NBA Offseason 2016 - FreeAgency money dried up...Waiters gets $2.6 after OKC pulled $6+ offer...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He would but it wouldn't be butter. Klay is already tired of Curry IMO. There's a little rivalry there. Which is good. But adding a KD could be a killer.
That is an opinion that i don't believe is true..and everything I've ever heard or read about klay personality suggest that not true as was a frustrating lost for it makes sense as to all the frustration in their camp..they will be more than fine though..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's funny you mention those three because I doubt they leave their respective teams. It's hard to turn down a guaranteed 20 mil (the extra year) if your not making a ton in endorsements money which they aren't

Parsons might be gone though. It may be bullshit but they say they don't want to get be him the max. Might just be a bargaining tactic. Grizz need to move on from Conley...... Like the Grizz just need to rebuild at this point.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Yeah the Grizz really do need to rebuild. There team is still built around bully and grind out ball while the rest of the team has moved on. Conley would probably have produced better stats in a traditional offense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Donnie and Mark need to run me my fade


Hahahahahahaha....the cac's in the city give Cubsn a pass.... It sickens me. Filling that arena up after what he did to our team is a travesty.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah the Grizz really do need to rebuild. There team is still built around bully and grind out ball while the rest of the team has moved on. Conley would probably have produced better stats in a traditional offense.
Yeah man and how they did their coach....... Might as well start over. Start the three year process now.That bully ball is over with in the NBA....


Rising Star
Super Moderator
I really hope that Cousins forces a trade. There's no reason to waste your talent on a dysfunctional organization like the Kings. Have they even hired a coach? Unless they hire Mark Jackson I say fuck em and trade me.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Long time Bulls fan but Noah a max player? LMFAO!

I think he does not go to the Wizards, instead he either joining Rose or he joining Thibbs.


Platinum Member


According to Ben Simmons, the pair Facetimed on Thursday night after the draft, during a party for Simmons with friends and family. During the conversation, Simmons told LeBron that couldn’t wait to face the NBA legend on the court, a bold proclamation for a player who is yet to play a single minute in the NBA. “I told him that I look forward to finally matching up against him,” Ben Simmons said. Dan Patrick laughed and asked Ben Simmons how LeBron James responded to that. Apparently James had to remind the youngin’ just who he was talking to. “He just flipped the camera [around] and it was the championship trophy,” Simmons said. “So I couldn’t say anything back.”
– via


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Long time Bulls fan but Noah a max player? LMFAO!

I think he does not go to the Wizards, instead he either joining Rose or he joining Thibbs.

He joints Thibs his career must be over because he getting no burn over there. They set at the 5 spot and the backup 5 spot.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I really hope that Cousins forces a trade. There's no reason to waste your talent on a dysfunctional organization like the Kings. Have they even hired a coach? Unless they hire Mark Jackson I say fuck em and trade me.
Thing about Cousins is with his antics he fucks up his trade value.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't like this, might not get neither...

It appears the Heat wants to determine whether it has a chance to sign Durant before proceeding with Hassan Whiteside, who is lining up meetings (with Dallas and potentially others) shortly after the start of free agency.
– via Miami Herald
Honestly I won't even be mad if Whiteside leaves.
I have a feeling if he leaves he won't be as successful because he won't be in the Heat system of structure.
He's a fuck up at heart imo


Platinum Member
Honestly I won't even be mad if Whiteside leaves.
I have a feeling if he leaves he won't be as successful because he won't be in the Heat system of structure.
He's a fuck up at heart imo

Right, u know he even had his moment with the Heat so.


Platinum Member
Saw this on Instagram

cavaliersnationofficialREPORT: LeBron James will not pick up his player option for next season, which is $24 million. Instead James will leave $3 million on the table if he wants what is his now-customary one-year contract plus a player option with the Cavs, as he's signed the past two summers. So James would like to make $21 million. If he wants more money instead from the Cavs, he would have to sign 2yr/$64M under league rules.


BGOL Investor
Naw every interview he just seems smug as hell. You haven't done shit to be arrogant.

Like on ESPN yesterday he made a comment about doing the interviews and being asked the same questions.

He will get roasted come summer league and season play.. He think he gonna get away without having a jumpshot


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
He will get roasted come summer league and season play.. He think he gonna get away without having a jumpshot

He can succeed but I don't know if Philly is the right environment. I wasn't too high on his draft status. If you can't shoot, I don't know.:dunno:

And if shit isn't looking sweet early on, he's may pull an LSU. Stop trying. Or sit out some summer league games.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
He will get roasted come summer league and season play.. He think he gonna get away without having a jumpshot

Which is why I wanted Ingram. We already have a four who can't shoot.

People compare him to Lebron, but to me he's a poor mans Blake, but without the superior athleticism. Blake was able to develop a midrange game. Early on he was able to get by on his athleticism, Simmons won't have that.

People sleep on Blake's dribbling and passing.
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Platinum Member
No point in signing a one year deal. If a title is that important than he has a very easy choice.


OKC(don't fade after being up (3-1)
Dubs(extra fire power, but would lose pieces)
Spurs(would be a great big three, possible four, Leonard, KD, Aldrige, ????)

He's in a great position