Note 7 recalled worldwide!!!


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Samsung should have let shit just ride out. 35 defective phones out of 2.5 million sold world wide. Or 24 out of every million sold was defective. That is what Apple would have done. It's an inconvenience but not a deal breaker for me.

Any recall program takes a few weeks to implement and that is too long to go with out a phone.

If your phone is defective it's right out the box, out the gate from the jump or straight from the assembly production line...... it's never days or weeks later. If you ain't one of those 35 people whose phone battery exploded while charging, then your good. A defect in the battery will show itself right away, not days or weeks later.

My note 7 works fine after 7 days of use including full charging by the way.

Yours Truly..... Professor

Apple would have ignored it and waited it out

but then social media would have taken over like with bend gate

Apple has had iPhones catch fire and they pretty much ignored so I guess it just depends if it catches on

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Whateva. Love mine. Once they get it sorted I'll switch it out, right now the problem is in what, 35 out of 2.5 million? You probably have better odds of hitting the lottery.
Mofos be like

This all day.


I Haz Risen
I gave up on Samsung a long time ago.

The frosting on the cake was last year when I took my sister to Lowes to look at a new washer and dryer.

A lady approached the appliance sales dude we were talking to and asked where she could get service on her extended warranty for her Samsung washer, since Samsung's service center was not very helpful.

She said a pieces of metal broke off during the spin cycle and shot out through the side of the machine at high speed.

If someone was standing there, they'd be dead.

Btw, front load washers spin cycle can be around 1000 rpm.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Cancelled my order. I'll wait till they get it sorted....I still WANT THIS PHONE!!!
Got mine on the release date and it hasn't given me a problem. I'm just cautious now when I'm charging it. I'll charge it to 90% before going to bed and in the morning give it an extra charge before leaving for work. Not taking any chances until the recall is resolved.


I work for sprint we are not allowed to sell the note 7 till future notice. That crazy though. So many people wanted this phone and had to put down a lot since you can't lease it for this happen is un call for

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I gave up on Samsung a long time ago.

The frosting on the cake was last year when I took my sister to Lowes to look at a new washer and dryer.

A lady approached the appliance sales dude we were talking to and asked where she could get service on her extended warranty for her Samsung washer, since Samsung's service center was not very helpful.

She said a pieces of metal broke off during the spin cycle and shot out through the side of the machine at high speed.

If someone was standing there, they'd be dead.

Btw, front load washers spin cycle can be around 1000 rpm.
Appliances and electronics malfunction everyday B you'll be alright. That same shit has happened to every company who makes washers. There's cases for all types of shit going wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ehhhhhh I'm keeping my 7 I haven't heard of any cases In the US. call me crazy but I don't think mine is part of the 32 out of 1.2 Million


Surviving Kamala Emhoff
BGOL Investor
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Surviving Kamala Emhoff
BGOL Investor
At least they recognize there is a problem. Had it been apple they would have told customers to go buy a phone bumper.
:roflmao3::roflmao::lol:So now an exploding samsung phone thread becomes an anti-apple thread?

I swear, you niggas are more bitchmade than the fanboys that camp out in line.
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Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I gave up on Samsung a long time ago.

The frosting on the cake was last year when I took my sister to Lowes to look at a new washer and dryer.

A lady approached the appliance sales dude we were talking to and asked where she could get service on her extended warranty for her Samsung washer, since Samsung's service center was not very helpful.

She said a pieces of metal broke off during the spin cycle and shot out through the side of the machine at high speed.

If someone was standing there, they'd be dead.

Btw, front load washers spin cycle can be around 1000 rpm.
This happens to any kind of front loader. Samsung happens to be one of the better manufacturers out there of appliances along with TV equipment. I can't down them if 35 out of 2.5 million phones were damaged. I think one should congratulate them on repairing a problem from the gate and not covering up a situation as many companies do.

Side bar that Apple fan boys forget as well is that Samsung makes the chips in Apple phones.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
Aww you sound butt hurt, time out nigga.

:roflmao3::roflmao::lol:So now an exploding samsung phone thread becomes an anti-apple thread?

I swear, you niggas are more bitchmade than the fanboys that camp out in line.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
:oops: Actually, i'm concerned about YOUR health. Be careful out there fam.

I'm good playboi...
I'm going do all my charging inside my Maxima. ... overnight..... laptops and other valuables in the trunk.

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
Samsung Is Giving Out New Note 7s/S7 edges (w/Accessories) And Throwing In A Gift Card

I highly recommend you replace your Note 7 through this program if you had no intention to do so. They'll give you a refund and new matching accessories if you opt for the S7 edge. Both options get you a free gift card on top of that, no questions asked.


By now, you've probably already heard about several Note7s exploding due to battery issues. Due to this, Samsung issued a recall for all Galaxy Note7s, halted sales, and stopped shipments. As part of this global recall, Samsung has created a product exchange program for Note7 owners in the United States.

This initiative, which is actually officially called the US Product Exchange Program, will give Note7 owners in the US two options. The first option is to exchange their Galaxy Note7 with a newer one. Customers who go this route can have new Note7s in their hands as early as next week. The second option is to exchange their Note7 and any Note7-specific accessories for a Galaxy S7 or S7 edge and a refund of the price differences between the Note7 and the replacement. For instance, if you have a T-Mobile Note7 ($849.99) and wanted to swap it for a T-Mobile S7 ($679.99), you'd receive a $170 refund. Going through with either option will net the consumer either a $25 gift card or $25 bill credit from select (unspecified) carriers/retailers.

If you own a Galaxy Note7 in the US, you can either contact or visit the store where you purchased it or call
1-800-SAMSUNG FREE to go about this product exchange.


Rising Star
Im gonna be real...i've had galaxies for a while now.. notes, S5, S6...but for me I still think that these phones have too much lag to be a $900 device. I already know people are going to say, don't use touchwiz, get nova launcher, etc. But I just don't feel as if I should have to do that shit for a phone that costs this much. Depending on what you're doing the lag is definitely noticeable and it was the same way with the last 2 galaxy phones i've had. Honestly considering switching to that new Moto phone or maybe the V11. Having to replace the launcher on a phone that expensive is just some bullshit.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Just got this from TMO I love TMO

Dear Customer,

Samsung notified us today that they are recalling the Galaxy Note7 due to a battery safety concern. There have been 35 cases reported globally as of September 1st. Samsung has communicated to us that they will have replacement Note7 devices that should be available in the next 2-4 weeks.

As our customer, your safety is our number one priority. We're making it easy for you to return and exchange your Galaxy Note7, free of charge.

You have options:
1. Sign up and we’ll let you know when the new Samsung Galaxy Note7 is available
2. Switch to a new device
3. Return phone for a full refund
Please click here for more info.

Sincerely,/ Your T-Mobile Team

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Just got this from TMO I love TMO

Dear Customer,

Samsung notified us today that they are recalling the Galaxy Note7 due to a battery safety concern. There have been 35 cases reported globally as of September 1st. Samsung has communicated to us that they will have replacement Note7 devices that should be available in the next 2-4 weeks.

As our customer, your safety is our number one priority. We're making it easy for you to return and exchange your Galaxy Note7, free of charge.

You have options:
1. Sign up and we’ll let you know when the new Samsung Galaxy Note7 is available
2. Switch to a new device
3. Return phone for a full refund

Please click here for more info.

Sincerely,/ Your T-Mobile Team