Man dies on NYC subway after being placed in choke-hold by fellow passenger


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've seen that video several times now and I can understand in this climate with all the mass shooting that someone could subdue a person talking crazy. But the look on that cac face and using a choke for that long was just excessive. It's other ways you can subdue someone and that cac knows that because he's a former Marine. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not arguing and I'm not saying he was right
I'm just telling you why he will not be brought up on charges and arrested
I think a good lawyer will easily get him off based off a lot of common sense reasons.
This goes to trial they gonna have to get all 12 people in a jury to convict him
Most took the train to get to court, most had runs in with mentally ill people themselves
like this....

They pull up they guys violet track record and it's a no brainer
cac will claim he didn't let go cause he thought the dude was a danger
That's the way I see it

that wasn’t a regular headlock like when your fighting. That required closing off each vein on left and right side of neck and applying pressure there for over a 30 sec count. At that point the body should go limp rendering him unconscious. Continuing to do so after that is pushing to brain dead. Martial art technique. You have to know this to perform it which could point to him being aware of his action. That’s hard to disprove I would think


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In this environment of virtue signaling and racial idolatry everyone wants to run to race as the 1st and only reason something happens, I'm disappointed in some of you dudes, you know damn well if you were on that train around some crazy ass vagabond causing a ruckus, getting Ioud, and threatening violence, you would be highly uncomfortable and rooting for someone to get him off your ass since you probably would be too scared or pussy to say anything to him yourself...imagine if your lady or kid was on the train and dude was doing all that homeless crazy bullshit in their face? You wouldn't think twice about some damn white supremacy boogie man, you'd be trying to get that guy off your ass...

Social media and democratic females have even turned black men into perpetual victims, cat-calling "white supremacy" at every situation, but if this same dude existed in a different environment and ran up on some niggas in the hood and got knocked off, no one would give a rat's ass...Tariq Nasheed syndrome has infected good men on this board smh


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
The CAC's in this thread really showing they whole ass. I'm done debating, arguing points of view, trying to have intelligence discourse. Fuck this. It's a waste of breath. Niggas really think I'm playing. We got a new rule amongst my family/peoples. NO MORE CAMERAS. No more social media "justice". These white supremacists are not playing by those rules anymore. Karen or Ken gets outta pocket, racial slurs, ANY perceived threats, attack elderly, black women or children. It's immediately 0 to 100. Period. No warnings, no quarter. If there are consequences, we've decided as a group to all make sure we put a lil money up for bail and other legal expenses. Enough is enough. Our group chat is fed up. We are at war. Whether you want to believe it or not. And this thread shows me that we have limited allies even with our own people. At some point we need to stand up for ourselves. Social media got folks convinced we can talk our way to a solution. I don't believe that anymore. IMHO.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In this environment of virtue signaling and racial idolatry everyone wants to run to race as the 1st and only reason something happens, I'm disappointed in some of you dudes, you know damn well if you were on that train around some crazy ass vagabond causing a ruckus, getting Ioud, and threatening violence, you would be highly uncomfortable and rooting for someone to get him off your ass since you probably would be too scared or pussy to say anything to him yourself...imagine if your lady or kid was on the train and dude was doing all that homeless crazy bullshit in their face? You wouldn't think twice about some damn white supremacy boogie man, you'd be trying to get that guy off your ass...

Social media and democratic females have even turned black men into perpetual victims, cat-calling "white supremacy" at every situation, but if this same dude existed in a different environment and ran up on some niggas in the hood and got knocked off, no one would give a rat's ass...Tariq Nasheed syndrome has infected good men on this board smh
If you been around this situation b4 than you would know that a lot of these individuals is as I like to call them “fake crazy”.. they be off but they are selective on their targets. When you actually have height, weight, and look like you don’t play that shit those nigs will avoid interacting with you, look at you and be like hey what up man or what up big man, skip right pass you, etc.. seen it billion times.. nigs will act up towards others but than once you give them that nig I will push your ass on the tracks look they quickly turn into kumbaya and than will pass by you to go towards weaker targets.. in fact these nigs will act up in white areas but once they get to places like bk, Harlem, bx, etc they turn that crazy shit off real fast. This why I call them fake crazy cause a real crazy nig don’t give a fuck a fake crazy is aware that they can’t beat everyone ass and know when to shutdafucup.. also many of these nigs have gotten snuff, kicked in the stomach, or thrown off a wrong stop by nigs that don’t play that shit.. let’s just say I may know what it’s like to kick a nig in the gut to fall out the train at a random stop or a quick snuff and run as the door bout to close


Rising Star
OG Investor
A Marine?
Who will argue he was looking out for everyone on the car
tangled with someone mentally deranged, arrested over 40 times that knocked out a 76 year old lady in the train not too long ago? In the subway system that is plagued with nut cases hurting people in disturbing numbers?
Probably having GOOD lawyers lining up as I type to represent him (for free press coverage)
Doubt it
We'll see
Him being a Marine is what's gonna sink him. They gonna argue a Marine knows how to apply a chokehold so 15 minutes is clearly some other shit. I get what you are saying and if George Floyd hadn't happened I would agree with you, but it did happen and I don't think he gets away with it in this climate. Like you said though, we'll see.


Transnational Member
Many of you have never had somebody attempt to take you out.

You are more likely to use deadly force seeing everything as a life or death situation. He could have been through combat situation, I don't know.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If you been around this situation b4 than you would know that a lot of these individuals is as I like to call them “fake crazy”.. they be off but they are selective on their targets. When you actually have height, weight, and look like you don’t play that shit those nigs will avoid interacting with you, look at you and be like hey what up man or what up big man, skip right pass you, etc.. seen it billion times.. nigs will act up towards others but than once you give them that nig I will push your ass on the tracks look they quickly turn into kumbaya and than will pass by you to go towards weaker targets.. in fact these nigs will act up in white areas but once they get to places like bk, Harlem, bx, etc they turn that crazy shit off real fast. This why I call them fake crazy cause a real crazy nig don’t give a fuck a fake crazy is aware that they can’t beat everyone ass and know when to shutdafucup.. also many of these nigs have gotten snuff, kicked in the stomach, or thrown off a wrong stop by nigs that don’t play that shit.. let’s just say I may know what it’s like to kick a nig in the gut to fall out the train at a random stop or a quick snuff and run as the door bout to close


they do NOT WANT to hear you.

a whole lot of fake nyers up in here.

I seen homeless dudes literally sh*t, piss, jerk off, play a horn off key for 10 minutes, kids dancing off the bars, carrying animals, singing, got little kids selling candy, handing out expired food trying to get donations on the train etc

and not touch one person

and just get off on the next stop and be completely ignored (that's just NY)

aint no scared about it. that's just the way WE walk in NY

IF it was something? Trust it would be handled.

the TRUTH is @tallblacknyc is 100% correct most homeless don't want that smoke

and yall acting like a majority of the crazies are HOMELESS? Yeah OK

WTF you talking about?! you REALLY aint FROM NY if you saying sh*t like that.

You would NOT believe how many fake homeless there are

I can't go too much into detail but I knew a guy who collected THOUSANDS of dollars a week begging on the train and the end of the day come to the shelter wash up and put on Europeans labels and be out to his townhouse in Harlem. AND he was getting benefits.

that being said? there also WAY too many truly mentally ill individuals because you cannot remain SANE living on the street.

Its A VERY complicated issue

but THIS specific situation?

These dudes delusional on some Bernard Goetz sh*t.

that white man aint no f*cking alpha dog hero. HE is a f*cking murderer period.

Been on the train my entire life NEVER had a homeless person attack anyone in front of me or me or anyone I know.

I am NOT saying there are NOT homeless attacks

but more homeless GET ATTACKED and RAPED AND SET ON FIRE than are attacking citizens.

As we JUST saw.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you been around this situation b4 than you would know that a lot of these individuals is as I like to call them “fake crazy”.. they be off but they are selective on their targets. When you actually have height, weight, and look like you don’t play that shit those nigs will avoid interacting with you, look at you and be like hey what up man or what up big man, skip right pass you, etc.. seen it billion times.. nigs will act up towards others but than once you give them that nig I will push your ass on the tracks look they quickly turn into kumbaya and than will pass by you to go towards weaker targets.. in fact these nigs will act up in white areas but once they get to places like bk, Harlem, bx, etc they turn that crazy shit off real fast. This why I call them fake crazy cause a real crazy nig don’t give a fuck a fake crazy is aware that they can’t beat everyone ass and know when to shutdafucup.. also many of these nigs have gotten snuff, kicked in the stomach, or thrown off a wrong stop by nigs that don’t play that shit.. let’s just say I may know what it’s like to kick a nig in the gut to fall out the train at a random stop or a quick snuff and run as the door bout to close
Bro. You hit the nail on the head. Same shit I been saying to people I know for years.
They "fake crazy". Once you look at them dead in the eye and let them know you aint with it.
They sober up real quick.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many of you have never had somebody attempt to take you out.

You are more likely to use deadly force seeing everything as a life or death situation. He could have been through combat situation, I don't know.
How many people have you killed big man?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Been on the train my entire life NEVER had a homeless person attack anyone in front of me or me or anyone I know.
It has already been verified that Neely was highly assaultive. In fact he violently physically assaulted 2 elderly people that didn't do a single thing to him. Would it be fair to see that he might be a little different from the people on the train that you're used to? You know since you haven't encountered a violent one yet.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It has already been verified that Neely was highly assaultive. In fact he violently physically assaulted 2 elderly people that didn't do a single thing to him. Would it be fair to see that he might be a little different from the people on the train that you're used to? You know since you haven't encountered a violent one yet.

I said I have not been PERSONALLY attacked and thank God no one near has been randomly attacked by a homeless person.

Not that I don't know of or never had to advocate for those who HAVE been attacked.

I said more than once of course their are violent homeless people.

Almost all homeless people are going to have a history of illness and violence.

If this man was a menace like they are saying?

It is very sad unfortunate that he didn't receive help before he was killed and its horrible for his victims that they were ever attacked

But that man did NOT have to KILL him.

I need much more information to justify that white man killing that black man like that.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
It has already been verified that Neely was highly assaultive. In fact he violently physically assaulted 2 elderly people that didn't do a single thing to him. Would it be fair to see that he might be a little different from the people on the train that you're used to? You know since you haven't encountered a violent one yet.
This is the same shit cacs do, did anybody know what the fuck this man did previously? Always digging into the victims past like that shit matters. His past is unknown to people . FOH with this


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
It has already been verified that Neely was highly assaultive. In fact he violently physically assaulted 2 elderly people that didn't do a single thing to him. Would it be fair to see that he might be a little different from the people on the train that you're used to? You know since you haven't encountered a violent one yet.
Man, it happens. I remember reading stories of a homeless Bellevue patient bashing a girl's head with a brick on the train for no apparent reason, in the late 90s/early 2000s.

There are violent ones out there that just are being failed by the system.


Rising Star
It has already been verified that Neely was highly assaultive. In fact he violently physically assaulted 2 elderly people that didn't do a single thing to him. Would it be fair to see that he might be a little different from the people on the train that you're used to? You know since you haven't encountered a violent one yet.
People in here are thinking about themselves. Most full grown Black man typically feel little fear, because they know the homeless man won’t harm them.

But Black women and elderly people feel MUCH different. They are targeted and assaulted by deranged people.

I’m all for the argument that the marine should have let him go before he died. But this idea that a homeless crazy man making threats is not a danger to anyone is 100% bullshit.

if your mama was on that train, or your daughter, and he was harassing them you would feel different.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
In this environment of virtue signaling and racial idolatry everyone wants to run to race as the 1st and only reason something happens, I'm disappointed in some of you dudes, you know damn well if you were on that train around some crazy ass vagabond causing a ruckus, getting Ioud, and threatening violence, you would be highly uncomfortable and rooting for someone to get him off your ass since you probably would be too scared or pussy to say anything to him yourself...imagine if your lady or kid was on the train and dude was doing all that homeless crazy bullshit in their face? You wouldn't think twice about some damn white supremacy boogie man, you'd be trying to get that guy off your ass...

Social media and democratic females have even turned black men into perpetual victims, cat-calling "white supremacy" at every situation, but if this same dude existed in a different environment and ran up on some niggas in the hood and got knocked off, no one would give a rat's ass...Tariq Nasheed syndrome has infected good men on this board smh
Speak for yourself and stop projecting with this bullshit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It has already been verified that Neely was highly assaultive. In fact he violently physically assaulted 2 elderly people that didn't do a single thing to him. Would it be fair to see that he might be a little different from the people on the train that you're used to? You know since you haven't encountered a violent one yet.
So because he assaulted 2 elderly people he should be executed?
That line of thinking let's see your past history.
You surely have done something that would warrant your execution based on YOUR OWN logic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People in here are thinking about themselves. Most full grown Black man typically feel little fear, because they know the homeless man won’t harm them.

But Black women and elderly people feel MUCH different. They are targeted and assaulted by deranged people.

I’m all for the argument that the marine should have let him go before he died. But this idea that a homeless crazy man making threats is not a danger to anyone is 100% bullshit.

if your mama was on that train, or your daughter, and he was harassing them you would feel different.

No one said that he wasn't a threat, we're saying he wasn't doing anything at that point to warrant getting choked for 15 minutes until he died.

And don't worry, if saw you on the train and a homeless man was screaming at and threatening you.

I'd say "Step aside Ma'am I won't let him harm you, I'm gonna choke him until he dies".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sad case and nobody black should be homeless in America, Africa, or anywhere else on this earth. And if we cannot get it together soon to stand up to these devils then we may be all doomed. I am surprised the white supremacy groups are not out trying to show dominance

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
Him being a Marine is what's gonna sink him. They gonna argue a Marine knows how to apply a chokehold so 15 minutes is clearly some other shit. I get what you are saying and if George Floyd hadn't happened I would agree with you, but it did happen and I don't think he gets away with it in this climate. Like you said though, we'll see.
It just might be the thing that gets him off as well.
imo, only thing that sinks him if if he has social media talking crazy and or displaying racist behavior
then he's absolutely done

An RnB Thug

El Capitan of The LOVE BOAT
Platinum Member
If you been around this situation b4 than you would know that a lot of these individuals is as I like to call them “fake crazy”.. they be off but they are selective on their targets. When you actually have height, weight, and look like you don’t play that shit those nigs will avoid interacting with you, look at you and be like hey what up man or what up big man, skip right pass you, etc.. seen it billion times.. nigs will act up towards others but than once you give them that nig I will push your ass on the tracks look they quickly turn into kumbaya and than will pass by you to go towards weaker targets.. in fact these nigs will act up in white areas but once they get to places like bk, Harlem, bx, etc they turn that crazy shit off real fast. This why I call them fake crazy cause a real crazy nig don’t give a fuck a fake crazy is aware that they can’t beat everyone ass and know when to shutdafucup.. also many of these nigs have gotten snuff, kicked in the stomach, or thrown off a wrong stop by nigs that don’t play that shit.. let’s just say I may know what it’s like to kick a nig in the gut to fall out the train at a random stop or a quick snuff and run as the door bout to close
That is 100% TRUE. I asked you though, if it was your 76 old grandmother he knocked out what would you have done?
Based off your own analogy were some people in danger on that train then?
I mean you know NYC and so do I (i'm 53) so our experiences will be somewhat similar
You know those crazy, fake crazy and crazy crazy people are a problem. I know you've had the conversation
with your Mom, Grandmother, Aunts, Nieces and even some Men to BE CAREFUL ON THE TRAINS (please)
With an emphasis on the last 3 years. Me personally, I bought countless pepper sprays for females that are important to me.
Just wanna hear your angle concerning this.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That is 100% TRUE. I asked you though, if it was your 76 old grandmother he knocked out what would you have done?
Based off your own analogy were some people in danger on that train then?
I mean you know NYC and so do I (i'm 53) so our experiences will be somewhat similar
You know those crazy, fake crazy and crazy crazy people are a problem. I know you've had the conversation
with your Mom, Grandmother, Aunts, Nieces and even some Men to BE CAREFUL ON THE TRAINS (please)
With an emphasis on the last 3 years. Me personally, I bought countless pepper sprays for females that are important to me.
Just wanna hear your angle concerning this.
That is 100% TRUE. I asked you though, if it was your 76 old grandmother he knocked out what would you have done?
Based off your own analogy were some people in danger on that train then?
I mean you know NYC and so do I (i'm 53) so our experiences will be somewhat similar
You know those crazy, fake crazy and crazy crazy people are a problem. I know you've had the conversation
with your Mom, Grandmother, Aunts, Nieces and even some Men to BE CAREFUL ON THE TRAINS (please)
With an emphasis on the last 3 years. Me personally, I bought countless pepper sprays for females that are important to me.
Just wanna hear your angle concerning this.

Mom and sis been giving multiple defense weapons when roaming these streets.. sis has a whole whip so train not part of her life.. mom has extreme limited use of train past yrs.. Uber/lyft, or getting driven around for her.. other female members have weapons.. in fact 1 female cuzz got off for stabbing someone to death trying to rob her .. never let a love one enter the jungle without any preparation.. a few yrs ago mom had a fake crazy story.. dude harassing cacs looked towards her way she showed him “ something “ he knew that wasn’t going to be a target he wanted to fuck with and he moved on to a weaker target.. been there done that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the same shit cacs do, did anybody know what the fuck this man did previously? Always digging into the victims past like that shit matters. His past is unknown to people . FOH with this
White people bring up irrelevant shit like Marijuana arrests. From your logic you're good with having a multiple time convicted child molester live next door to you and your children. Since people's history doesn't matter.
The fact that this man has a habit of committing random acts of violence on the train is very relevant. Especially when he displayed behavior that had a train car full of people ready to defend themselves. It wasn't just the white boy in that video. Other commuters were holding him down as well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So because he assaulted 2 elderly people he should be executed?
That line of thinking let's see your past history.
You surely have done something that would warrant your execution based on YOUR OWN logic.
I never said that he should have been killed. But stupid games stupid prizes. I'm not shedding a tear for someone that was terrorizing people and ended up becoming a victim themselves. Just like drunk driving doesn't have a death sentence but if someone downs a bottle of casamigos and plows into a tree it is what it is.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
White people bring up irrelevant shit like Marijuana arrests. From your logic you're good with having a multiple time convicted child molester live next door to you and your children. Since people's history doesn't matter.
The fact that this man has a habit of committing random acts of violence on the train is very relevant. Especially when he displayed behavior that had a train car full of people ready to defend themselves. It wasn't just the white boy in that video. Other commuters were holding him down as well.
The fuck you talking about? Nobody on that train knew what he did prior. You comparing public knowledge and awareness of a pedophile living next to me To some random guy on the train that nobody knew shit about. You trying to justify him getting killed based off a past nobody knew at the time.

You might be a white man because they did that with George Floyd. He had a criminal past so he deserved to die. FOH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've seen that video several times now and I can understand in this climate with all the mass shooting that someone could subdue a person talking crazy. But the look on that cac face and using a choke for that long was just excessive. It's other ways you can subdue someone and that cac knows that because he's a former Marine. :smh:

Its the meathead mentality of most of these UFC loving CACs. Cant wait to try some mma move on an unsuspecting/untrained person. Someone shoulda blew his head off. Maybe that blockheaded nigga standing in the back....smh


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fuck you talking about? Nobody on that train knew what he did prior. You comparing public knowledge and awareness of a pedophile living next to me To some random guy on the train that nobody knew shit about. You trying to justify him getting killed based off a past nobody knew at the time.

You might be a white man because they did that with George Floyd. He had a criminal past so he deserved to die. FOH

Yes no one on the train knew his history. But they knew that he was behaving in a way which lead them to feel like he was going to physically harm people on that train. And as we Monday morning quarterback we can see that yes this man has a history of committing violent acts on train. So yeah these people were most likely justified in being in fear of their safety.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fuck you talking about? Nobody on that train knew what he did prior. You comparing public knowledge and awareness of a pedophile living next to me To some random guy on the train that nobody knew shit about. You trying to justify him getting killed based off a past nobody knew at the time.

You might be a white man because they did that with George Floyd. He had a criminal past so he deserved to die. FOH

George Floyd wasn't threatening random people with violence. I have a girl, grand parents and kids. All of which were on the train at some point. That man is a threat to them so fuck him. And if you're down with the people that allowed him to roam the train knocking people out until he kills someone fuck you too.