Moon Knight | Official Thread | Marvel / Disney+


Rising Star


I know dudes really liked the BP movie but I really didn't like it because they cut out this aspect of the worship of Bast in thier society which is why he had the identity of the Black Panther

To me - they made Wakanda be a present day city with huts which made me cringe

Wakanda was supposed to be on some.Star Trek level design becuase their level of tech was so advanced ...not riding rhinos and still using spears ...even if they are laser spears


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know dudes really liked the BP movie but I really didn't like it because they cut out this aspect of the worship of Bast in thier society which is why he had the identity of the Black Panther

To me - they made Wakanda be a present day city with huts which made me cringe

Wakanda was supposed to be on some.Star Trek level design becuase their level of tech was so advanced ...not riding rhinos and still using spears ...even if they are laser spears

Rumor is BP2 will dive more in the Bast and Shuri storyline from the comics...

And Another Rumor is it's suppose to tie in to the Thor storyline of Gorr the God Butcher...
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International Member
Isn't Black Panther an Avatar of Bast...?

Bast just uses the Herb to transfer power?

Like the Hippo used the Scarab for Layla...

you are correct and sekmet brings them to the after life i believe
this show was important because marvel is now going to introduce all gods in mcu
in the new thor you will have zues and them. gorr the god killer htat will explains why some gods were missing


Rising Star
Rumor is BP2 will dive more in the Bast and Shuri storyline from the comics...

And Another Rumor is it's suppose to tie in to the Thor storyline of Gorr the God Butcher...
they gonna fuck that story line up with Gorr- theyve made Thor WAYYYYYY to "jokey" and funny now - Gorr is on some ridiculous level of power and has been killing Gods from all kinds of realities and worlds......

Gorr is a real SERIOUS heavy story in the Thor comics - as a young God Thor barely escaped with his life from being tortured by Gorr for almost a year .... that whole Gorr the God Killer series was off the chain - and it required Thor , Odinforce Thor ( who has the arm of the destroyer armor and Mijlnor and his Axe and is as old as Odin ( its the end of time )) and Young God Thor to fight Gorr .......and still that was barely enough.

that should merit its own movie by itself


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
So, is there going to be a new Moon Knight actor now that Oscar Issac has signed with another studio? I can't find any definitive answers. Obviously, the final scene was shot before he jumped ship (?).


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Ethan Hawke says Marvel is 'extremely actor-friendly,' not very 'director-friendly'

The actor also contends MCU critics Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola are not "stuck up" due to their film philosophies.
By Jessica WangJuly 19, 2022 at 05:36 PM EDT

Ethan Hawke will not become a casualty in the war between iconic film directors and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, thank you very much.
The Academy Award-nominated actor, who made his Marvel debut in the Disney+ series Moon Knight, remained diplomatic when asked about Martin Scorsese's criticism of MCU films (they're "not cinema," he says) in an interview with IndieWire published Tuesday. Scorsese and fellow MCU critic Francis Ford Coppola are "not stuck up," Hawke said.
"If people like Scorsese and Coppola don't come out to tell their truth about how there are more important things than making money, who's going to?" Hawke inquired.

Ethan Hawke

"It's easy for them, but it needs to be somebody in the community saying, 'Hey, everybody, this is not Fanny and Alexander," Hawke added. "If you keep reviewing these movies that are basically made for 14-year-olds like they're Fanny and Alexander or Winter Light, then who the hell's going to get to make Winter Light? I appreciate the elder statesmen of the community reminding people not to set the bar too low."

He continued, "I know it makes some people think they're stuck up, but they're not stuck up." Hawke, for his part, said he had a "really good experience" on Moon Knight opposite Oscar Isaac, but suggested that Marvel films aren't always the most "director-friendly." "That group of people is extremely actor-friendly — they might not be director-friendly, and that could be what Scorsese and Coppola are talking about," he explained.
"I think Kevin Feige had a great thing happen with Robert Downey Jr. and he understood that Downey's passion was a large part of the success," Hawke said. "When actors are excited by a part, audiences get excited about watching them. Feige understood the algorithm there, so they're extremely respectful toward the process. The best thing about Moon Knight for me was Oscar's performance. It's a gonzo thing that happens to have a giant budget — a pretty out-there performance."

Ethan Hawke in 'Moon Knight'

Hawke played villain Arthur Harrow, a former avatar of the god Khonshu who previously held the Moon Knight title, opposite Isaac's titular hero. Isaac himself pitched the series to Hawke after they bumped into each other at a coffee shop in Brooklyn. Hawke previously told EW that Isaac's enthusiasm emboldened him to join the MCU. "I had a feeling that if Oscar was this convincing to me [about Moon Knight], he might be that convincing to the world as this character," he explained.
"He really wanted to play this part and his reasons were sound and he was dedicated, and I just felt right about it immediately," Hawke continued. "Plus, I'd already been in talks with [director[ Mohamed [Diab]. I'd been working on another project with Mohamed that he had to drop out of to do this, and so it seemed like such synchronicity that both these guys would come at me with a Marvel job. I felt like, well, if I was ever going to jump into this playground, the time is obviously now."
Moon Knight is available to stream on Disney+.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
let us know how it goes.

I enjoy it alot. Oscar Isaac did a fantastic job doing the personalities. I never heard of Moon Knight til the series was announced.. I thought it was another Batman clone.

Marvel definitely needs to make a season 2 because it's good..It's hard to rank where it's at out of the Marvel shows but it's top 10..imo

I still got Agents of Shield #1...