New Dave Chappelle Special” The Closer” October 5th


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Ridiculous humans with so much free time on their hands,
This country really has lost it's mind.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stupid. This just proves Dave’s point. Once again, the group of people who complain about intolerance are the most intolerant of others. And they have the media and politicians constantly lapping at their heels which empower them to continue this nonsense


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I thought it was hilarious. I don't usually laugh out loud at his comedy because it is more thought provoking, but I laughed out LOUD. Repeatedly. At 2 AM in the morning.

All the complaints wouldn't be so bad but he basically told folks before or after he made a joke that he was making a point. He made comments about everyone from Space Jews, women on. In fact, he insulted all the other groups first and basically signaled what he was doing. When speaking about Sojourner Truth, he said something along the lines of "You know how BLACK BITCHES are, she got on up there anyway." Sojourner Truth, y'all. SOJURNER TRUTH. Not one complaint about all the other folks he insulted tho, which was his point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I thought it was hilarious. I don't usually laugh out loud at his comedy because it is more thought provoking, but I laughed out LOUD. Repeatedly. At 2 AM in the morning.

All the complaints wouldn't be so bad but he basically told folks before or after he made a joke that he was making a point. He made comments about everyone from Space Jews, women on. In fact, he insulted all the other groups first and basically signaled what he was doing. When speaking about Sojourner Truth, he said something along the lines of "You know how BLACK BITCHES are, she got on up there anyway." Sojourner Truth, y'all. SOJURNER TRUTH. Not one complaint about all the other folks he insulted tho, which was his point.

Exactly!! He talked about EVERYONE! And even made a point to say directly his target isn't Asians, Gays, women....."It's white people!"

And again, the LGBTQ... wants equality..... So if we can joke about everyone else, y'all can get these jokes too!

Because if we have to give you special treatment, THAT'S NOT EQUALITY!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I thought it was hilarious. I don't usually laugh out loud at his comedy because it is more thought provoking, but I laughed out LOUD. Repeatedly. At 2 AM in the morning.

All the complaints wouldn't be so bad but he basically told folks before or after he made a joke that he was making a point. He made comments about everyone from Space Jews, women on. In fact, he insulted all the other groups first and basically signaled what he was doing. When speaking about Sojourner Truth, he said something along the lines of "You know how BLACK BITCHES are, she got on up there anyway." Sojourner Truth, y'all. SOJURNER TRUTH. Not one complaint about all the other folks he insulted tho, which was his point.


There it is

That's it

Many of us been saying this but you articulated it extremely well.

I will repeat AGAIN.... the bad crowd seriously hurt the special in a lot of ways. I think the crowd needing to be handheld thru most of the jokes?

Is what made some jokes land different and I can understand if you came in with an agenda? Why it would hit different.

And this far from his best work, I think Dave would even admit that.

His pure skill and talent saved a lot of concepts.


And that is all he wanted to do.