Money Debate: Is 400 K per year considered middle class income by today's standards?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
you are above middle class but i wouldn't consider you rich. upper middle class to me is basic doctors or lawyers. 4ook is a successful businessman owner. i consider that high class just one notch over upper middle class. you can maximize your earnings with location.

bums 5k less
poor 6-25
working class 26-45
lower middle class 46-70
middle class 71-99
upper middle class 100-250
high class 251-1 mil
rich 1.1 - 10.5 mil
wealthy 10.6 +

This is pretty good


Funny how location can completely throw all that completely out the window


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator

From Rocket Mortgage...

Just a lil mortgage co...

Down Payment
Jumbo loans typically have much higher down payment requirements compared to conforming loans. It’s common to see lenders require 20% down on jumbo loans for single-family units. You may also need a higher down payment for second homes and multifamily units. Finally, the down payment required is based on your loan amount and credit score as well.


Manual Underwriting
Jumbo loans are often manually underwritten. A finance expert will go through your credit report, assets and bank statements with a fine-toothed comb and bring to light any past missteps. If you have a bankruptcy or foreclosure on your report, you’ll have a harder time getting a jumbo loan

What you're proposing...where you've moved the goal posts to find some way to be right..

would probably incur so much scrutiny...they'd suspect money laundering, fraud... I've seen it...I used to talk to underwriters everyday.

They're like detectives..and they ain't signing off on some shit that looks shaky..and could come back on them.

Not saying it's not completely impossible, but that's the most once in a lifetime type of example, and in no way would apply, most of the time.

If you wanna be the expert on fairy tale deals, I concede.
I dropped 167K on my house cause it was a jumbo loan.

Also, now that I'm renting it out, I can't get the lowest rate from my lender on a refi as I would if it was my primary residence.

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dropped 167K on my house cause it was a jumbo loan.

Also, now that I'm renting it out, I can't get the lowest rate from my lender on a refi as I would if it was my primary residence.

If you get the Tito only need 50k..


Yeah, man no matter how tempting, you can't try to play a rental as a primary residence..

That's one of the main mortgage fraud traps.

And mofos would be on the phone with me..tell me it's not their primary...and wanna try to claim it on an app :lol:

I was like .fool..I'm not going to jail with you..cuz you wanna save a few points on your rate.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Is a physician loan the same as jumbo Loan?
My boy is a doc in Hawaii.
Took a loan
House price 1mill
Put down 5%
But interest is much higher

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is a physician loan the same as jumbo Loan?
My boy is a doc in Hawaii.
Took a loan
House price 1mill
Put down 5%
But interest is much higher

If you're asking me, no it's not.

I never did a physician's loan. It's certainly possible, he got that deal..possibly an Alt-loan..

From what I remember, and that was awhile ago, that was for young docs.

I was never licensed in HI..had a few other states' license, but I wouldn't even bother looking at pricing for that state.

Alt-loans was a specialty for me, so if a doc wanted a loan, and had good credit and a few other factors, I'd do a stated income loan. If rates got better..and they did for years, refi them out of it.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's the type of loan your friend had.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It's not chump change, but is it rich? Having a 800k house, an suv and maybe 2 jet skis isn't rich.

Rich is being able to create wealth while having fun. Generation wealth, liquid and hard assets, passive income etc.

400k with state and federal taxes, student loans, life insurance, college funds etc is easier, but not a given. It also depends on if you have a business or work for someone else.

I look at rich as people that generate 3-5 million annually

Yeah, the fun starts when you don't have to work and can maintain a nice life. Then you level up from there. Bills paid and not needing an alarm clock is the first level. Cars 70k and under. Next level is when you can buy the extra shit like 150k cars and not need the alarm clock. Next level is just straight 'fuck you' money with the private plane.

Anyone who has decades worth of living money on hand and can live off capital gains is living life. Those numbers can vary on location and lifestyle.

Time is the most valuable asset. Rich is being able to control that. What good is earning 400k if you like 50 and HAVE to go to work. Fuck that. If a person's job is pulled from them and they can't float themselves for a couple decades at their current lifestyle, they ain't near rich.

I don't know wtf I'd do with 3-5 annually. I got some loot, not like that, but I can't even spend the shit I have. :smh:
This is pretty good


Funny how location can completely throw all that completely out the window
Location is everything. Looking for a winter home, we BRIEFLY toyed with the idea of California. Don't care how much money I have, not spending all that to live on top of people in a box. Now I see how people with millions end up broke. Can get 2 nice homes in Ohio and Florida/TX for the price of a box in Cali.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Yeah, the fun starts when you don't have to work and can maintain a nice life. Then you level up from there. Bills paid and not needing an alarm clock is the first level. Cars 70k and under. Next level is when you can buy the extra shit like 150k cars and not need the alarm clock. Next level is just straight 'fuck you' money with the private plane.

Anyone who has decades worth of living money on hand and can live off capital gains is living life. Those numbers can vary on location and lifestyle.

Time is the most valuable asset. Rich is being able to control that. What good is earning 400k if you like 50 and HAVE to go to work. Fuck that. If a person's job is pulled from them and they can't float themselves for a couple decades at their current lifestyle, they ain't near rich.

I don't know wtf I'd do with 3-5 annually. I got some loot, not like that, but I can't even spend the shit I have. :smh:

Location is everything. Looking for a winter home, we BRIEFLY toyed with the idea of California. Don't care how much money I have, not spending all that to live on top of people in a box. Now I see how people with millions end up broke. Can get 2 nice homes in Ohio and Florida/TX for the price of a box in Cali.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Location is the key and the life style you lead. The Cac definition of what poor, middle class and rich is has change over the years more or less to fit their narrative. My grandfather working for Chrysler in Detroit back in the day made roughly 75k a year cost of living was way lower then but we weren't considered middle class cause of it being Detroit and label a poor city by the media in the 70s and 80s but truth be told it didn't really happen till the 90s.
The D was the best kept secret.


Rising Star
Tito out here giving out 0.7% loans

Running fundraisers

Coaching pop Warner football

AND mentors young men from Yale and the less fortunate BEFORE Tuesday @Amajorfucup

Not Only is Tito Killin yawl niggus he is Fucking Amazing.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This stupid mothafucka said Miami. Miami COL is not even close to NYC, The Bay and LA. FOH. 400K here is upper middle class if you have 2 kids and a wife. If you single you balling.
The level of delusion on this board blows my mind!

Tito out here giving out 0.7% loans

Running fundraisers

Coaching pop Warner football

AND mentors young men from Yale and the less fortunate BEFORE Tuesday @Amajorfucup

Not Only is Tito Killin yawl niggus he is Fucking Amazing.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
You have no idea what you're talking about.

So, now you tried to change it and admit it was a jumbo...but the rest of that stuff is BS

I've done more loans in a month, than you've done in your life.

You're trying to find SOME WAY to try to sound like you have an inkling of an idea about the subject...and it's hilarious.

IF it was true, you'd have found one, just like all those houses you found.

Listen, if you have 45k..50k down on a 1.5 mil loan...that's a 97LTV loan...

But now you wanna CHANGE the value of the home...:lol:

Bruh, you can take that example as far as you like to prove your point, I suppose..

Yeah, if the house is worth 100mil, and you got this great deal...cuz you....

Tito Jackson..

Yeah, that's helpful info, bruh..


First line had my crying when I scrolled


Tito be scammin yawl niggas


Rising Star
Platinum Member
$400k a year is actually very rich. Don’t let bgol fool you with all the empty chest beating. Less than 5% of men make that and it’s actually very difficult to consistently make it every year. Also if you can’t manage your life on $200k a year, then something is wrong.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This thread completely exposes the lunacy of some of the people on BGOL. The fact that a person who earns $400K is in the top 1.8% of all US earners and in the top 0.5% of all global earners isn't enough to convince BGOL of the significance of such an amount of money. According to some BGOL, $400K is just OK, not rich. Geesh!!!

This confirms that we are truly spoiled here in the US and that it is almost impossible to have rational financial conversations on BGOL(or the internet) due to the detachment from reality.

Ball on ballers.
Lol I just wrote the same. This is the same forum where grown men beat their chest at paying $50k in taxes as if they’re winning , not knowing anything about tax shelters. Most of them are liars though.

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First line had my crying when I scrolled


Tito be scammin yawl niggas

Bruh, how many Titos have you seen on this board, over the years? I've lost count.

They come in, try to come up...and then they get exposed..

Then they disappear and reappear under a new name.

I knew he was a fraud, when he would constantly try to shift the Convo to shit I never said...and noticed him doing it with others.

I offered him $100 or offered to leave if he could prove one of his points ..

That mofo never even acknowledged it.. :lol:

At this point, I'm just helping him set up his self ock.


Truth Teller
Bruh, how many Titos have you seen on this board, over the years? I've lost count.

They come in, try to come up...and then they get exposed..

Then they disappear and reappear under a new name.

I knew he was a fraud, when he would constantly try to shift the Convo to shit I never said...and noticed him doing it with others.

I offered him $100 or offered to leave if he could prove one of his points ..

That mofo never even acknowledged it.. :lol:

At this point, I'm just helping him set up his self ock.
My G, you act as though your leaving or staying on this board actually matters to me. The fact is, instead of taking up the "offer," I allowed you to stay on this board and I proved you wrong for free in this thread and the other thread for fun because I could. I guess it hurt your feelings or something.

I've supported all of my positions with facts. If there is ever a case where I am wrong or I made a mistake, I own up to it. That's because I am a man who stands firmly and confidently on his square. I do not have to be right every time on the internet. Bro, it is f'n internet. Chill out. You are coming unraveled and it's not a good look. Numerous times you have been proven wrong, but your go-to tactic is ignoring it. Typical.

Listen whether you believe that $400K isn't rich is of no consequence to me. You might as well believe the sky is green. You want to run the victim's Olympics with all people earning $15/hr, go right ahead.

I and the rest of the rational people of the world will keep it moving while you sit around and complain from the cheap seats.


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My G, you act as though your leaving or staying on this board actually matters to me. The fact is, instead of taking up the "offer," I allowed you to stay on this board and I proved you wrong for free in this thread and the other thread for fun because I could. I guess it hurt your feelings or something.

I've supported all of my positions with facts. If there is ever a case where I am wrong or I made a mistake, I own up to it. That's because I am a man who stands firmly and confidently on his square. I do not have to be right every time on the internet. Bro, it is f'n internet. Chill out. You are coming unraveled and it's not a good look. Numerous times you have been proven wrong, but your go-to tactic is ignoring it. Typical.

Listen whether you believe that $400K isn't rich is of no consequence to me. You might as well believe the sky is green. You want to run the victim's Olympics with all people earning $15/hr, go right ahead.

I and the rest of the rational people of the world will keep it moving while you sit around and complain from the cheap seats.


Once again..

Show me ANYWHERE in this thread that I mentioned anything about 400k...

I'll wait

All I did was expose your lack of knowledge on something you thought you knew.

I love how you try to deflect from you being wrong...and then you wanna talk about things I'm not discussing..

Bruh, you're pure comedy...

I've NEVER seen a cat make up a pie in the sky example, to try to make his failed scenario work

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
With all due respect, many of you should consider taking a course on finance. Many of do not have an inkling of an idea of how money works what is needed to survive or buy things.

For example:

For all of you who say that $400K isn't much in San Francisco, ask anyone in real estate, particularly those who understand mortgages, if a person has an annual income of $400K, $50K down, he or she can afford a home well over $1.5 million in the San Francisco area. :lol: :roflmao3: :roflmao:

This is not a middle class home. $1.2M can be purchased by a person earning $400K.

Additionally, all homes in the area are not million dollar homes. More correctly, the homes you desire are million dollar homes. But, there are homes available.

Here is a great middle class home for $500K in the San Francisco area.

Again, my aim is not to be disrespectful. But, it must be said. There are those who are just observing and reading the comments wondering if they are failures or if they are losing in life because they are not living up to the fantasy BGOL millionaire dreams.

A person getting what they want does not mean that there is no availability.

FYI: The median income for a single person in San Francisco is $123K. This is well under $400K.

This grandstanding is why you got exposed.

Your condescending attitude...not with facts, but complete "SOMEBODY should take a course in how to buy things"

Well, turns out you're not quite the expert to be teaching that class.



Truth Teller
Once again..

Show me ANYWHERE in this thread that I mentioned anything about 400k...

I'll wait

All I did was expose your lack of knowledge on something you thought you knew.

I love how you try to deflect from you being wrong...and then you wanna talk about things I'm not discussing..

Bruh, you're pure comedy...

I've NEVER seen a cat make up a pie in the sky example, to try to make his failed scenario work
You are sensitive. You consider answering questions grandstanding?

You just made three individual post about me. What does that say about you, bro? No dude should be on your mind like that. I proved you wrong. Get over it.

You want the board to applaud because you corrected one word I typed wrong? Really?? Fine here you go.



Rising Star
If 400K is considered middle class, then I'm guessing most of us are poverty stricken?
It's like people are doing ok and making it happen down below 400k. Yet those who are making 400k are just keeping their heads above water.:lol::lol:

Either these folks haven't made above 100k or they are trying to live way beyond their means if they say 400k is just making.
It's not a one shot deal (hit the lottery) of 400k. It's 400k a year. If you can't build some form of wealth with 400k a year. Then it's not the amount of money, it's you.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
This grandstanding is why you got exposed.

Your condescending attitude...not with facts, but complete "SOMEBODY should take a course in how to buy things"

Well, turns out you're not quite the expert to be teaching that class.

Tito once told me he knew more about obstetrics and gynecology than my wife...whos an MD specializing in obstetrics and gynecology :lol:


Truth Teller
Tito once told me he knew more about obstetrics and gynecology than my wife...whos an MD specializing in obstetrics and gynecology :lol:
lol!! I never said I knew more than her. I disagreed with the semantics. In fact, there is no universal agreeance on this. Which is a big problem in medicine. It was argued that a fetus was not a baby, I disagreed and still disagree.

Again the term baby is general. No one ever says,
  • Oh wow, I felt the fetus kicking in my belly.
  • Hey, we found out the sex of the fetus.
  • She's pregnant. That fetus is making her gain weight and have morning sickness.

Again, not discounting your wife's knowledge. The topic of abortion is a sensitive one. Even OB/ GYNs do not agree. But, until science can agree, the argument will always be circular.