Man dies on NYC subway after being placed in choke-hold by fellow passenger


International Member
I'm not, it just shows that everyone can't think and analyze entire situations.

And they've told us int detail their thoughts and we see why they think the way that they do.

Because they can only see one aspect and nothing else. It's very limited and said but unfortunately they're far from unique.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
“Before we get started answering your questions,” the Governor told reporters on Thursday afternoon, “I do want to acknowledge how horrific it was to view a video of Jordan Neely being killed for being a passenger on the subway trains.”

Asked by a journalist what the appropriate response should be when “somebody’s acting erratically, [and] threatening people,” Hochul deflected.
“I think it’s a case-by-case situation. This was an unarmed individual who had been on the subway many times, known by many of the regular travelers. And you know, sometimes people have an episode where they’re displaying their feelings in a loud and emotional way, but it became very clear that he was not going to, you know, cause harm to these other people. And the video of three individuals holding him down until the last breath was snuffed out of him. I would say it was a very extreme response.”
That's why i bet that Daniel Penny will be found not guilty since he been charged.. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

THATS what I was getting at.... DID this murderer... get into a fight and then choked

Him or Snuck up from behind...? because IF the latter like Moment of Truth is saying in the video,

He shouldve been charged with murder, especially after it was known he applied the chokehold

for FIFTEEN FUCKIN MINUTES.. like wtf?? how can anybody defend that shit??

I still havent forgot that case where some cac traveled just to come to new york and kill a homeless

bruh with a sword....these cacs are fuckin soulless killers they get off killing people..

No normal person sneaks up to anyone to apply a fifteen minute chokehold FIFTEEN FUCKIN MINUTES

IS a LONG fuckin TIME in a physical altercation..

and Im STILL fucked up over bruh not being able to defend himself because some clowns were holding his hands..

I dont know how they getting away with that shit...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Respect to all the brothers who predicted this sh*t exactly

The people you are debating with all live in NYC, they simply have a different opinion than you

I dont live in NYC and I am not going to shed any tears over Neely based on his prior actions...he shouldnt have been on the streets with the shit that he has done and hopefully this shines a spotlight on the horrible way mental health is dealt with in this country....I don't even have an issue with the White dude trying to subdue him

But a 15 minute chokehold that ends in death can't be swept under the rug just because the victim's mental sickness led to violence on prior occasions...Neely's prior violence wasn't known to anyone on the train at the time...don't be fooled...this is about them trying to let a son of a cop get away with a killing...if we accept everything the cop's son says, its still at least manslaughter
the optics look bad. as long as this video is out there and people can look at it and see the helplessness of this brother, just like how chauvin was convicted of george floyd's death just based on the video, that's the same thing that will more than likely happen to this dude. this is a very prosecutable case. he needs to be arrested and charged at least with manslaughter. unless, maybe the cops have a video of what happened prior to white boy putting him in a chokehold, and said video shows the brother in a very menacing light, this will not end well for white boy. it will be much much easier to convince a jury based on this video. you may get away as a cop choking mentally black folks, but as a civvie?? probably not so much
I get what you are trying to say...the 15 minute chokehold is going to be the White dude's problem though Boss...dude was acting up and had a bad history and may have campaigned to be subdued but 15 minutes is some other shit and after George Floyd is gonna be a problem...I think White dude gets a manslaughter charge...I dont put nothing past this justice system though


Rising Star
OG Investor
Jury selection will be very well as whether or not the prosecution really wants to prosecute or is just trying to make it look good to appease certain sectors of the public


Rising Star
Now how much time is he going to get?
I would love to see the Jury of his peers.
There are a lot of white NY-ers who want to kill every black person they see in the city.
Let's see how this plays out.

I think this one will be called the empire strikes back.

If he goes to jail, I expect the qwhites to get in an uproar b/c of the crime rate as it stands right now in NYC.

More than likely, dude gets sentenced to 1-3 yrs and only does 9 months to a yr tops b4 going on probation.

His argument will be Neely was a threat to others on that train. It's so many nutjobs out there in New York that the jury will be swayed by this.

A not guilty verdict is possible as well.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Jury selection will be very well as whether or not the prosecution really wants to prosecute or is just trying to make it look good to appease certain sectors of the public
I agree with your statement on Jury selection. Now, I am not a mind reader nor do I have the ability to tell what is in people's hearts.

However, I served Jury duty on Thursday, February 9, 2023 in 111 Centre Street in Manhattan, and I will tell you that there was only a small number of black people in that room.

As I think of Jordan Neely, I am reminded of Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I really believe Penny's going to get off. His Lawyers and The Media are already playing off Penny's Marine background and his looks.
Pure White Millennial Guy with a Military background.
And with Anti-Black Maleness of many WHITE People (and even some Black folks) in the mix, Penny's scott-free.

Part of Me really wants this city to BURN over this shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think this one will be called the empire strikes back.

If he goes to jail, I expect the qwhites to get in an uproar b/c of the crime rate as it stands right now in NYC.

More than likely, dude gets sentenced to 1-3 yrs and only does 9 months to a yr tops b4 going on probation.

His argument will be Neely was a threat to others on that train. It's so many nutjobs out there in New York that the jury will be swayed by this.

A not guilty verdict is possible as well.

he wont be able to justify that fifteen min chokehold...!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I really believe Penny's going to get off. His Lawyers and The Media are already playing off Penny's Marine background and his looks.
Pure White Millennial Guy with a Military background.
And with Anti-Black Maleness of many WHITE People (and even some Black folks) in the mix, Penny's scott-free.

Part of Me really wants this city to BURN over this shit.
I actually wish there is a big huge riot.
I will be home though. I am too old for this shit.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I agree with your statement on Jury selection. Now, I am not a mind reader nor do I have the ability to tell what is in people's hearts.

However, I served Jury duty on Thursday, February 9, 2023 in 111 Centre Street in Manhattan, and I will tell you that there was only a small number of black people in that room.

As I think of Jordan Neely, I am reminded of Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man."



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
chokey boy already got over a million dollars.. cacs get reparations for

killing us.

they STILL havent gone into chokey the clowns history.. they acting like, he was born, joined the marines

and didnt murder a man, he "saved" people,

we deal with loud mouth pan handlers everyday... we dont need saving from them

its NYC we KNOW how to ignore them...and move on...

I just want to know when is chokey the clown going to get his background

on display like they doing the murder victim..

they stopped because the more they dug, the more they found out dude was really

a nice guy that ended up with mental issues and there are a lot of crazy cacs with mental issues,

and a lot of bruhs that KNOW how to apply even deadlier chokeholds...

something about that gov santanis or what ever his fuckboy name is, is weird as fuck... I dont know if he is a coke head or closet faggot,

but he has TONS of skeletons in his closet its written all over his punchable face.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
MF raised $2.4 million so far. :smh:
Sounds like great lawsuit money that the victims family can receive for all their pain and trauma due to the incident.. they no longer can ride the train due to fear of blood thirsty cacs might randomly choke them out.. say they start crying and breaking out in cold sweats whenever they see a military commercial cause it makes them think of craze cac killers

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor