down at say something cause it would've got ugly.
Thankfully he didn't but he was clearly nuts (pause)
Since I was 12 I never traveled on the subway without a knife, razor or pepper spray...EVER

Report to the hand verification thread immediately.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
As one who used to commute on the A train from Far Rockaway to downtown Brooklyn daily when I attended LIU, I'd be lying if I said I never wanted to shut up some of those crazies that be acting up on the trains...

This CAC actually did it. Yeah, he needs to get dealt with, swiftly.

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
White dude feared for his life and the lives of the passengers......he kept the chokehold because the dude kept struggling to breathe....he will get probation (what they are saying). As I'm reading about this in other forums (yahoo comments) a lot of them are happy and want their chance to do it if he gets away with it....some say... this is like eye candy to them.....I had to go because I was typin some shit and they block me.


International Member
You do know there’s large portions of areas where the majority is non black right. Like below 86 st there will be majority cac areas and sometimes majority cac riders. Plenty of places where you will see others especially in places like queens..mideastern, Indian, Asian.. so please don’t assume black people are the majority train riders or there’s not areas where you see few to no black riders at certain stops or cars on trains

International member seems to mean you are not American so you probably not familiar with everyday American life especially ny

even though I lived for a short stint in NY, I'm definitely not as familiar as you with the geography. So I'll respect and take heed to your breakdown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just spoke to a friend who’s working in NY
Apparently he’s well aware of who he is. Readers digest version…
- before the pandemic, dude was making a good amount of change with his MJ impersonations/dancing
- my boy says his behavior stems from withdrawal, and things changed during the pandemic, because the donation money dried up
- he’s put his hands on older women a few times before
- my boy was close to stealing off on him a few times for pestering him, and getting mad when he doesn’t get that he wants
- apparently the “F train” is going to shit


Rising Star
OG Investor
Not necessarily, he was crazy and harassing passengers
The MTA had run in's with him already.
Tough situation, I've been on plenty of train cars with crazy people and it can get
dangerous at times. Little ass car packed with all kinds of people.......
I seen a white guy pull a gun and get shot with it in self defense and cops jump all over shooter
and he was 100% in the right.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say killer walks in the end.
the optics look bad. as long as this video is out there and people can look at it and see the helplessness of this brother, just like how chauvin was convicted of george floyd's death just based on the video, that's the same thing that will more than likely happen to this dude. this is a very prosecutable case. he needs to be arrested and charged at least with manslaughter. unless, maybe the cops have a video of what happened prior to white boy putting him in a chokehold, and said video shows the brother in a very menacing light, this will not end well for white boy. it will be much much easier to convince a jury based on this video. you may get away as a cop choking mentally black folks, but as a civvie?? probably not so much


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
i guess since some of y'all on this thread believe it was justified for a black man to get choked out because of him being frustrated being homeless that i hope none of you niggas have to deal with being homeless and getting choked out by a CAC on the subway.

Them CACs wanted to kill dude and that's exactly what they did by not letting him go and holding his arm as he was trying to get out of that chokehold is MURDER!
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An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
the optics look bad. as long as this video is out there and people can look at it and see the helplessness of this brother, just like how chauvin was convicted of george floyd's death just based on the video, that's the same thing that will more than likely happen to this dude. this is a very prosecutable case. he needs to be arrested and charged at least with manslaughter. unless, maybe the cops have a video of what happened prior to white boy putting him in a chokehold, and said video shows the brother in a very menacing light, this will not end well for white boy. it will be much much easier to convince a jury based on this video. you may get away as a cop choking mentally black folks, but as a civvie?? probably not so much
I get it and I understand, I really do.
I'm just telling ya'll why he WON'T go to jail
Turns out the dude was homeless, had extreme mental issues and was arrested over 40 times.
Last arrest, he knocked out a 76 year old lady with a punch to the face
cac's lawyer will eat this case for breakfast

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Just spoke to a friend who’s working in NY
Apparently he’s well aware of who he is. Readers digest version…
- before the pandemic, dude was making a good amount of change with his MJ impersonations/dancing
- my boy says his behavior stems from withdrawal, and things changed during the pandemic, because the donation money dried up
- he’s put his hands on older women a few times before
- my boy was close to stealing off on him a few times for pestering him, and getting mad when he doesn’t get that he wants
- apparently the “F train” is going to shit


Rising Star
OG Investor

I get it and I understand, I really do.
I'm just telling ya'll why he WON'T go to jail
Turns out the dude was homeless, had extreme mental issues and was arrested over 40 times.
Last arrest, he knocked out a 76 year old lady with a punch to the face
cac's lawyer will eat this case for breakfast

protests have begun already. i am telling you maan, regardless of what he did in the past, the optics are all that matter now. George Floyd had a lengthy criminal record but Chauvin still went to jail.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a well known technique
Unless you're actively being attacked, release your choke hold after 10 seconds or so. If you continue to apply pressure to your opponent's neck for 20-30 seconds, you may permanently injure them or even kill them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
New york city failed him because they shut down a bunch of hospitals and institutes for mentally unstable new Yorkers. This population was prone to breaking laws and had no access to money for bail or paid attorneys. They started sending the mentally unstable homeless population to rikers island where they would be housed in units for people that specially needed mental health services. They would have access to free medication, mental health counselors and free Healthcare. If they refused to take their meds and really went off the rails they would be sent to Bellevue hospital where they could forcefully medicate them. At some point the city decided that jail was no place for violent mentally ill individuals and they would fare better in the wild amongst our mothers, children and wives.

With that said stupid games stupid prizes.... dude was behaving in an aggressive, violent and unpredictable manner while locked inside of a small metal tube with a bunch of people. He threatened people with violence and apparently he was very capable of following through.

Someone stepped up and subdued him. Shit went left and he died. I doubt that the "good samaritan" was trying to kill him. They say that he was choking the guy for 13 minutes. Everybody knows if you're in a legitimate choke hold you're blacking out in less than 2 minutes.

He didn't deserve to die. But he put himself in a situation where his health and safety was put at risk along with the health and safety of everyone around him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is a well known technique
Unless you're actively being attacked, release your choke hold after 10 seconds or so. If you continue to apply pressure to your opponent's neck for 20-30 seconds, you may permanently injure them or even kill them.
Yea but the way those two dudes just stood over and grabbed the bruh hands preventing him

from defending himself is some real fucked up shit. they need their asses beat for that..


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
There was no reason to apply the chokehold, he could've restrained him without it.
Even if the choke was all he knew, he didn't have to squeeze much to restrain and not render him unconscious.
The extra force was on some hero or malicious shit, "watch what I can do". Throw the book at him.

Edit: Proper application of a rear naked choke to restrain, the robber is having a full conversation while the choke is applied.

Timestamped :32
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Rising Star
it was 230 pm I doubt them cacs were working, no working new yorker got time for none of that...

Bruh wouldve just been zoned out of a real new yorkers mind as they continued their journey from

Point A to B!!

dude was chokin him and the others were preventing bruh from defending his self...

They gotta face some heat for that, they were enjoying it too much..

Now if more video comes out and bruh was charging at them with knife and they

had to defend themselves... but from that video, they murdered that man bruh...

somebody should have been choking the marine at the same time


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Biggest thing nobody talking about is the time table.. he allegedly choked him for 15 mins.. do you know how many stops you will go to in that time period? If dude was such a threat then why didn’t they immediately try to get help once the train pulled up to that first stop it pulled up to once the chokehold was applied. Literally could’ve contacted the conductor and he could’ve called for help and the boys would’ve been on their way.. yet none of this happened and a choke was applied for 15 mins while his hands were being held by others. If I’m an attorney I’m using this info as why white boy and his 2 accessories go down.. they didn’t want help they wanted street justice, let these killers join the other killers in prison so they can be with their elk


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Reminds me of ufc killerz...who actually need a ref. to stop them from killing an opp..most properly trained folks know it's bout 10secs to sleep/3min to death.

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i posts nothing but dimes!!
BGOL Investor
If this guy is not prosecuted for murder and sent to prison, I'm on some "keep that same energy" shit. If I ever see a Karen or a Ken throwing a fit about ANYTHING in a public space. No more filming no more arguing I'm choking them the fuck out.
I'm on my Good Samaritan summer. We have to keep the streets safe from dangerous emotional people. Who knows if they might do violence, but we can't be sure. This world needs more "heroes".

I mean it only takes about 4minutes to choke a nigga out... He did that shit for 15... Hell 8 minutes damn near leave u brain dead...
This was foul...

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member

protests have begun already. i am telling you maan, regardless of what he did in the past, the optics are all that matter now. George Floyd had a lengthy criminal record but Chauvin still went to jail.
George Floyd was killed for doing NOTHING.
He didn't do anything, this dude was throwing stuff at people and threatening people
Just knocked an old lady out, who knows what he was gonna do
Not comparable if you asked me. Lawyer gets him off


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yea but the way those two dudes just stood over and grabbed the bruh hands preventing him

from defending himself is some real fucked up shit. they need their asses beat for that..
You missed my point. In order to perform that technique you have to be aware of where you apply pressure in the veins in each side of the neck. 30 secs and they unconscious. Body goes limp. Anything over that you have bad intentions is my point he held him for 15 min. In my opinion he wasn’t restraining. He was going for the gusto cause after 30 secs you holding onto a limp body.


i posts nothing but dimes!!
BGOL Investor
Hell I'm a true ny'er...took trains all my life..all I would have done is waited for the doors to open and drop kicked his ass off the train an told him take that shit somewhere else ..
nigga crazy..not stupid..he would've cursed an shit but his ass wouldn't have got back on...


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
If this guy is not prosecuted for murder and sent to prison, I'm on some "keep that same energy" shit. If I ever see a Karen or a Ken throwing a fit about ANYTHING in a public space. No more filming no more arguing I'm choking them the fuck out.
I'm on my Good Samaritan summer. We have to keep the streets safe from dangerous emotional people. Who knows if they might do violence, but we can't be sure. This world needs more "heroes".

When you do that shit, BGOL needs to make a go fund me bail money for you!


BGOL Legend
Have you ever been in an enclosed environment (a train) with someone acting erratically and hostile? What are you supposed to do, wait for him to attack you first, and then defend yourself?

That man did what had to do, and its sad the brother passed.

New York City needs to get the mentally ill homeless situation under control.
All the time

Ignore them
They ignore you
Stop being scared


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
George Floyd was killed for doing NOTHING.
He didn't do anything, this dude was throwing stuff at people and threatening people
Just knocked an old lady out, who knows what he was gonna do
Not comparable if you asked me. Lawyer gets him off

So the guy who was killed knocked an old lady out?

I thought he was just screaming?