Netflix Series: THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (Season 3 Discussion thread)(New Trailer 5/19/22) (Drops 6/22/22)

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Love the comic this is based on, if they do it right it’ll be on some watchmen meets 12 monkeys type shit.

It exceeded every expectation. The talking mf Chimp? Wtf?:confused: What’s Mom endgame? Is she an Android? Synthoid? Robot? Tha fuck? She obviously has feelings so...Android? Man...the ol man was himself an alien. Get into his backstory. And fuck the clown who said this series tries too hard! It’s better than any X-men movie already!


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
They (I think) have already fractured reality with the time jumps so now it can be endless stories. What if number 1 was evil? Etc? Number 5 is obviously like a benevolent God himself. He can bend time. The Violin is petty and destructive . I mean all that fucking power and you can’t get over yourself? Wtf? Ohhhhhh Mary J really got some props in this! I’m ready for season 2 . Then again....what happened to the other babies? I mean...gotta he some more deranged fucks out there too

Like you I'm also interested to see what they do with Season 2... with this ending... they can go and do anything..

I really want to see what happened with the other babies... I would love to see them become super villains and/or allies..

I love that Hazel and Agnes jumped to another time and I like that fact that because time travel is involved... Cha Cha and the the Handler are still in play for Season 2.

But the thing I really really love is that they didn't shoot Vanya in the head like the comics..

Now when she awakes she will be fully aware of everything that she did......

Like Willow on Buffy after she came back from Dark Willow..

Plus it looks like Vanya has way more powers then she did in the Comics.. Not only can she control sound but she can control people actions.. It also looks like she can suck away the life of someone.. Until said otherwise.. She is the most powerful person in this universe.. I mean she blew up the fucking MOON..

How the hell do you even try to get over that one.
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
It exceeded every expectation. The talking mf Chimp? Wtf?:confused: What’s Mom endgame? Is she an Android? Synthoid? Robot? Tha fuck? She obviously has feelings so...Android? Man...the ol man was himself an alien. Get into his backstory. And fuck the clown who said this series tries too hard! It’s better than any X-men movie already!

Mom is an Android.. but I agree that she definitely showed feelings... I really want to know more... I wonder if she was modelled after Reggie dead lover.

Also... I really want to say that Reggie is an Alien, but the look of the rockets, the Grassy landscape, and the violin.. Have got me thinking that Reggie was actually from an alternative universe and that he invented the time travel cases that the Commission uses.
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The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Like you I'm also interested to see what they do with Season 2... with this ending... they can go and do anything..

I really want to see what happened with the other babies... I would love to see them become super villains and/or allies..

I love that Hazel and Agnes jumped to another time and I like that fact that because time travel is involved... Cha Cha and the the Handler are still in play for Season 2.

But the thing I really really love is that they didn't shoot Vanya in the head like the comics..

Now when she awakes she will be fully aware of everything that she did......

Like Willow on Buffy after she came back from Dark Willow..

Plus it looks like Vanya has way more powers then she did in the Comics.. Not only can she control sound but she can control people actions.. It also looks like she can suck away the life of someone.. Until said otherwise.. She is the most powerful person in this universe.. I mean she blew up the fucking MOON..

How the hell do you even try to get over that one.
The Horror is wild did he manifest when he’s dead? And the Seance is also telekinetic. I believe that they all have have the ability to exhibit godlike powers because the only limitation they have on them is their own emotions. And there doesn’t seem to be a drain on using their powers if they don’t want.

Man you are really right! This series can go for awhile and the side stories themselves can push this well into 5+seasons. This is Wildcards meets X-men meets Alex Ross meets multiverse. Also number 5 really gets no penalty for time jumping except he remains youthful? And is offered to be a demigod? Shit, I’ll take it!

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
And again...The Seance. What if he could utilize the knowledge of Einstein...dead aliens? Like Kryptonians? Guardians of Galaxies etc to build technology? Man...I need to be a writer for this shit heah


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
How was this storyline resolved in the comics? Feel free to use spoiler tags. Thanks.

To make it easier....

Spaceboy = Luther
Rumor = Allison
Kraken = Diego
Seance = Klaus
Vanya = Vanya

Number Five details how he had been laying in bed when he’d heard an explosion, and rushed to see what was going on, and found Pogo’s body. He tells his siblings that he could see Vanya for what she truly was using Hargreeves’ old monocle, he could see her transformation and her role in the end of the world. At the Icarus Theatre, Vanya and her orchestra of damned musicians warm up to play the Apocalypse Suite.

As the orchestra begins playing the Apocalypse Suite, the Umbrella Academy rushes to stop Vanya. Spaceboy, the Rumor, and Number Five prepare to assault the Icarus Theatre while the Séance departs in the televator to enact another part of their plan. The Kraken, acting on his own, sneaks into the theatre and climbs into the rafters. Kraken manages to get the drop on Vanya and holds a knife to her throat, telling her to stop. Vanya tells the Kraken that she knows he won’t kill her, because she loves him. She plucks a string on her violin and he’s sent reeling backwards, slamming into a wall. Spaceboy finds Kraken and tells him to stop running off by himself. Vanya approaches her gathered siblings and jokes that they’ve finally shown up to one of her recitals. She tells them how nervous she was her first time, and how Pogo was the only one to attend.

Rumor tries to use her reality-altering powers but before she can finish a sentence Vanya plays a slashing note on her violin and Rumor’s throat is cut from end to end, spilling blood. Spaceboy rushes to help Rumor while Kraken and Number Five attempt to flank Vanya. Vanya orders the musicians who have a break to attack her siblings; Number Five and Kraken make short work of them. Number Five pleads with Spaceboy to help them before they’re overrun but he flees with the Rumor to get her first-aid before she bleeds out.

Just then the Séance arrives, channeling their deceased father Sir Reginald Hargreaves and accompanied by composer Igor Stravinsky, the Manchester Children’s Orchestra, and a few members of the Ube tribe, to play Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring at a specific tempo, thus counteracting Vanya’s Apocalypse Suite.

A T.V. at the Huxley County General Hospital struggles to continue broadcasting the news of the destruction taking place downtown. Spaceboy stumbles in, Rumor’s body in his arms, and demands someone give her medical attention.

At the Icarus Theatre, Vanya has been distracted by the appearance of her father (albeit via a surrogate) and her musicians demand she continue playing the piece with them. The Séance-as-Hargreeves tells Stravinsky to keep conducting the children and tribe members in playing their piece to keep the effects of the Apocalypse Suite at bay. Vanya tells Hargreeves that she isn’t just throwing a tantrum, she’s destroying the world. Hargreeves tells Vanya that she was a disappointment as a child and an embarrassment as an adult, and that she is and will always be a failure. The Kraken interrupts and tells Vanya not to listen to him, that even though all they ever wanted from their father was love, all he ever gave them despair. Vanya asks if now they’re all going to go home and live happily ever after. Number Five shoots her in the head and tells her no.

The Séance reveals that he was just pretending to be Hargreeves, as their father was too difficult and stubborn to channel, and expresses interest in getting into acting or performance art. Vanya, lying on the ground bleeding, tells them that it’s too late to stop the apocalypse, that even though they ruined the concert the piece will still come to a finale. A low rumble crescendoes louder and louder until they see a massive chunk of the moon careening towards the earth. Moments before impact the Séance uses his telekinesis to stop it in place. Even the Séance is surprised that he was powerful enough to save them.

Medical professionals save the Rumor’s life, but due to her injuries she will never speak again. In an ironic twist, Spaceboy finally receives a distress signal from the Annihilation Control Center when the acoustic vibrations emanating from the Icarus Theatre shook the moon so hard pieces of it broke off. Vanya is also transported to the hospital just in time to save her life, although the doctors said she’d likely never play the violin again. Inspector Lupo apprehends the members of the Orchestra Verdammten, all wanted for various crimes. The televator was malfunctioning so the Umbrella Academy hitch a ride back home with two piano movers. When they arrive home they see the reason the televator was not working—the Eiffel Tower, launched into space all those years ago, had crash landed on their house, destroying it. The Umbrella Academy picks itself up and resumes business as usual, which Spaceboy does by making himself a sandwich.

I never read the Second Series and only a couple books from the first... but I do know that I liked Vanya way better in the series then the book...

In the series... her decent is more due to a mental break attributed to the manipulations of the Leonard/The Conductor... I hate that he died...

but I do think that he is going to come back again through time travel...
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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
The Horror is wild did he manifest when he’s dead? And the Seance is also telekinetic. I believe that they all have have the ability to exhibit godlike powers because the only limitation they have on them is their own emotions. And there doesn’t seem to be a drain on using their powers if they don’t want.

Man you are really right! This series can go for awhile and the side stories themselves can push this well into 5+seasons. This is Wildcards meets X-men meets Alex Ross meets multiverse. Also number 5 really gets no penalty for time jumping except he remains youthful? And is offered to be a demigod? Shit, I’ll take it!

I think they slightly changed his powers like they did Vanya.... I don't think he is telekinetic here but I do think they gave him an even better ability with this ability to Manifest the dead..

This gives them the ability to bring Ben into the actual story and maybe we can finally figure out how he died...

Personally I think Ben killed himself because he hated his power...

I also think it was nice.. to have him actually talk to god... Something tells me that that is coming back.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
To make it easier....

Spaceboy = Luther
Rumor = Allison
Kraken = Diego
Seance = Klaus
Vanya = Vanya

I never read the Second Series and only a couple books from the first... but I do know that I liked Vanya way better in the series then the book...

In the series... her decent is more due to a mental break attributed to the manipulations of the Leonard/The Conductor... I hate that he died...

but I do think that he is going to come back again through time travel...
That kid playing #5 is doing a great job. Kid is fucking hilarious.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
just finished it. How we get 10 episodes of this, but have to sit thru damn near 15 episodes of Luke Cage and Punisher. This is the shit that could have been 15 episodes and we wouldn't have minded. But it's cool, since there wasn't much filler (even the dance scenes were cool).

Allison has a nice body but
now that she lost her voice, is she useless? can they go back in time to where it happened and prevent it?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Watched it this weekend. Really well done. Didn't know any of the original story, came in fresh and found it highly entertaining. I knew what was going to happen as soon as they introduced the Leonard character but I thought they handled it well. I suspected the deeper story with Hazel and ChaCha was something they only did for the show and I found it added to the show.

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Mary j did her thing. Who read her lines for her? Haha jk .

But she was very good.

Dude who plays klaus can only shine in those crazy roles. That's what he plays best. He played the same kinda role in misfits
Yea, Mary did a good job too. She had a much bigger role than the trailers would have led one to believe. Agreed on the kid from Misfits too... He essentially played the same guy..

Iron Man

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just finished it. How we get 10 episodes of this, but have to sit thru damn near 15 episodes of Luke Cage and Punisher. This is the shit that could have been 15 episodes and we wouldn't have minded. But it's cool, since there wasn't much filler (even the dance scenes were cool).

Allison has a nice body but
now that she lost her voice, is she useless? can they go back in time to where it happened and prevent it?

I think her powers will grow to be telepathic.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I think her powers will grow to be telepathic.

I agree....

They need a telepath in this and it does seem like everyone has at least two types of powers.. except for Allison, Diego, and spaceboy right now...

We know that Diego can hold his breath forever but they didn’t show that in here.. we don’t know about spaceboys other powers yet.

Texas Catdaddy

the omnipotent one .....
Platinum Member
Watched it this weekend. Really well done. Didn't know any of the original story, came in fresh and found it highly entertaining. I knew what was going to happen as soon as they introduced the Leonard character but I thought they handled it well. I suspected the deeper story with Hazel and ChaCha was something they only did for the show and I found it added to the show.

Did she think he wanted to be with " her " ..... can't click no spoilers n shyt in here .....


International Member
Yea, Mary did a good job too. She had a much bigger role than the trailers would have led one to believe. Agreed on the kid from Misfits too... He essentially played the same guy..
Numba 5 really played the old man in a young body had me fooled. When he said would chew his own leg in the bowling scene I laughed hard cause I knew that was coming.

Casting was perfect. They didn't have to do bubbles dirty tho .

Yoo @fonzerrillii remember we had that discussion about not caring about characters from mayans? This is the opposites everybody had time to shine. That's what I was talking about .


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
so far this is a little slow and the quirkiness is not making up for the lack of action.

the best part right now for me is 5 ...... little dude can act

grade about half way through is a solid C C+