THATS what I was getting at.... DID this murderer... get into a fight and then choked
Him or Snuck up from behind...? because IF the latter like Moment of Truth is saying in the video,
He shouldve been charged with murder, especially after it was known he applied the chokehold
for FIFTEEN FUCKIN MINUTES.. like wtf?? how can anybody defend that shit??
I still havent forgot that case where some cac traveled just to come to new york and kill a homeless
bruh with a sword....these cacs are fuckin soulless killers they get off killing people..
No normal person sneaks up to anyone to apply a fifteen minute chokehold FIFTEEN FUCKIN MINUTES
IS a LONG fuckin TIME in a physical altercation..
and Im STILL fucked up over bruh not being able to defend himself because some clowns were holding his hands..
I dont know how they getting away with that shit...