Netflix Series: THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (Season 3 Discussion thread)(New Trailer 5/19/22) (Drops 6/22/22)


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Numba 5 really played the old man in a young body had me fooled. When he said would chew his own leg in the bowling scene I laughed hard cause I knew that was coming.

Casting was perfect. They didn't have to do bubbles dirty tho .

Yoo @fonzerrillii remember we had that discussion about not caring about characters from mayans? This is the opposites everybody had time to shine. That's what I was talking about .

Facts... I cared about pretty much ever character in this thing. I can’t really remember a weak link in here. I’m actually going to watch it again. I actually liked this more then altered carbon and I think everyone know how much I fucking love that show.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so far this is a little slow and the quirkiness is not making up for the lack of action.

the best part right now for me is 5 ...... little dude can act

grade about half way through is a solid C C+
Thought it was just me. Watched an episode and a half and I was kind of struggling to get through it.

The kid is definitely the saving grace so far.


Rising Star
OG Investor
This shit is garbage.

I have been watching the first episode for about a week.

It's like having a root canal on the same tooth over and over.

The cast is absolutely colour, flavour or style.

Just regular corny pinks with a mixed chick thrown in....

I can only watch this shit in 5-10 minute intervals.

I got to the part in episode 1 with them dancing....and was like.....

The shit is dumb...not worth finishing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Watched it this weekend. Really well done. Didn't know any of the original story, came in fresh and found it highly entertaining. I knew what was going to happen as soon as they introduced the Leonard character but I thought they handled it well. I suspected the deeper story with Hazel and ChaCha was something they only did for the show and I found it added to the show. only on episode 4 now but enjoying this more than i thought i would


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This shit is garbage.

I have been watching the first episode for about a week.

It's like having a root canal on the same tooth over and over.

The cast is absolutely colour, flavour or style.

Just regular corny pinks with a mixed chick thrown in....

I can only watch this shit in 5-10 minute intervals.

I got to the part in episode 1 with them dancing....and was like.....

The shit is dumb...not worth finishing

Bad dumb decisions over and over again. Basically the typical cac create an unneccesary problem and labor to solve it. Adopting so called special kids just to fuck up their lives
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BGOL Investor
This show was mediocre at best before it went full on fagitry, it was all down hill from there.


BGOL Investor
This shit is garbage.

I have been watching the first episode for about a week.

It's like having a root canal on the same tooth over and over.

The cast is absolutely colour, flavour or style.

Just regular corny pinks with a mixed chick thrown in....

I can only watch this shit in 5-10 minute intervals.

I got to the part in episode 1 with them dancing....and was like.....

The shit is dumb...not worth finishing



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
just finished it. How we get 10 episodes of this, but have to sit thru damn near 15 episodes of Luke Cage and Punisher. This is the shit that could have been 15 episodes and we wouldn't have minded. But it's cool, since there wasn't much filler (even the dance scenes were cool).

Allison has a nice body but
now that she lost her voice, is she useless? can they go back in time to where it happened and prevent it?

Netflix wanted the Marvel series to be 10 episodes to cut down on filler (cut down cost) but Marvel refused citing the contract was for 13 episodes a season


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was ok. Started off slow but kicked off at the end. VERY predictable... "yes let's suppress the most powerful person on the planet" yep that always ends well.. soooo, was the monocle preparing them to fight their own sister? I think xmen did it first Jean grey = #7
All of this could've been avoided if they'd just communicated with each other... why does everything have to have the dysfunctional family cliche? I just finished watching the Haunting of Hill house and this seemed like the same damn thing...
Having said that I can't wait for season 2, for both :cool:


Mr. Pool
Show turned out alright, Def didn’t do the comics justice. Doom patrol and deadly class are way fucking better. Especially doom patrol so far, So weird but so fucking good.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
I finish watching the first season of this show and it was ok!!...To me, it started off weak but around the 6th to the last episodes of this show it got pretty good!!..

Props to Mary J..She did her thing in show!!..
have to agree to disagree on that

mary can't act...her voice is very monotone and boring


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ok saw episode 4 last night

@fonzerrillii @ansatsusha_gouki

Ummm very bbc America

I forgot i read the comics.

The acting is uneven, but i think it was cast well.

MJB / Cha cha looks freaking delicious but she can't act. Interesting choice, cause she making it work, somehow.

How Hazel with no powers beat a gorilla man?

I don't care if the whole cast or supposed to be gay... just be good.

I UNDERSTAND all the characters motivations but something seems paint by the numbers, a little predictable

(Dirk gently?)

Could be my own fault a lifetime of watching and reading this stuff...

Can't judge fairly yet but its good so far.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I'm gonna go deeper later but so far...

I can't believe I'm wr3oting this but

Ellen Page didn't bring it like she was supposed to.

That was NOT Dark Willow... nope.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Umbrella Academy Easter Egg May Explain What Happened To The Other 36 Babies

The Umbrella Academy may have secretly explained what happened to the other 36 super-powered children. The Netflix series, inspired by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá's popular comic books, proved to be a major success when it released in early 2019, becoming the most in-demand digital original series in the US.

The first season of The Umbrella Academy began with the birth of 43 super-powered babies - children of women who had previously shown no signs of pregnancy. Eccentric billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves believed these babies would have tremendous potential, so traveled the world seeking out the surviving infants, attempting to persuade their mothers to give them up. He acquired seven of them and founded the Umbrella Academy in order to train them to become heroes. But what the show didn't address directly was what happened to the other 36 kids.

RELATED: How The Umbrella Academy Is Different To (& Better Than) The Comics

It's strongly implied that some of the babies died during childbirth, which makes sense given these were entirely unexpected; one birth was shown happening in a swimming pool, and another on a train. A subtle Easter egg - highlighted in Screen Rant's latest video - does suggest what may have happened to the rest of them, however. In one flashback scene, a young Leonard Peabody is shown playing with Umbrella Academy action figures, and he makes a throwaway reference to "the evil Dr. Terminal," an Umbrella Academy foe in the comics.


In the comics, Dr. Terminal was a genius inventor who was diagnosed with Einstein Syndrome, a rare (and fictional) disease that eats a person from the nervous system to the brain. He created technology that allowed him to extend the duration of his life by devouring the life-energies of others, and became one of the Umbrella Academy's recurring supervillains. Dr. Terminal is something of a stereotypical bad guy, ultimately driven by an insatiable desire to destroy the Earth.

The Umbrella Academy only featured a few flashbacks to the team's time as active heroes, and they were shown in combat against typical thugs and thieves. But the Easter egg referencing Dr. Terminal suggests that they also had supervillains to fight. It's reasonable to assume that some of these, possibly even Dr Terminal himself, were other kids who'd been born with powers. They could have been the children who survived their unexpected births, and who Sir Reginald Hargreeves failed to collect. Maybe their mothers were reluctant to give them up; perhaps local politics meant Hargreeves was unable to get to them; or maybe the children simply disappeared, given they were born all across the world, not just in developed nations where births are registered. They then grew up and lived their own lives, with some of them potentially becoming the very enemies the Umbrella Academy strove to protect the world from.

The Umbrella Academy season 2 looks set to explore the history of Hargreeves' team via time travel, which means it's possible some of their foes will soon make their small-screen debut.