We won't know until it leaks.
I always thought the "calf" injury shit was bullshit. It had all the signs of an achilles injury from the beginning. What the Warriors fed the media could be something completely different than what they told KD. The NBA doesn't have the type of injury-reporting requirement as the NFL.
We don't know and I never claimed to know
Again it's all speculation
But niggas are saying they're shit and treating it as fact when it isn't
I've only been in here saying the same thing
No pressure which there was no reporting on there being any before jus the same reporters talking shit about the warriors talking shit about KD for not manning up.
And if there had been it would have been all over instead of this revisionist shit
And his actions are not the one of a guy who feels exactly how ppl are saying he feels
And being ready isn't being 100 and he was not 100 but clearly he and the doctors thought he was and they were wrong.