Netflix Series: THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (Season 3 Discussion thread)(New Trailer 5/19/22) (Drops 6/22/22)


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
dope ep ...

when Lila at the end did this i was like ... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

that last fight was one of the best ending battles i`ve seen in a minute ....:yes:

give this season a solid 9 ....:bravo:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just finished. Thought it was solid all the way around. Good Character development. Good use of Time Travel without resorting to Bill and Ted hijinks.
Minor complaint that they had a lot of exposition around 5's and Klaus' expanded powers, but nothing that really explained Diego's new ability. He seemed to just do it because he needed to.

Also Allison's powers really seem limited with her having to prefix those words before her powers work. She's basically only effective if people don't see her coming. Then again without that constraint she's would be Overpowered. I think if her powers worked on direct eye contact might be a good compromise.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Just finished. Thought it was solid all the way around. Good Character development. Good use of Time Travel without resorting to Bill and Ted hijinks.
Minor complaint that they had a lot of exposition around 5's and Klaus' expanded powers, but nothing that really explained Diego's new ability. He seemed to just do it because he needed to.

Also Allison's powers really seem limited with her having to prefix those words before her powers work. She's basically only effective if people don't see her coming. Then again without that constraint she's would be Overpowered. I think if her powers worked on direct eye contact might be a good compromise.
yeah, it's cost her twice already.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Not a new power fam...

Diego's power has also been trajectory manipulation... Typically it's how he manipulates the knives he throws... but the final battle showed him manipulating the bullets shot at him. He just did it on a larger scale then normal.
They showed it during the opening moments in episode 1 too when the Soviets were shooting at him


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not a new power fam...

Diego's power has also been trajectory manipulation... Typically it's how he manipulates the knives he throws... but the final battle showed him manipulating the bullets shot at him. He just did it on a larger scale then normal.
Right, but you would think if he was fully aware of that power he would use it in his hand to hand combat as well. I just like a little setup before it seems new powers come out of nowhere. They set it up nicely for Klaus by having Ben hold him up and appear to levitate. They foreshadowed 5's time shift ability with his conversation with their Dad. Like I said it's just a minor nit pic.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Every Character Ranked
I'd probably shift a couple around, but he got No. 1 right.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You know real talk?

Karl ?

You not a BAD guy

Loved his wife and special needs kid which no one at the time even knew existed at the time.

Took in a woman that his WIFE HIT WITH HER CAR fed clothed housed and respected

Paid for a Placed newspaper ad EVERY month for her to be found

Worked hard

like to go to the club have a few drinks...

His brother was a cop

Seriously why Karl the bad guy here?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some of my favorite season 2 quotes:

(Diego to Klaus) "If you don't go up there, I will BEAT you.... And not in the way that you like!"

(Klaus) "Is it just me, or did we all get sexier?"

(Allison to her husband) "I wish I could be here for the nervous breakdown that you so deserve."

(Klaus) "Allison has become very involved in local politics."

(Allison) "Klaus started a cult!"

(Secret society dude to Sir Reginald) "Looks like somebody's ready for a fight..."

(Five to Elliott) "Any closer and I will melt your brain."


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
You know real talk?

Karl ?

You not a BAD guy

Loved his wife and special needs kid which no one at the time even knew existed at the time.

Took in a woman that his WIFE HIT WITH HER CAR fed clothed housed and respected

Paid for a Placed newspaper ad EVERY month for her to be found

Worked hard

like to go to the club have a few drinks...

His brother was a cop

Seriously why Karl the bad guy here?
Patriarchy and misogyny bad, Mmm kay.
